Healed by Evan Grace

Chapter Nineteen




I sit next to Tyrell, watching Heidi run around his backyard while his kids chase her. Her pink hair flies out behind her as she laughs. It is no surprise the kids were all taken by her. She made sure to show each of them equal attention.

“She’s great, man.” He leans into me and says, “I’m happy for you.” We clink our bottles together and then take a drink.

I make sure Heidi isn’t close. “I’m proposing to her. I just don’t know when.”

“Wow, man. So many big things happening for you. I couldn’t be happier.” Tyrell stands and pulls me into his arms for a backslapping hug.

I return the hug, and then we back away from each other before Heidi sees and starts asking questions. Moni comes out carrying a tray of cupcakes. My girl walks up with the kids.

“Oh my gosh, Moni, these look incredible.” Heidi hands one to each one of the kids before taking one for herself.

I fight my dick getting hard as she licks frosting off her finger. What makes it even hotter than it already is, is the fact that she isn’t even trying to be sexy.

Heidi catches me staring and blows me a kiss. The girls sit at the table with the kids and dig into their cupcakes. I finish the last of my beer and head to the table to grab my own cupcake, sitting next to my girl.

We leave shortly after we finish. I have to get up early to hit the gym before I go to work. Tonight was the first night in weeks we’ve gotten to hang out. Don’t get me wrong, I love Ty and Moni, but I would’ve liked the whole night to ourselves.

I hit the garage door button as I pull into the driveway.

Heidi meets me at the front of my SUV and wraps her arms around my waist. “I really like your friends.” She smiles up at me. “I’d definitely like to see more of them.”

“That makes me so happy, baby. They’re good people. Those kids sure took a liking to you.” It makes me a little sad that we could’ve had an almost five-year-old, but I look forward to any children that we may be blessed with.

Inside, Heidi disappears down the hall, probably to change out of her cute pink sundress. I fear if we have a daughter she’s going to be drowned in a sea of pink, but I’ll welcome it.

I get a glass of water and chug it down before heading back to our bedroom to change into basketball shorts and throw on my tennis shoes. Heidi comes out of the bathroom in a dusty rose and gray nightie—it’s sweet and sexy all in one.

“I’m going to go for a run. I’ll be back in a bit.” I lean down to kiss her, but she pulls back. “What?”

“You can’t be serious? This is our one full day that we’ve gotten to be together in forever. I thought we were going to snuggle.” She crosses her arms over her chest.

I lean down and kiss her forehead. “I know, baby, but I ate that cupcake, and I need to. I promise I’ll be back in a half hour tops.”

She brushes past me. “Whatever. Have fun.”

I follow behind her. “Don’t be mad.” Heidi doesn’t respond. “I’ll be back.” I sigh and then kiss the back of her head.

Outside I do some stretches, and then I’m off. I’ve never been someone who needs music when I run. I honestly love listening to the sounds of everything around me.

I’m starting to get a little nervous. I fly to Nashville to get my physical and whatever other testing I need to go through. I signed a release for them to get all of my medical records.  I mean, they already know I had cancer, and they still want to see me.

Whatever happens I’m still honored that they saw something in me. I focus on my run, and after a half hour I head home.

I let myself inside and find my girl fast asleep on the sofa. I lock up and quickly shower. Once I’m in a pair of boxer briefs, I make my way to the living room and carefully pick her up off the sofa, carrying her into our bedroom.

I lay her down and she snorts, rolls over, and starts snoring softly. I smile and slide into bed, snuggling up against her back.




Heidi stands next to the back hatch of my SUV as I grab my suitcase and place it on the ground. I shut it and then pull her into my arms. “I’m going to miss you,” I say against the top of her head.

“I’m going to miss you too.” She wraps her arms around me tightly.

Things feel off between us, and I hate it. She’s been distant—to an outsider they wouldn’t probably notice, but I do. It hasn’t been easy. We’re both busy, or busier than we were when we started up again.

All I seem to do anymore is weight-training, work, running, sleep, and repeat. I will say, I’m in the best shape of my life. Heidi has learned how to make amazing, healthy dishes for us to eat.

“You need to move your car.” The security guard pulls me from my thoughts.

“Yeah, okay; sorry.” I look down at Heidi and smile. “I’ll be home in three days.”

Heidi tips her head back and puckers her lips. I kiss her hard, quick, and deep. I step back and grab the handle of my suitcase.

“I love you, and sorry I’ve been a crab. We just saw each other all the time at first, and now we hardly see each other.” She looks so cute when she pouts.

I grab her chin. “I’ll be home before you know it.” The security guard gives us the stink eye. “Bye, baby.”

“Bye.” Fuck, I wish she was going with me, but they said I’d be busy.

I head into the airport, check-in, and then head to my gate. I could’ve, driven it’s only about four hours away, but they offered to fly me in, and the flight is only a little over a hour.

I take a seat and wait for them to announce it’s time to board. I pull my headphones on and listen to music while I wait.




I let myself into my hotel room. I’m exhausted. I had my physical today, and they drew lots of blood. I was poked, prodded, and monitored for hours. They’re also reviewing my cancer treatment.

In the shower, I quickly scrub my body down and wash my hair. After rinsing off, I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist. I go through the rest of my routine and head into the bedroom.

I grab my phone and quickly dial Heidi, wanting to hear her voice before I go to bed. Her phone immediately goes to voicemail. “This is Heidi; you know what to do.”

“Hey, baby. I wanted to hear your voice. If you’re still up, call me. If not, I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I love you.” I disconnect and then call my dad. “What’s up, Dad?”

“Hey, son. How did today go?” My dad has been my ultimate hero since I can remember. He was my coach when I started pee wee football, until I started playing high school ball.

I let out a laugh. “I felt like a lab rat. It gave me flashbacks to going through everything back then.”

“Ahem… I’m sure. Well, at least at the end of all this poking and prodding, you’ll get good news. Your mom took Heidi dinner at the studio tonight.”

I smile; of course they’re looking out for her. “That was nice of her.”

“I don’t want you to worry, but your mom said she looked a little pale. I didn’t want to say anything while you’re in Nashville, but don’t worry—we’re all over it.”

Fuck, is she sick? Is that why she’s been cranky because she hasn’t felt good? “Do you think I should come home? She didn’t tell me she was sick.” 

“I’m sorry, son. I should’ve kept it to myself.”

“Hell no, Dad. I would’ve been pissed if I would’ve found out. Should I come home?” I stand, ready to pack my bags.

“Son, calm down. You focus on getting through the rest of your tests. Your mom will go check on her in the morning.”

My phone beeps, and I see it’s Heidi. “Dad, Heidi’s calling me now. I’ll talk to you later.” I switch over to her. “Hey, baby.”

“Hi, sorry my phone died on my way home from the studio. Your mom brought me dinner.” She yawns into the phone. “Sorry, I’m exhausted. How did it go today?”

“It was good. Now, tell me why Mom says you looked pale.”

“I’m fine. I was just super hungry when she showed up. I-I didn’t get a chance to eat lunch, and for breakfast I only had a banana. Your mom brought me a huge container of her homemade chicken fried rice. I’m much better now.” 

Thank god for my mom. “That’s good, baby. I was freaking out.”

Her soft giggle makes me smile. “Don’t worry about me, okay? Now, let me go so I can sleep. I love you. I can’t wait until you’re home.”

“I love you, and I can’t wait until I’m home too.” We hang up, and I feel a hundred times better.

I turn out the light and settle into my pillows. It doesn’t take long before I’m out.