Striker’s Claim by Lila Fox

Chapter Five

Ever since Tammy told her about Striker, she couldn’t prevent her gaze from going to him.

Several times, her eyes caught and held his for a nanosecond, but it was enough to feel her insides twist with lust and a need so strong she got a little light-headed. She jerked her attention from him and tried to concentrate on the customers.

Later, she glanced at the group to find them still there. They’d been sitting for a few hours, and she wondered if it had to do with her. She hoped so.

Tammy bumped her shoulder with her own. “Hey, your last customer left. Go over and talk to him.”

Kristina nodded, pressed on her stomach, and walked that way. The conversations went silent as she stood in front of the group. She could feel her hands start to shake and wrapped her arms around her waist to hide them as she looked down at the floor.

She tried to keep her eyes on Striker, but all the attention and looks she was getting from the other men made her nervous. “I… Hi. I’m supposed to talk to you.”

Look at me,” Striker said, gaining her full attention. “I hear you’re having problems with your sister?”

She nodded.

Tammy told me that you think she’s going to have someone take your cherry against your will.”

Her face felt extremely hot, and she knew from the smirk on the guy’s face she was a bright red.

One of the men spoke up. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone blush.”

Kristina tightly closed her eyes. She’d never been so embarrassed. “Maybe, this isn’t a good…” She knew Striker was standing in front of her without opening her eyes. The heat from his body and his sultry musky scent drove her desire to a whole new level.

A gasp tore from her mouth when she opened her eyes and looked up and up some more to see that he towered over her, making her feel tiny and completely vulnerable. The top of her head reached his collarbone, and his body was twice what hers was. From what she could see, he was packed with muscle.

He gently but firmly gripped her upper arm and pulled her out the side door, and then pressed her against the building.

Now, let’s talk just the two of us.”

She nodded. It did help just to talk to him. She tilted her head back to see his face, but she had to tilt it far and started hurting right away.

He grinned when she moaned and rubbed the back of her neck. He switched places with her, moved his body until it was lower. Leaning against the building, he spread his legs apart and pulled her against his body.

Wait. What…” The feeling of him surrounding her sent a streak of panic and lust through her.

Hush. You’re fine. We’re just talking.”

She took a few breaths to settle down and stared into his eyes. They stood mainly in the shadows, but she could tell he had beautiful hazel eyes with long black lashes.

What are you thinking, babe?”

Oh, I… Um, I think your eyes are beautiful.”

She saw his expression and immediately blushed again. “I’m sorry. That’s probably not what a man wants to hear.”

He grinned. “If it’s just between the two of us, you’re okay. If you start saying that shit around the guys, I’ll pull down your pants and spank your ass red.”

His grin grew when her mouth dropped open. She snapped it shut and then narrowed her eyes at him. “You wouldn’t dare.”

He laughed. “I’d dare that and much more. Do you know anything about MC clubs?”

She shook her head. “Only that they live together, and the guys are usually big and mean and have tattoos.”

He chuckled. “That’s a small part of it. We’re like a family and very loyal to each other. If you become a part of it, you need to be loyal, too. If I find out you talk to a cop or anyone else about the club … you’re done, and I don’t mean we kick you out. Do you understand?”

She swallowed. “You mean dead?”

Yeah. There’s also a lot of things you’ll see that I know you’re not used to.”

Like what?”

The guys party hard, babe. You’ll see all kinds of fucking happening at all times of the day. We have half a dozen sweetbutts, and it’s their job to make sure my guys are entertained. They also drink and do drugs but never in excess because I won't allow it.”

She tried to back up, but he held her easily against him. “I can’t…”

You can’t watch? Are you too much of a prude? Because if you are, this won’t work.”

She shook her head. “No, it’s not that. I can’t be one of the women. Not ever.”

And you won’t. If you go home with us, you’ll be mine and mine alone. You’ll get everyone’s protection, and we’ll figure out what things you can do for the household. Can you handle that?”

Yes. Can I keep both jobs?”

He shook his head. “No. You’ll be in the clubhouse, and you won’t leave without me, or one of the men that I say can go with you.”

I’d be a prisoner?” Her heart sank. Was she going from one prison to another?