Immoral by Nicole Dykes

Yesterday wasawesome watching Ry and his teammates celebrate their victory with the entire metro area. The place was packed full and a sea of blue.

Last night was even better, sharing his bed and exploring each other’s bodies. We haven’t gone too far yet, but I’m fucking ready.

More than ready.

No part of me cares that his body is male and not female like I’m used to. His hard edges and muscular lines turn me the fuck on, along with the fact that it’s Ry—my best friend.

“Morning.” God, I even love his fucking voice. It’s deep and low, rumbling in my ear.

“Good morning.” I open my eyes and see him peering down at me like he can’t believe I’m here. “Are you ready for a repeat of last night?” I waggle my eyebrows and move my body so it’s resting on top of his.

He smiles, his hand sliding over my cheek. “Yeah. I’m definitely ready for more of that.”

Just as our mouths start to drift toward each other, there’s a loud bang downstairs followed by a shrill voice that makes my dick instantly deflate. “Ryan, get your ass down here.”

“Why the fuck does your agent have a key?”

He groans, resting his hands over his eyes. “Fuck. She pretty much controls my life. It seemed like a good idea at the time.”

I shake my head, my body still on top of his. “It’s not.”

He lays a quick kiss on my lips before sliding out from under me where he fucking belongs and tugs on a pair of sweats, sweeping his hand through his messy bedhead. “If I don’t go out there, she’s going to come in here.”

I reluctantly climb out of bed and grab a pair of sweats myself, pulling them on as I grumble. He laughs as he watches me and then grabs a baseball cap, tugging it on over his head.

I couldn’t give a fuck and follow him to the foyer to face his ballbusting agent. “There you are.” She looks behind Ryan and sees me. “And of course, he’s in tow.” I resist the urge to flip her off, but she’s actually smiling. “There are pictures of you two everywhere.”

We all walk into Ry’s living room and take our seats—Jenny in a chair on her own and Ry and me on the couch. “Okay? Why are you smiling?” Ryan asks the question I was silently wondering.

Her dark eyebrows pull together like we’re both stupid. “Because there are pictures of you two all over the place. People are eating this bromance up.”

Bromance. Pretty sure my eyes just darted out of my head, but Ry just leans back against the couch. “So bromances are a good thing? Me taking a picture with a fan, not so good?”

She rolls her eyes at him, crossing her thin little arms. “You’re still pissy about that? Come on, Ryan. You know the game by now.”

I’m pretty sure he’s sick to death of said game, but I manage to keep my mouth shut.

“Yeah, yeah,” he grumbles, back to being a grumpy motherfucker.

“Anyway.” She waves her hand in our direction. “Keep this shit up, okay? It’s good. It’s very good. Fans are eating it up.

Yeah, she’s happy now, but that’s because she has no idea where my tongue was just last night.

Ry must sense my thoughts because he shoots me a warning look, and I can’t wait to get this bitch out of here so I can help him relax.

“I booked a show for you two tomorrow.”

That gets my attention. “A show?”

She nods. “Yeah. You guys are going on The Tonight Show via video. It’s all set up. You’ll just answer questions about your childhood and how you reconnected. They’ll love it.”

Ry looks pale, but I’m pissed. “What the fuck? You aren’t my agent.”

She rolls her eyes at me, and it’s not cute when she does it like when Ry does it. “Oh, please. As if I didn’t contact Waylon. He’s completely on board with this.”

My mouth pops open in shock, and she again rolls her eyes.

She turns her attention solely to Ry. “Every appearance ups your popularity. Which, in turn, makes your price tag higher.”

“You’re fucking lovely.”

“Eat me.” She glares at me.

“Not a fucking chance, princess.”

She’s shooting daggers at me, but Ryan intervenes, sitting forward. “Guys, get along.” He eyes his agent. “We’ll do it.”

She stands up, her heels clicking on the wooden floor as she walks over, zoning in on me. “Thank fuck you aren’t my problem, but you do increase his price. So, thank you.” She purses her lips, kissing at me condescendingly, and I keep my ass planted on the couch.

She tells Ry she’ll be in touch before walking out the door, and I turn to him, curious about why the hell he would agree to this. “You really want to do an interview together? Perpetuating this whole ‘bromance’ bullshit?”

“We’re friends.”

“Who are fucking,” I deadpan.

His expression switches from concern, straight to fucking lust as he moves his body closer to mine. “Not quite fucking. Not yet.”

“Don’t try and distract me, asshole.”

He grins, and damn if it doesn’t work because him smiling is every fucking thing. “What if people pick up on it?”

“I’ve done several interviews. So far, so good.”

“But with me right next to you?” My hand grazes his thigh, and he shudders, so fucking responsive to my touch.

“Well, you can’t be doing that shit.”

He straddles my legs, his weight heavy but nice as his hands come up and grasp my hair at the sides. “Ry . . .”

“What?” he asks, but I’m lost in the sensation of his growing erection grinding against my own.

“We should shower.” My hands clutch his ass. “Eat.” He grins and nods, resting his forehead against mine. “Maybe eventually talk.”

His grip tightens in my hair, and I sense his nerves. “Talk about what?”

I increase my hold on his ass, massaging the firm cheeks in my hand. “Everything.”

Now he looks worried, and I can’t imagine why. I mean, his ass is literally in my hands at the moment. It’s not like I’m going anywhere or want to. “Everything?” He swallows tightly, and I watch the motion, bringing one hand up to drag a finger over his throat.

“Yeah. The future. Our careers. All that shit.”

He’s gone back to my grumpy Ry, climbing off my lap and nodding. “Okay. I guess we should go shower.”

He doesn’t ask me to join him in his room, and I sit there, unsure about what the fuck just happened. He doesn’t want to talk about the future?

Am I reading everything wrong?