Omega Found by E.L. Rose


Iwake up the next morning to the smell of food cooking. Searching for the source of the smell, I walk out of my room to find Cam in the kitchen making eggs and bacon. I stop and stare at him.

He’s wearing his black sweatpants without a shirt on, leaving me to drool over his abs. His hair is up in his normal messy bun. My eyes trace over his face. Something stirs inside me and my body becomes uncomfortably warm.

He looks up at me and his face turns a bashful red, “I made you some breakfast.” He slips some eggs and bacon on a plate, picks up the glass of orange juice, and comes walking towards me.

My mouth dries up immediately, he moves so gracefully and the entire time his abs mock me. I try hard not to stare but it is damn near impossible. When he is finally standing in front of me, I realize that I have lost my opening to not be caught drooling over my roommate. I sheepishly look up to see a hint of amusement in his eyes.

“You hungry?”

Well, that is a loaded question. I have never felt this way before about anyone. My wolf wants him, she wants to mark him, bite him, she is possessive of him. Does he have a girlfriend? I realize I have snarled out loud when his eyebrows rise. “Yes, I am sorry, I was thinking of something, thank you, Cam.”

I sit down at the table. He fills his plate, then he comes to sit with me. We eat in silence and when our plates are empty Cam grabs mine and his and takes them to the sink.

“Okay, let’s get started. The Headmaster wants you to learn about the mating rituals, do you know anything about them?” He looks at me expectantly.

“I know that wolves have an instinct to mate. They know when their mate is near, and they bite when they mate to cement the bond. I know an immediate pack is not complete without an Alpha, but only one Alpha can rule all Alphas in the larger sense, and it has to do with bloodlines.”

I take a moment to think of what else I have learned. “I know that Alpha wolves are at the top of the chain and they are the first ones to mate. They are the leaders, and they must accept anyone else into his immediate pack once he has mated a female. The female can be either a Beta or a Gamma and on the rarest occasion an Omega. However, the hierarchy changes when you mate an Omega since they are rare. In that instance, an Alpha bends to the wishes of the Omega.”

He is smiling by the time I finish my tirade. “Impressive—you know more than I thought you would. Let’s talk about widowed wolves like me. Do you know anything?”

I try to rack my brain and come up short. “I’m sorry; I don’t think we got to widowed wolves.”

His eyes turn sad for a moment; I think he was hoping he wouldn’t have to go over that part with me. “We can divide widowed wolves up into two categories, simply put the elderly males and females versus the younger males and females.”

He takes a moment before he speaks again, I know this is probably difficult to talk about, but I am too curious to try to offer a way out. I am finally learning more about my species.

“Elderly widows rarely mate again, they find companionship, it is no longer about mating for them. They live peacefully with someone with similar interests, with an elderly female who may have lost all her mates she will find a new immediate pack. An elderly male must be welcomed into a pack if they’ve lost their mate. Younger females go into a heat cycle and call new mates to their side. Female wolves are precious, and they will always need a mate. Now with me being an Alpha and widowed, it is very unlikely I will find another pack; most females already have an Alpha and two Alpha males in a pack would be too much unless an Alpha mates with an Omega and she accepts him. An Omega is the only one that is able to calm more than one Alpha in a pack.”

I interrupt him, questions burning through me. My wolf has perked up, wanting to burst forth, “So, if you found an Omega you would have a pack again?”

He looks directly at me before he speaks, “Yes, if she accepts me and gives me a mating bite. An Omega has to be the one to bite and cement any bond to her. What do you know about packs?”

“I know each pack contains an Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. They are the immediate pack, but wolves have one bloodline per area who rule as the immediate Alpha. They must have a royal bloodline and they have to have an established pack to qualify and if more than one Alpha is proper, then they will fight until one submits. In the case of one Alpha having an Omega, they will immediately take the zone and more.”

“Very good. You've been listening. Let’s start with other species: do you know how any of them mate?”

I shake my head; I was going to borrow books to learn more about the other races but never got around to it.

“That is okay. You usually start that in year two, but since you know about wolves, I can teach you now.” I sit back and prop my feet up; I could listen to Cam all day.

“Shifters and vampires all mate by biting, except a dragon, they send their fire through their mate and leave their mark on their body. Fae, Incubus, and witch, they all mate with their mating marks on the skin, now with any royal mating, their marks will be on the spine and once the mating mark is completed by both, they will turn gold.”

