Omega Found by E.L. Rose


The Headmaster walks me to my first class. It’s already full, so when I walk in all eyes immediately turn toward me. Even worse, the teacher asks me to introduce myself.

The classroom has round tables instead of desks. I find an empty table and sit down. I open the bag the Headmaster gave me and find the book I need and a notebook. I pull both out and wait for class to begin.

“Welcome, students. I am the History of Wolves teacher. My name is Miss Foster and I teach years 1 through 4. From my understanding, all of you have figured out what your wolf is, whether it is an Alpha to a Gamma.”

I lower my head hoping she won’t call me out. I do not know what my wolf is.

“Honey, do you know what your wolf is? You are the only one that I do not have a class down for?”

I want a hole to open in the floor and swallow me whole. “No Miss Foster, I do not know.”

“Well, that’s okay dear, we will figure it together. Now, can anyone tell me the different classes for a wolf?”

I watch my teacher walk around waiting to see if someone will answer. She is dressed in very hippy clothes and has blonde curls that she’s tried to tame into a bun flying all over her head, and enormous glasses that take up most of her face.

“Mr. Weston, can you please stop texting and answer?”

I turn my head to look behind me and my heart stops for a moment. He is gorgeous, with blonde wavy hair that falls right below his shoulders, his uniform fits him like a glove, showing off his physique underneath. Blue eyes that, I realize, are glaring right back at me. His long legs stretched out in front of him.

“Yes. The four classifications are Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Omega.” He keeps glaring at me, and my wolf rolls around like a puppy.

Stop it, he’s glaring! What if he senses us?

“Very good Mr. Weston. Can you tell me which classification is the rarest?”

“Omega. They are the classification that can mate with any species to create both powerful hybrids and pureblood species. We have not had an Omega born in seven hundred years, which is why the hybrids are dying out. Omegas can also create bonds with any species that may have lost a mate.”

“Once again, perfect, Mr. Weston. If you were in my class last year, you know I always like to start off with a joint project.” With that statement, the entire class groans. “I will be pairing you by twos, each of you will have a class of wolf and each of you will make your own reports about their roles in a pack.”

Miss Foster begins pairing everyone up and giving each pair a wolf. When she gets to me, I hold my breath, there are only three wolves left, out of the three I want to be paired with the least intimidating one.

“Miss Heart, ah yes I am going to pair you with Mr. Weston, he is an Alpha wolf and might help you discover what your wolf may be. You two will work on the very rare Omega wolves.”

Looking at the Alpha in the back of the room, I can tell he is royally pissed. If looks could kill, I would be dead where I sit.

“Students, this year will be great. Please move to sit next to your partner and for the rest of class come up with how you want to present your project next month, the sky is the limit.”

I duck my head. I can feel his anger at being partnered with me, it’s suffocating. When I move to sit next to him, he kicks my chair out from under me. I land hard on my butt and when I move to stand up, he sneers at me. It takes me a moment to gain my courage, grab the chair, and plant myself back in it. When he turns his hate-filled eyes back to me, I have to catch my breath, up close he is even more beautiful, even with the venom coming from his eyes.

“We will work in my room, find me tomorrow, and we can work things out, do not try to talk to me any other time.” With that, he turns around and completely ignores me again.

My wolf lays down on her paws, she is confused by his refusal of her. Clearly, she thought that he should like her which has me even more confused.

Trying to focus on something else, I look over my syllabus and make plans on how to get ahead on my work. Most of it is doable except for the group projects. The rest of class goes by at an excruciatingly slow pace. I cannot stop staring at the wolf next to me, and by the way his eyes turn to slits he knows I am gawking. I don’t understand why I can’t stop staring at him.

When the bell rings, I don’t bother to wait to see if someone will be walking me to my next class. I am humiliated enough and that evil bitch knowing about my dad has my heart racing and my body breaking out in nervous hives. I keep my head buried in my map to not make eye contact with anyone until my body slams into another, and for the second time that day, I land on my ass.

“What the hell? Watch where you’re going!”

I look up and see a pair of creamy legs, tucked into some kitten heels. My gaze continues to travel up and I stop at the chin afraid I will see another pair of eyes that spit venom. I catch sight of deep auburn hair.

“Hey, are you okay?” The tone the person first used morphs into something softer. I see her hand reach out for me and when I clasp my hands to hers, I feel a shock shoot through me and my body tingles right down to my toes.

“Yes, I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.” I look up into her eyes and I freeze, she is stunning: beautiful green eyes, dark eyelashes, a gorgeous pouty mouth. Wait, what? Am I checking her out?

“My name is Ronnie.” She holds out her hand and smiles at me and the smile completely changes her whole face, I am mesmerized. When I shake her hand the same shock and tingle goes through my body, this time going right to my core.

“Honey,” I reply meekly, I have no idea what I am feeling. I need to get away from her. I don’t want to scare her and say something that may offend her. Before she can respond I dart away and continue to try and find my class.

When I finally get to my Studies of Magic, I can tell that I am once again one of the last to arrive. I quickly scan the room and see that there is only one chair left, in the very back next to my roommate. I sit next to him and he barely acknowledges me. Finally, he leans over to show me the book and page we are on.

