Omega Found by E.L. Rose


The moment she walks into the gym, I can smell her, she smells like cherries and cinnamon. It’s so powerful that my wolf is trying to break free and claim her.

Fuck that noise.

I knew the moment I saw her in first period that she was my mate, and all day my wolf has been driving me crazy, trying to get close to her or see her. I have to tell the guys tonight. I need to stay away from her.

When she looks directly at me, my wolf preens at the attention, soaking it up like we are still pups. Disgusted at my wolf’s behavior, I hit the bag hard and move faster.

Until the teacher speaks, I thought Raider would pair the new girl with another girl, but instead, he pairs her with that asshole Cam Pierce. The other Alpha nearly matches me in all my strengths. Except he lost his mate before the bond even formed, losing his chance to run his own pack.

I watched the coach pair the rest and of course, I’m paired with a third-year student. I know Alpha's are typically the best and the hardest to beat, so it makes little sense that he paired Cam with my mate.

Honey… the name is as beautiful as she is. I hated her immediately. Having a mate changes so many things in my world that I am not willing to change. I will not register as having a mate and I will not bring her home to my pack and risk losing it because my father would disapprove.

I refuse to be mated to some freak whose daddy chained her in a basement. She does not have the right breeding, and even if she looks good right now wearing those sexy shorts, I know she is still just trash.

Hailey snuck into the Headmaster’s office earlier and brought back the file on her. The photos alone were horrible. The detailed reports made me want to puke. Someone must have been building a case to try to help her.

“Honey, I am going to have Cam show you different defense moves, and how to break free from them, okay?” I watch as her eyes grow wide. I can tell she is nervous. My wolf is snarling inside my head at the males near my damn mate, that I don’t want. I focus back on the third year who is waiting for me to square up.

“Let’s spar, asshole.” I watch him try to move around me, he is a wolf, but only a Beta, he doesn’t want to be swinging on an Alpha wolf.

My mind keeps returning to my mate in the room, and I cannot focus. I know I need to end this match and at least let my wolf watch her. When I swing an uppercut at him, the Beta wolf goes out cold. I turn and watch as Cam comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her so she can’t break out of his hold. When she pushes her ass back into his groin for leverage, kicking her leg out behind her, twisting so he winds up on the mat, I nearly go feral.

Fuck, this shit is getting to me.

When Cam is on his back, he knocks her legs from under her and he rolls her until he is on top of her. He pins her arms above her head, all the wiggling around she is doing underneath him has my blood boiling. When she arches her back and tries to hook her leg around one of his to roll him, I lose it.

I can’t stop the growl from coming out of my mouth as I stomp my way across the mats to them and yank him off her.

“What the fuck, Syler?”

Cam is pissed, I can feel his Alpha influence coming out. He is waiting for me to open my mouth; the whole class is. When the coach comes over, I know I have to come up with an excuse before they question why I am acting like an overprotective asshole.

“Mr. Weston, what the hell is your problem? Why are you disrupting my class?” he is standing there with his arms folded. Raider is a dragon shifter, and I know if I piss him off, I will be screwed. I can’t beat him.

Shit, I need to say something. “Sorry Raider, I was tired of watching a damn near porno over here. All that grunting, I was wondering where the cameramen were, plus I was trying to save poor Cam from some gutter trash. Like father, like daughter, am I right?”

I hear the inhale of her breath as she chokes on a sob.

“Get the fuck out of my classroom, Syler, before I give you a suspension.”

I turn and storm away. I need to cool down. My wolf is pissed at me and at not being able to touch our mate. The guys and I have a dorm room together and I go straight there.

* * *

Icome pounding into the room which startles the guys.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”

I turn and look at Legion and Riddic sitting on the couch watching some show on the tv. Phoenix walks in a minute later with food. I know he heard what I said, and I can see his eyes get sad before he masks it completely.

I can’t hold it in anymore. “The charity case is my mate; I can’t be mated to that.”

Legion looks the most surprised, “Wait, you’re mates, and she hasn’t tried to go register you guys?”

I think about her actions throughout the day as she was near me. “Honestly, I don’t think she realizes I am her mate. Hailey said her file said her wolf was just waking up after all the years she was asleep and she hasn’t been around the supernatural community, so she does not know about much it seems.”

Phoenix pipes in, “That’s good, we can figure out how to sever the bond before she figures it out.”

“Well, she will be here tomorrow; I have a project to start with her and I told her to meet me here.”

Riddic looks at me, “How are you going to suppress the bond? It will only get worse the more you are around her.”

I know he is right; I honestly do not know, and I am shocked that she doesn’t feel the bond as strong. It allows me to look for ways to sever it before the bond drives me crazy.

“We need an idea on how to get her to stay away from me, and I will tell her tomorrow that she needs to do the project on her own.”

The rest of the day flies by until my race hierarchy and mating rituals class. She’s here, changed and smelling so beautiful makes my cock rock hard.

When her eyes search the room for an empty chair, she immediately goes to sit next to Cam fucking Pierce. She gives him a tentative smile and when he tilts his mouth up slightly at her, I want to rip his face off. When the bell rings, I get up immediately leaving class as fast as my legs will take me.