“What you’re saying is I will never get the chance to have an awesome gold mating mark?” I laugh; I will be happy to find the perfect pack for me.

“Not unless you’re an Omega wolf.” He rolls his eyes. “One last thing before we end the mating… if an Omega mates with royal heirs then she cements the bond between all of them, they all get the royal marks of gold. It’s not a sexual thing—the other members don’t have to have sex with each other—the bond just cements a deeper relationship, even if it is familial.”

I have one more question that is burning me. I don’t know why I need to know so badly but I do, “Cam, what happens if a bond is not formally cemented and declared? Like what if the mates don’t want each other?”

He looks at me and his eyes turn sad again. “It means the bond fades. Few people would reject a mate since it is a blessing in any race of supernaturals. Usually, mates breed in the same circles, so most royals are mated to other royals. Are you worried that your mates will not like you, Honey?”

How did he see into me so well? I am scared, I have had so much rejection in my life that I don’t know if I can bear the people who were literally made for me turn me away. I think that would break me. “Honestly, Cam, I have been through a lot in my life, and meeting mates scares me.”

“Have you felt anything around anyone in particular?”

I look at him and my heart beats rapidly. I feel for him, strongly. I can’t tell him that because I don’t want to hurt him after what he told me today. I don’t even know what type of wolf I am. I feel strongly for Ronnie whenever I am around her, but again I can’t say anything, I can’t mate outside my species. Finally, the asshole heirs, my heart picks up just thinking about them. “No, I have felt nothing.”

“Don’t worry about it then. You have time and hopefully by the time you have your pack, you will feel more confident. Stand up and start doing some stretches, we can train for a bit before lunch.”

I stand up and help him move furniture around so we can work out in the living room. By the time we are done warming up, I think my panties have melted off me. I am sure he can smell me, but I refuse to look him in the eye for fear he will know exactly where my thoughts are as I watch him show me different moves.

“Okay, so we are going to go easy today and just work on how to get out of holds.”

We work through many scenarios before he tells me to lie on my back. When he crawls up my body and positions himself between my legs, then grabs my hands holding them above my head, I feel the juices leaking from my core.

“Honey, how do you get out of this?”

He is staring down at me while I try to slow my racing heart. Some of his hair has come undone from the messy bun and is hanging in between us. I want to reach up and brush it from his face. He presses his body harder into mine and grasps my wrists tighter, I can’t contain the moan that leaves me, I arch into him and his eyes go wide. He freezes, I freeze.

What the hell am I doing...

I feel something hard pressing into my hip and when he try to pull back, I make a split decision and I reach out and grab the back of his head and press my mouth to his. The kiss feels so right, I can feel my wolf trying to surge to the surface. I stop thinking. Cam is finally kissing me back and I need this, I need him.

When Cam pulls back, he stares straight into my eyes, “You are so beautiful."

Cam’s mouth finds mine again, and he consumes me. Our tongues tangle in a feverish dance as he settles himself over me again, pushing me further into the plush carpet. My wolf is howling pushing me towards something. Cam trails one finger over my chest leaving goosebumps in its wake.

My breath hitches when he reaches the waistband of my yoga pants. When he veers off and his palm caresses my hip, I start to wiggle. Cam captures my lips with his again and I moan into the kiss. My entire body is on fire and when I feel his hand trail back up my waist to land on the side of my breast, I arch into him. I want more, more than he is giving me.

“Please, Cam.” I don’t know what I am asking for, but I need him. He looks into my eyes and slams his mouth on mine again, causing me to whimper. My wolf howls, fighting for dominance and I lose. I feel my eyes shift and when Cam pulls back to look at me again, his eyes are reflecting his wolf. I reach a free hand up and yank his head to the side. I surge up and bite him right in the junction between his shoulder and neck.

Cam is breathing hard and I feel fire running through me. He snaps his teeth at me. “Honey, are you sure? Once we do this, we cannot take it back.”

I say nothing, I just offer my neck to him. He bites me fast. I feel pain before my body melts in pleasure. Cam is painfully hard against my hip. As he stares at me with a question in his eyes, I rip my shirt and bra over my head, tossing them aside. He gazes over every inch of my body.

Leaning forward to capture a nipple in his mouth, his tongue makes circles over it causing my nipple to pebble for him. He alternates between the two before beginning the trail down my stomach. He gently removes my pants and underwear, and I am finally laid bare in front of him. His hands slide up my legs to rest on my thighs. He leans down and his tongue takes the first swipe of my clit.

