Striker’s Claim by Lila Fox

Chapter Six

He rolled his eyes. Damn, she was innocent and adorable, and he was psyched that she was finally going to be his and his alone. “No, you can go where you want. You’ll just have someone to protect you. Can you handle that?”

I don’t know. I think so.”

He nodded. “Good.”

He heard a commotion inside the diner, so he took her hand and pulled her inside. The first thing he saw was the skinny sister yelling her head off. She caught sight of them and headed their way. Striker pushed her back when she got too close.

What the fuck do you want?” he asked.

He heard Kristina whisper that she was the sister, Casey, at the same time the sister started screeching.

I’m her sister, and she needs to come with me. We have a meeting.”

He snorted. “I just bet you do.”

Casey tried to lunge around him and grab Kristina. He brutally gripped her arm, held her off, and turned to Feral. “Hold on to Kristina while I have a talk with her sister.”

You got it, boss.”

Striker watched a few of his men surround her before he started dragging Casey out the door he’d come in. He gripped her throat and pressed her against the hard, rough brick. Then he pulled his knife out and rubbed it against her face.

This is what’s going to happen. A few of my men will go get Kristina’s things. She’s moving into the clubhouse, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

Casey tried to fight to get away, but it was useless. His knife pricked her skin, which calmed her down immediately and put fear into her eyes.

Other than that, I want to know what the meeting is about.”

She growled. “None of your fucking business.”

He narrowed his eyes. “You’re either brave or incredibly stupid, and I have to lean toward the stupid.” He pulled her away from the wall a few inches and then slammed her back against it. “Tell me.”

Fuck! Okay. We were going to meet with a different MC club.”

Why?” He could tell she was trying to think and waited because he wanted to hear what lie she came up with.

They wanted to meet her.”

Really?” One of his eyebrows rose. “Why?”

I’d told them about her and how pretty she was.”

Is that right?” he asked sarcastically. Jesus, the cunt thought he was stupid. “Why don’t you tell me what MC it is?”

Black Demons.”

Shock raced through his body. Jesus, she couldn’t have picked a worse crew. They were the bottom of the barrel, and they did whatever they wanted, even if it hurt women and children.

I can’t believe you were going to give your sister to those monsters. You know exactly what would happen to her. They would have gang-raped her until she was bleeding and unconscious or dead.”

Casey shook her head. “No, Rock told me that wouldn’t happen.”

Striker snorted. “And you fucking believed him? Bullshit. You’re as bad if not worse than them. You’d sell your sister out, and for what?”


He banged her against the building harder than before. “You’re going to fucking tell me, or I’m going to slice you up.”

A lot of money and a place in their club. They wanted a virgin to break in.”

Do you know how bad I want to twist your neck right now? The only thing holding me back is Kristina. I don’t want her to be upset that I killed her sister, but this is what’s going to happen. You’re going to go away, and if I ever see your ugly face again, I will kill you. You got me?”

She nodded as much as she could with his hand around her throat.

I hope for your sake you didn’t take any of his money. The things he’ll do to you when you disappoint him are bad enough. If you have his money, you’ll feel pain you didn’t think existed, and if I were you, I’d run far, far away.”

He slammed her against the brick and enjoyed the sound of her cry of pain and her head hitting the brick. Then he released her and watched her slide down and sit on the ground with her back to the building, rubbing her throat and the back of her head.

You stay the fuck away from her. I’ve claimed her, so she’s mine now, and there’s nothing I won’t do to protect what’s mine.”

He turned and walked back into the diner, where he caught Tammy’s attention. “Is she good to go?”

Tammy nodded. She walked over to them and hugged Kristina. “I hope you can keep in touch.”

Kristina hugged her back. “I will. I feel bad leaving you in a lurch.”

Tammy shook her head. “Don’t. I already told our boss, and he has someone to come in. You go take care of yourself.”

She won’t have to because I’ll do it,” Striker said.

Tammy grinned and nodded her head. “I made the right decision. Maybe you could bring her back in to eat so I can see her.”

Striker nodded. “You got it.”

Striker pulled Kristina to face him and gripped her shoulders. “Is there anything here you need, babe?”

No. I have to give the apron back, though.”

He held up a hand. “I’ll buy it. I’d like to see you in it.”

Everyone but Kristina laughed because they knew he meant he wanted her naked and just wearing the apron.

He tossed some bills on the counter, curved an arm around Kristina’s waist, and started to walk out. “We’ll see you soon.”

Tammy grinned, nodded, and waved.