“Thank you, Cam.” His head whips back to me, and surprise shows on his face. I realize my error, he never introduced himself to me. “The Headmaster told me your name when he told me who I was rooming with.”

He grunts in return to my response and faces the front again. Cam smells amazing, like freshly fallen snow in the woods. It’s intoxicating. I find myself swooning into him. Not wanting to make a fool of myself I begin taking immaculate notes and looking over the syllabus. With Cam next to me, I am able to relax which is weird to me since he was not the nicest person to me this morning.

When the bell rings it startles me. I am in Senior block A and it gives us thirty minutes to eat before Senior block B comes in. I move fast hoping to find an empty table in the back where no one will see me.

I stop at my locker to leave my uniforms and my books; I will pick them up on my way back. I also hope Ronnie will be in my lunch block, she was friendly and even though I was confused about my reaction to her, I still want a friend. When I reach the lunch hall, I see it is already packed. I stand in the line keeping my eyes straight forward. I don’t like when attention is on me.

I manage to grab my lunch and find an empty table without a hitch, much to my relief. I grabbed some macaroni and cheese and hotdogs to add into the mix. It’s one of my favorite meals, so I smile.

Grady was the one that introduced me to this meal. When my father was on one of his “jobs” I could see Grady more, we would watch a movie and he would cook this for me. Those were the times I felt safe and like a normal person.

I look at the welcome packet I’ve carried with me to get a better feel for the school. It has my schedule, of course, my dorm room, what I will learn, and how things will work if I find a mate or mates. I read over the Leafwood brochure.

The school is really big on creating business relationships so when you graduate you will know someone from every type of community. Mates are also a big thing here and the push to find one within the school is applauded. Hmmm, maybe I will get lucky and find a mate.

The thought of a mate appeals to me. I know I want someone to spend my life with. I am self-conscious though, what if they don’t like me, or are disgusted by what happened in my past? What kind of wolf would love me when I do not know what my wolf is, to begin with?

My skin prickles and I feel eyes on me. I wipe my mouth hoping I don’t have food all over my face, and when I decide to look up my eyes crash with Cam’s. He is staring at me. When I smile at him and wave, he scowls at me and looks back down at his food.

Well, okay, then.

Looking around the cafeteria I don’t see Ronnie, but I get a glimpse of the Headmaster and when he turns around, he freezes when he sees me looking at him. God, he is so beautiful, all chiseled and hair that I want to run my hands through. I can feel my body heating and my panties dampening the longer I stare at him.

When a few males start to sniff the air and some other males’ fangs descend, I panic. They all start to look for who the smell is coming from. Can they smell me?

This has never happened to me before. I quickly look away from the Headmaster and try to regain control of my body. Looking around the lunchroom I see a long table with eight chairs. No one is sitting there, but the way students keep glancing at it, makes me think there is an importance to it.

* * *

Combat is my next class.

I am actually excited about this class. Grady had tried to help me before but could only help me with basic defense moves to keep my face from being too badly messed up when my father wanted to really hurt me.

When I get to the gym, the coach pulls me to the side and tells me to go change and that they have a gym uniform waiting for me. I walk into the girls changing room and notice black uniforms that have my name on them, sitting on a bench. I quickly rush over and pick one up. I notice it has a warm weather label on it.

The uniform consists of a black skintight tank top with skintight shorts. I have never worn anything like this, you can see everything. I am self-conscious about the scars that run along my arms and legs. I do not want to go out there with the other girls who I am sure are good looking.

You got this Honey. Head back, you survived.The scars on my body are signs I survived, and I need to be proud of that.

I gather up what courage I can, and I march out only to stop short again. I see Weston, the Alpha wolf, from my history class. He has on black gym shorts, a black tank top that’s plastered across his body, and his blonde hair is bundled on top of his head. He looks like every girl's secret desire on a lonely night.

If it is possible, most of the girls have made their shorts even shorter and have their tits ready to fall out of their tops.

Weston is hammering into the punching bag in front of him like it offended him. As I walk fully into the room, he stops and immediately finds my eyes and stares. I move out of his line of sight until I am sure he cannot see me. I do not understand these feelings I am having, not to mention my body’s reaction. I have never been sexually turned on—maybe once by Grady—but it was quickly squashed by the impending doom of going home.

“Class let’s get started. My name is Raider. Today, I will teach you basic defense moves and working up from there. Some of you have already shown me you have mastered the basics and can move up and will be paired with more experienced students to help you progress.” I watch him walk around the room and assess everyone.

When his eyes land on some of the girls he scowls, I don’t think he likes how they are wearing their uniforms. “Let's remember ladies your bodies will not get you out of danger, try to wear your uniform properly.” Some girls look away ashamed while others don’t move an inch. I hear snickers from some other students.

“Honey, since you are new, I will pair you with Cam Pierce.” He marches off to pair the other students.

When Cam walks over to me, I can tell he is not happy that he was paired with me. His attitude towards me is both curious and annoying.

What did I ever do to him? No matter what, I will be nice to him.

After all, he is my roommate.