Omega Found by E.L. Rose


It is dark and cold; I had lost track of time weeks ago.

Rationing my food keeps me alive until I hear the familiar stomping of his boots on the floor above my cell, but this time it is different, this time I hear crying. It stops me cold.

I slip my hands onto the collar holding my neck in place, the sharp barbs cutting into my skin. If only I could shift, I groan looking at my wrist. This asshole has managed to get a magically enchanted cuff, the one thing preventing me from being able to shift.

My mind wanders back to the day I was caught. I was taking some time away from my duties, resting by my favorite tree, when I smelled something magical, though it was tainted. The overwhelming need to follow the scent, one I recognized as my mate’s, had overridden my caution.

I sprang out from my hiding spot and tracked the scent. I had skidded to a halt when I saw him. It confused me for a moment, the smell was most definitely feminine. It took five seconds for me to see the stained shirt in his grip, and only six seconds for him to shift into a massive black wolf, causing me to run, and I tried, but I couldn’t outrun him. In the end, he incapacitated me.

Boots on the stairs have my head snapping back up, shaking away my shame for not following my own damn rules. I can’t see who Dan is carrying, but the scent is one I know well. Mate the word screams in my head. The blood, fear, and anguish I smell coming from her tears my heart apart. Dan unlocks my cage and drags the most beautiful woman I have laid eyes on into the cell with me.

She is wearing nothing but a stained t-shirt, I glimpse her perfect curves before he throws her to the ground. Her snarls come out fierce until his boot comes out and kicks her in the face. Blood leaks from her nose and mouth. She backs up against the bars, trying to curl in on herself. Her head turns to look at me and to my utter horror my cock gets hard.

What the fuck, now is not the fucking time. The embarrassment and shame that floods me, has me turning my head. There is no way I can hide an erection, seeing as how I am naked.

Chuckling makes me snap my head back up. “Oh, this is going to go so well.”

The hate I feel for this fucker is enough to try to make me strain against the collar. The biting pain stops my progress. “I will kill y—”

The boot connects with my face before I can even finish my threat. Black dots dance in front of my face. Shaking my head to clear my vision. I watch as Dan grabs my mate’s ankle, her eyes going wide as he closes the shackle around her, the chains long enough to lap around the cage.

“Meet my daughter, Honey. The two of you will get to know each other very well.”

Reaching into his pocket he pulls out another magical wristband that will prevent her from shifting. Snapping it onto her wrist, he leaves the cell open while he goes to the corner of the basement, mocking us. He is secure enough that he knows we can’t escape. He brings in an old dirty cot that is puke green, looking like something a human soldier would use during war time. Placing it on the far side of the cell he then sets up a camera, pointing it directly at our prison.

Dan turns to my mate, “Isn’t daddy nice? Introducing you to another mate.”

Honey shrinks back, not saying anything, trying to curl into herself, letting me know she is used to this treatment from him. The silence infuriates him. Snatching her by her hair and yanking her hard, I watch the panic in her face.

“ISN'T DADDY NICE, HONEY?” He roars in her face, spittle flying onto her cheeks.

Her eyes drain of all life as she says “Yes, daddy.” He throws her back down, turning to me he smirks in my direction.

“You will fuck my daughter until she is pregnant.”

I blanch, I will not touch her against her will. Honey’s head flies up to meet my eyes and with a quick nod of her head she tells me not to argue.

“When she’s pregnant, pretty boy, you will no longer be needed.” Turning to face Honey, “If you don’t, I will find your little fox and I will drag her back here and slit her throat and let you watch as I fuck her dying body.” Tears spring to her eyes and she nods her head. “Now, on to more fun things.”

With his back fully turned, Honey looks me in the eyes pleadingly, I don’t know why until Dan grabs her hair, and I hear a zipper pull down. I can’t even contain the bile that rises in my throat. I move to the far side of the cage, puking. Squeezing my eyes shut, I feel sick and defeated. I can’t protect my mate from being violated. What feels like hours later he groans and Honey coughs, “Don’t spit it out bitch or this will happen again.”