The next day, I stay away from her as best as I can. During the first period, I slip her my room number, refusing to speak to her. I can see the hurt in her eyes and my wolf snarls at me for hurting our mate.

She keeps her eyes downcast for the rest of the class, silently taking notes on our species. When she drops her pencil and leans my way to pick it up, I can’t help but lean forward to smell her hair.

When it’s time to leave, she rushes out without a backward glance. The rest of the day goes by quickly and by the time we get to our last class, Mr. Helix, the race hierarchy, and mating rituals teacher, has us research how different species mark their mates.

After class, I head back to my room. When I walk in, I see the other guys are already here: I have three roommates, but we're also best friends.

Phoenix has dark hair shaved into a fade, eyes almost golden in color, and he’s the tallest out of all of us. He’s already taken the uniform off, sitting in jeans and a t-shirt.

Riddic has dark hair that falls around his head with stubble covering his jaw. His eyes are strange, sometimes they’re hazel, and other times, like when he’s cranked up the lust from his incubus powers, his eyes have a tinge of purple.

The last of my best friends, Legion, is the prettiest. The Fall Fae prince has Asian features, with blonde hair and amber eyes. His pouty lips remind me of a woman’s. He’s the only one of us engaged. His fiancé is Hailey, and she is the winter Fae princess.

The guys and I have formed some sort of plan to humiliate Honey, so she stays away from us. Part of me feels bad, when I look at her, she’s always nervous and looks sad. She stays by herself and doesn’t seem to have any friends. I do not need a mate; I do not want one. A mate would complicate my life and change it in more ways than one.

We are all waiting and watching the clock tick by waiting for Honey to show up. Finally, I hear a knock on the door. I look at the guys and they all have that determined look on their faces. No one is going to interfere with us, especially not someone who is weak gutter trash. We are the heirs; I do not need a weakling to rule beside me.

I nod to Legion to open the door. When he does, the room immediately becomes engulfed in cinnamon and cherries, it overwhelms my senses. Honey is wearing her ballet flats and black leggings with an Anarchy Black band tee. Some mortal band that is popular in their world. How pathetic is this chick? Even so, she is stunning. I grip the couch to stop myself from going to her.

“Honey, is it?” Legion sneers at her, getting in her space while allowing her to enter before moving back to stand in front of the door again. “Does your pussy taste like honey?”

Her eyes are wide, I can tell she is holding back tears as she stares around the room looking at everything but us. “Please stop. I didn’t do anything to you.”

I look at her. “Honey, this is a warning—stay away from me. We aren’t working on the project together.” Her eyes are wild as Riddic and Phoenix form a semicircle with Legion around her.

“Please move. You asked me to come here. I won’t make that mistake again; I can finish the project myself.” She tries to move around Legion to get to the door, but he grabs the back of her neck while Riddic and Phoenix grab her arms.

The scream she lets out is enough to make anyone deaf. They push her to the ground, she falls back on her ass sitting there staring at us in horror, the guys and I watch as they look at each other in confusion before their faces register horror. When they go to advance on her again, she curls into herself more and cries, then passes out. I look at the guys in shock.

Phoenix is the first to break the silence, “We have a problem, guys.” He looks defeated. “I imprinted when I grabbed her, my dragon lashed out. My flame went through her body and connected to her wolf, burning them both. If I look on her spine, I bet my royal emblem will be on her.”

Legion starts pacing around until he stops and stares at her. “I marked her as well when I touched her, I didn’t even expect it. Her wolf demanded it.” He is pulling on his hair, a sign he is truly stressed.

Riddic yanks her up, not caring if she hits her head. He rolls her over and yanks the back of her shirt up. In the most beautiful delicate line down her spine are three mate marks by three different species of supernatural’s. Legion’s is a golden crown made of gold leaves, Riddic’s is a royal purple flame, and Phoenix’s is a crown of flames.

“How is this possible?” Legion is panicking now. “She cannot be the one. She is a wolf; they cannot mate with a different species.”

I look at all the guys, “Actually, an Omega wolf can. They are the only species that can mate with all races. The good news is, even if we marked her, she would have to bite us to cement the bond into place.”

Phoenix looks startled before he finally says, “We have not had an Omega wolf in seven hundred years. What do we do?”

Thinking quickly, I say, “We don’t have to tell her. We don’t have to tell anyone. The mating marks are on her spine, as long as she doesn’t bite us the bond will fade eventually.” I know I won’t be marking her so I’m not as worried about me as I am for the guys.

“We will feel everything she does. It may not be like that on her end since she is not familiar with this world, but our emotions will not be as strong for the female Omega,” Riddic groans, knowing what he said was going to cause problems until the bond begins to fade. It will hurt badly, but then they can move on without her.

I look down at Honey again; she is starting to stir. “Let’s get her out of here.”

Riddic yanks her up and shakes her. When her eyes fly open, they are wild with panic. Legion hands him her book bag which he throws in her face. I know that will leave a bruise.

Riddic growls at her, “Get out, gutter trash.” He starts to shove her through the door and once she is in the hallway, he slams the door on her still tear-stained cheeks.

Legion turns to address us all, “We need a plan. We need to get rid of this bond and her.”

We all nod in agreement, this is bad, bad, an Omega wolf mated to four royal heirs.

Our world would turn into chaos.