Striker’s Claim by Lila Fox

Chapter Four

Striker looked around and caught sight of Kristina, and something in him relaxed. The way she interacted with people and her sweet smile was something he thought of a lot. He and his men would eat and then leave, and that would have to do until he could get away again.

Hey, guys, what can I get you to drink?”

The usual for me, Tammy. How’s she doing?”

The waitress looked over her shoulder to where Kristina stood talking to a customer before she turned back to him.

Something’s going on with her sister. I’m planning on taking her home with me, and with my husband's help, we’ll figure out what to do.”

Striker eyed her and rested his arms on the back of his bench. “Tell me.”

Okay. Kristina needs help.”

What kind?”

Tammy told him about Kristina’s sister and the abuse she’d inflicted on her. “Then she comes in today and says her sister commented on her virginity and then made a comment that she could use that to her advantage.”

What the fuck are you going to do about it?” Striker asked in a rough tone. He was pissed that she’d been threatened and by someone she was supposed to trust.

Tammy shrugged. “Take her and keep her away from her sister. I might add her sister has tried to join the MC clubs around here, and for some reason, no one wants her. I also heard she’s been hanging with the Black Demons at the bar they like to party at. I’m guessing they are involved with whatever her sister has planned for her.”

Hey, boss, I’ll take her,” Feral says.

Tammy continued, “I was going to have my husband talk to Devil, the Prez of the Devils’ Sons. I know he already has a few women like her, and she’d fit in and have their protection.”

Striker nodded. “Yeah, I’ve met one of them. But I think she needs to come with me.”

He waited as Tammy seemed to think about it.

You have to promise you won’t try to make her into one of the whores. She’s not made for that.”

I agree.”


Striker glared at Feral. “Not going to fucking happen. She’s mine. I’m claiming her, so you boys back the fuck off.”

Striker glanced at Kristina. “Will she even want to go with me? Because I’m not kidnapping her.”

I think so. I’ll talk to her, but I think it would help if just the two of you talked first, so she’s not overwhelmed.”

Striker nodded. “After we eat, I’ll take her aside.”

Thank you. She’s a sweetie.”

You know that if she agrees, she won’t be working here anymore?”

Yeah, I figured, but she’s a friend, and she’s been through hell because of that sister of hers.”

Go talk to her, but first, get us some food.”

She smiled. “Let me take your order.”


Tammy took Kristina aside. “Do you trust me?”

Kristina’s eyes widen. “Yes, why?”

I’m going to need you to trust that I’m thinking about your welfare and nothing else.”

She didn’t like the sound of this. “I trust you more than anyone. Hell, you’re the only one I do trust.”

Tammy exhaled. “Good. I’ve asked Striker to take you with him. He’ll protect you against everything, but you’ll be living with the MC group, and it can be a hard life.”

Kristina glanced over at the men. “What would I be doing?”

I’m not sure, but it’s not going to be one of the sluts. It sounds like the Viper’s Crew Prez wants you for himself.”

Which one is he?” She really was hoping he was the one she’d wanted to talk to for months.

Tammy grinned. “Striker. The one who always stares at you.”


Tammy chuckled. “I’ve also seen the way you look at him.”

Kristina’s gaze darted back to her, and she could feel herself blush. “Like how?”

Like you want to eat him up like your favorite candy.”

Kristina gasped. “I do not,” she yelled. Then she almost groaned when she noticed she had the group’s attention. Striker’s mouth was kicked up in a smirk like he knew what was being said.

Tammy held her hands out and smiled. “Okay, you don’t. Will you talk to the man? He’s dangerous but fair, and I know he’d never hurt a hair on your head.”

Kristina exhaled and nodded. “I’ll talk to him.”

Good. Now, let’s get back to work. We’ve got more customers.”