A hard smack has me opening my eyes to once again see blood dripping out of Honey's nose. Dan gets down on his knees in front of her, reaching his hand under the shirt she is wearing. No matter how much she squirms back he can still reach between her legs, his voice dropping to make him sound more deadly, he leans in. “I will take this if you do not mate and mark him.”

He doesn’t have to say the words, he will rape her if she doesn’t do as he said. He leaves but not before turning the camera on so that it will allow him to watch the recordings later.

Waiting until I hear the door slam from upstairs, I move closer to Honey. Her eyes are guarded and hold shame and heartbreak. Knowing mates take comfort in each other, I take the risk and move my hand under her chin. “Honey, the shame in your eyes should not be there, this situation is not your fault.”

Her eyes peek at me and she looks at the camera.“Be careful what you say.”

I move closer to her. The feeling in my stomach as I look at the camera, knowing we will both pay if we don’t mate, hurts every part of my being. I never thought this would be how I met my mate. I thought I would court her, love her and we would come together as one. Not this and not in this type of situation.

“What is your name?” Her voice draws me out of my thoughts once again. It sounds so sweet but scratchy from the abuse to her vocal cords.

I give her a small smile with much effort. “Milo.”

“What are you?”

I gulp, I knew this was coming, and a part of me wants to lie, but she is my mate. “A Kitsune.”

The shock that crosses her face has me smiling until she shuts me down. “I’m an Omega.”

The shock that vibrates through me is unparalleled to the fear. An Omega and a Kitsune child. The powers the child could have, no wonder he wants us to mate. He would have a powerful shifter child at his disposal, the likes of which no one has ever seen or known.

“You look tired, we should lie down, I don’t know when he will come back.” Honey gives a slight nod, moving over to the cot. It feels strange laying with her. My whole body and my fox welcome it. Knowing it is a bad idea, my eyes drift close, holding her to me, her sigh a moment later followed by soft breathing lulls me to sleep with her.

The creaking of the cage makes me shoot off the cot, and before I have time to react, the collar strangles any further movement forward, cutting into my throat, and I watch helplessly as Dan yanks Honey from the cot by her hair, her feet dragging on the concrete. “Didn’t I tell you to mate him?”

His voice is low and deadly making my blood fill with ice. My flight instincts try to take over and I mentally kick myself. I would never leave my mate, even if it meant certain death. Instead of hitting her he turns his rage on me. I welcome it, preferring me to be hurt than her. Her sudden cries tear at me as I fall to the ground, blood running from who knows where.

“Please stop, don’t kill him.” Her voice is defeated. The blows don’t stop coming and I feel myself slipping further away, my fox curling its nine tails around itself. “I can’t get pregnant if you kill him.”

Suddenly everything stops and the cell door is slammed once more.

“Milo, get up.” Her voice sounds distant to my ears, she is pulling on my arm in an attempt to get me to move.

I try to focus on her face as I feel some of my smaller wounds healing. I’m not healing fast enough though since we are being starved. “Honey, you’re so beautiful, I wish I could have met you under different circumstances.”

Her smile is sad, and she helps me move onto the cot. “Lay down, Milo.” Her lips brush across my forehead, trying to soothe me. “I’m so sorry about this, but I can’t let either of us die.”

I am confused at first until I feel the sharp pain in my neck, followed by pleasure so intense, it’s like nothing I ever felt before. I cum right there on that dirty cot from being bitten, claimed. I'm embarrassed, I have waited an exceptionally long time to be with a woman, my mate, keeping myself pure for her, and here I am showing her how inexperienced I am. “Milo, it’s okay, I am so sorry, don’t cry.”

Cry? Am I crying? I try to bring a hand up to my face and when I feel moisture, I am not sure if it is blood or tears.

She moves so her neck is near my mouth. “Bite me Milo, please, before he comes back.”

I groan, lifting myself and biting her neck close to her ear. I smell the sweetest scent I have ever smelled. Flowers and honeysuckle permeate the air. Swimming in and out of consciousness I hear a whispered sorry one more time before my wrist is zapped with a thousand volts and feels like I put it over a burning candle. At the same time, I hear Honey yelp. She's got my mating mark, and I did not get to tell her.

With the last of my strength, I open my eyes, and try to smile at her. “I’m a virgin, I have waited so long for you.” Passing out, the blackness takes me.