Omega Found by E.L. Rose


“Get out, gutter trash.”

I am panicking, having flashbacks of my father when he would push me down. When my bag hits me in the face, I land on the ground again.

My face is stinging, I stumble back to my feet, and move to walk down the hall when a girl steps out from a room across the hall. It is my lovely escort from my first day of school and judging by her sneer I know I have once again made her mad.

She stomps over to me, her face twisted into a sneer, “What were you doing in my fiancé’s room, slut. Don’t you have your hands full with your daddy?”

Before I even think about what I am doing I haul off and punch her in the face, watching her go down and howl in pain.

The guys’ door opens again, and they look from me to her on the ground before the male of Asian descent comes running out. As much as I now hate these guys and fear them, he is stunning, wearing gray sweats and a fitted white t-shirt that softens his features. He turns and glares at me.

“What the hell have you done to my fiancé?” Legion storms from the room and I growl at her when she reaches her hand up to stroke his face.

Everyone in the hall freezes. When he stands up, he gets in my face and I can’t help but take in his scent, it makes me want to feel safe and warm, like being bundled in a warm blanket, even though I know it is a lie, he is a lie. I get visions of beautiful oranges, reds, and yellow leaves in my head before his nasty ignorant mouth ruins it.

“You just put a target on your back. You will pay for this. Now, leave.”

I run. I run until I get to my dorm and curl up on the couch and cry.

Hours later, Cam walks in, he doesn’t say anything. He just sits next to me in silence while I cry. When I wake up later, I am in my bed. Cam must have carried me in at some point.

I decide I will not acknowledge any of those assholes or let them ruin my chance to have a normal life. Since I woke up earlier than normal, I think of how I can thank Cam for being there last night. I decide on making him an omelet, with a glass of orange juice, and knock on his door with his goodies.

What I don’t expect is for him to open his door in tight fitted black sweatpants, his shoulder length hair still wet from a shower. I can still see droplets falling down his very bare chest and abs. I have to gulp and try to refocus, the longer I stare at him the more the imprint of his cock becomes bigger until he finally coughs.

“I assume you knocked on my door for something other than to stare at me?”

My face blazes, I can feel the heat traveling down my body. I raise my eyes, stopping when I catch sight of the tribal tattoo that starts on his left pec, covers his shoulder, and moves down his arm to his wrist.

“I made you breakfast.” I thrust the plate and drink at him, catching the surprise that crosses his face before he nods and slowly closes his door. Going back to my room I quickly grab some toiletries and go to the shower. After I get dressed and am ready to leave, I notice Cam has placed his empty plate and glass in the sink. I am happy, and so is my wolf, that he ate what I offered him.

I go to my History of Wolves class and have to sit next to Syler. I ignore him the entire period. Working on our project silently while he sits and doodles. Lunch rolls around, I go to my normal table, but this time all the assholes from Syler’s dorm are there. I sit down and pull out my books. Trying to ignore them, I read and do more work. A chair scrapes from underneath my table and I look up.

Cam pauses midway to sitting down. “Is this okay?” He waits for me to nod my head before he finishes lowering himself into the chair. We sit in silence for the rest of lunch and it is comforting. I feel at ease with him.

I finish my lunch and stand up; I tap on the table until Cam looks up. I smile at him and whisper thank you before I turn and walk away. I needed this lunch. I needed to feel peace. Sitting with Cam made my day. I walk away with a smile on my face.

The rest of the week goes by at a crawl. With two weeks until our first break, I feel like something is coming. Walking out of the lunchroom I can feel eyes on me, I just don’t turn around. I can’t force myself; I know I am probably being paranoid, but every day the feeling gets stronger.

* * *

By the time Friday comes around, I am worn out from trying to avoid the constant insults and random food being dumped on me. A few people even tried to push me down the stairs. Cam and I start a normal routine where we eat all our meals together. I wake up and cook breakfast for him and he eats it with me. At lunch and dinner, he sits at my table with me.

I have a bad feeling all morning and when I sit down to eat, the table of heirs are staring at me, so I know something is going to happen.

“Honey.” Cam plops down after his usual greeting and begins to tear into his food. The buzz of his cell phone startles me. I never hear his phone go off.

“Are you not going to look at it?” He shakes his head no until everyone’s phone, including the faculty goes off.

Cam looks up and around the lunchroom, then at me. He gently pulls his phone out of his pocket and looks at the message. When his face pales, I know it is about me. He slams his phone shut and lowers his head, but he can’t hide the fact that he is furious. I can scent it in the air and from the veins popping out of his head he is trying to restrain himself.

I reach my hand out and touch his when he snaps it back from me. I try to show that I’m not hurt and trudge forward, anyway. “Cam, what happened? Why is everyone looking at me?”

He looks up. I can see a range of emotions in his eyes, but the one that stands out, the one that I hate the most, is pity. I know right then what this is. “Cam, please show me the messages.”

He shakes his head no until he meets my eyes full on. I can tell the exact moment he concedes, he slips his phone out and moves it over to me.

I slowly look down and a sob tears through my throat. There on the screen is a picture of me chained in my basement, beaten, broken, and bloody. My eyes were swollen, you can see my busted lip, my bruised legs, and my stained underwear from not being able to use the restroom. I look around and people are laughing.

How can anyone laugh?

The heirs are smirking at me, I know it was them. How the hell did they get these pictures? I stand up and back away from the table. I look around again and watch as Roman pulls his phone out and looks down. Before I can see his reaction, I turn on my heels and bolt. I think I hear someone calling my name, but I can’t stop myself. I get halfway back to my room.

Right as I get to my door, I slam into a very solid male chest. I smell spicy sandalwood, and I know it is Roman.

“Honey, are you okay? I am so sorry, those files were in my office, I don’t know how someone stole them. That was evidence that Grady sent me to try to use against your father and to give to the council.”

He squeezes me tighter to his body and for a moment I forget my sadness. I feel warm and strange like I need something more from him. I slowly wrap my arms around his waist, hoping he doesn’t pull back. I don’t think I can handle that, and I know for sure my wolf cannot. He holds me for what feels like forever.

When I lean back to look at him, he is already staring down at me. My breath hitches: I have the overwhelming urge to kiss him. I reach up and run my hand through the curls that fall beneath his chin.

“I love your hair.” I don’t know what to call him. He is the Headmaster, but at this moment he isn’t acting like one.

“Um ah, thank you.” He is stuttering; it is adorable. He gently pulls away to put some distance between us. “Honey, I am going to let you take Monday off and have a three-day weekend while I look into what happened today.”

“I can tell you.” We both turn and see Cam standing at the end of the hallway to our dorm. “It was the heirs, for whatever reason they don’t like her, and they don’t like that she is the scholarship kid.”

“Mr. Pierce, we cannot assume that without proper evidence but thank you for your observations. I will take them into consideration while I do my investigation. Mr. Pierce, you will also take Monday off with Honey and help her with the mating rituals of her species.” With that Roman turns and quickly leaves.

Cam walks past me and pushes into our dorm. I follow him and sit on the couch. “Want to watch a movie and calm down for a bit? I’m sure you could use a good laugh.”

I nod my head yes. Cam queues up a good comedy flick, and by the time the movie ends I’m feeling much lighter and not as upset, so Cam starts another movie.