I arch into him and moan. He continues to assault my clit until I am dripping for him. My body is feverish and shivering with need. I feel the pressure build in my core as I reach down and place a hand in his hair. When he continues his assault on my clit, dipping one finger inside me and curling and sliding it in and out of me until I am bucking my hips on his hand. He dips his head, adding his tongue in my pussy making me moan and cum around his finger.

Cam crawls back up my body and slams his mouth on me. I can taste myself on his lips and I like it. I want more from him. He is still wearing his sweatpants and when I try to tug them down, he smiles at me. “Are you sure? We can stop.”

“Yes, please, Cam. I need this.”

With that, he scoops me up and carries me to the bedroom. He lays me down on my bed and then steps out of his pants. I gulp. He is big and thick, and I am a little nervous. He can tell I am, and he smiles at me.

“Honey, we will take it slow. Okay?”

I nod and part my legs for him in invitation. Instead of burying himself in me, he leans down and licks my clit again until I feel the familiar pressure of my first orgasm. When I am on the brink of release again, he stops.

He climbs back up to me and looks into my eyes as he slowly pushes his way inside me. He claims my lips again as he pushes past my barrier. I wince, but the pinch I feel does not hurt like I thought it would; his mouth distracts me from any discomfort.

“It's okay, Honey, just breathe.”

I nod my head and he kisses me again. When he is fully seated inside me, he moves, the little pain I experience vanishes the more he moves. He takes it slow. He captures my moans with his lips as his slow, deep thrusts build me up. I race towards the familiar pressure of a climax.

Wrapping my legs around his waist I pull him into me until he is buried to the hilt. He moans loudly. My fingers scrape down his back as I cry out my orgasm. With a few more thrusts, Cam follows; releasing inside of me. I feel the hot liquid shoot inside me only to ooze back out when he pulls himself out of me. Cam collapses next to me, dragging me to snuggle into him.

I am on cloud nine when I feel a sharp pain on my wrist, Cam curses as well. I see a gold vine mark that encircles my wrists and when I look at Cam, he has the same.

“Honey, you’re an Omega.” The world spins.

“Does this mean you’re my mate, Cam?”

He stared at me and smiled. “Yes Honey, I never thought I would be given this gift again. Thank you, I am honored.” He swoops down and kisses me again. For the second time that night we go at it, and it is just as beautiful as the first time.

Later, we climb in the shower, I am smiling as Cam joins me, and I take my turn washing him. When he turns and gives me his back, I take my time washing it. His back is muscled like the rest of him and taking the washcloth over his ass cheeks makes me giggle. I reach out and pinch one delectable ass cheek, he smiles and turns around.

“Your turn… turn around.”

I am giggling as I turn until his laughter cuts off abruptly.

“Cam, are you okay?” I peak at him over my shoulder. The anger in his eyes scares me, making me move to leave the shower.

“Honey, no, it's not you. They didn’t tell you, did they?”

“What are you talking about?”

He looks resigned, but he reaches around me and turns the water off, “Here, let me show you.” We get out of the shower and he makes me stand with my back to a mirror while he finds another square mirror. “Look at your spine, Honey. There are three mating marks, you’re mated to the royal heirs.”

I feel all the blood rush to my head. Cam catches me by the waist. “But how? You’re the first person I bit and the first person to have sex with.”

“Have they ever touched you?”

I pale, my mind immediately goes to the day I went to do my project with Syler. “Yes, they have.”

Cam looks at me and sighs. “Honey, they probably know that you have a new mate and that we had sex.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re an Omega, which means that when they touched you their species went on instinct and marked you, even if they did not want to. No species can resist an Omega wolf. They know you are an Omega and chose not to tell anyone about their marks on you. They do not want the bond, which is why they look older since it has not been complete. They can feel high emotions from you as your mate, as I will now be able to. So, they know.”

I don’t know what to say to him, I just take everything in.“Why would they not tell me?”

“Like I told you, some people, unfortunately, don’t want the mate bond, but Honey, I do.”

I feel hurt and happy all at the same time. My mates who were created for me don’t want me. They didn’t even bother to tell me about the bond, probably hoping I would never find out. I am happy because I have a new mate who looks at me like I hung the moon.

If this was the way it was supposed to be, then I am choosing to be happy. Happy with Cam, and maybe life will give me other mates who will want me.