Healed by Evan Grace

Chapter Twenty-Two




“Oh my god, Heidi. Why didn’t you tell us what was going on?” Mona asks.

Sierra sits next to her, looking at me with tears in her eyes. “Sweetheart, we could’ve been there supporting you guys,” she adds.

I knew they were going to be upset, but Colton and I needed time to come to terms with his diagnosis and celebrating my pregnancy. I look down at the sleeping baby in my arms and shrug. “We were so overwhelmed with the cancer coming back and the baby. I’m just thankful that they caught it early. We go next week to get his treatment plan.”

“Well, whatever you need, we’re there.” Mona comes and sits next to me. “Our baby sister is having a baby.” She wraps her arms around me, and Sierra comes over and hugs me from the other side. All we’re missing is Miles, who is on a book tour, and Greta who is having her own adventure.

“Promise me that you won’t tell Greta.” They both open their mouths, but I hold up my hand and stop them. “No, seriously. She’s having an amazing adventure; let her enjoy it.”

They both agree, but I’m sure it’ll be hard for them to keep this secret. We’re close, and we’ve all always told each other everything—well, not everything, but a lot.

I don’t stay too much longer before I head home and call my parents. That conversation goes well … ish. Before I hang up with Mom, she’s ready to call Cari. Both of our parents are excited about the baby, and he/she will be something positive to focus on.

Colton’s plan is to work as long as he can, but once he starts chemo he’ll have to wear a mask while he’s at work, to protect himself. It worries me, but we want to keep things as normal-ish as we can.

We’re going to be adjusting our hours temporarily as Colton begins treatment. Luckily my clients are all super understanding and have let me reschedule them. Mona has talked about inviting guest artists to come work at the shop.

My sisters will work their butts off so I can have the time off that I need. That’s the best part of working with family—we do whatever is necessary to make it work.

I start getting dinner ready, stuffed shells and cheese, homemade garlic bread, and a Caesar salad. As I cook the sausage, my stomach turns a bit, but I try to breathe through it.

While the stuffed shells bake, I straighten up the living room and throw a load of laundry in. I look at the time and see Colton should’ve been home by now. His voicemail comes on when I try to call him, and I leave him a message. “Hey, baby, where are you? Dinner should be done soon. I love you.”

An hour later, and he’s still not home and hasn’t called me back. I want to call his parents, but then I don’t want to worry them. The oven beeping pulls me from my thoughts. I pull dinner out of the oven and set it on the stove top.

I’m too nauseous to eat right now. I pace the length of the house over and over until I see headlights. I move toward the door as I hear two doors opening. I step out onto the front porch.

Tyrell is practically carrying Colton toward the house. My man sees me and throws his hand up. “Baby mama,” he hollers.

I move toward them, but Tyrell stops me. “Sweetheart, he’s heavy. I don’t want him to accidentally take you down.”

I hurry to the door, holding it open for them to pass through. I direct Tyrell toward the bedroom. He has no problem getting Colton into bed. My man starts snoring immediately.

Tyrell and I head out into the living room. “Thank you for bringing him home. What happened?”

“I knew he’d had his physical and called him to ask about it.” He shakes his head. “I’m so fucking sorry, but he’s strong—he’s got this.” Tyrell pulls me into a hug. “Congratulations on the baby. That’s great news.”

“Thank you. What do I do? I feel like he’s starting to unravel.” I blink rapidly to stop the tears from falling.

“I think he’s scared, but he tells me you’ve been so strong.” He steps in and places his hands on my shoulders. “Hang in there, and if you need me, I’m just a phone call away.”

I walk him to the door. “Thank you so much, Tyrell.”

He kisses my cheek and then walks to the car that just pulled up.

I lock the front door and then head to the bedroom. Colton is right where we left him, and I sigh. I take off his shoes and then his socks. With quick fingers, I undo his belt and then button his pants.

I shimmy them off him and toss them on the end of the bed. Lifting his feet up, I pull the blanket out from under him. I get him sort of settled and then grab the hem of his shirt and pull it up, or at least trying to, but Colton rolls over and takes me with him. 

I slide away from him, pulling the blanket over him before climbing out of bed. In the kitchen, I put all the food away and wipe off the counter. Once that’s done, I remember there is laundry in the washer, so I switch it to the dryer.

I’m not ready to go to bed yet, so I grab my laptop and pull up Greta’s Insta. It looks like she’s on a yacht—the water is so blue it looks fake. Her brown hair looks almost blonde and she’s so tan, but damn, she looks happy.

After I close the laptop, I grab the remote and I flip through the channels, trying to find something to watch, but I can’t concentrate on anything. Mona swears by meditating, but I can’t seem to shut my brain off. 

After a half hour of flipping through the channels and folding laundry, I decide to head to bed, except when I step into the bedroom, Colton is taking up the whole bed. There’s no way I can move him; he’s all muscle and freaking heavy.

I grab my pillow and head out to the living room. I lay down, grabbing the blanket on the back of the couch and pulling it over me. Thankfully I’m so exhausted it doesn’t take long for me to fall asleep.




A hand brushes the hair out of my face, and I open my eyes. Colton sits next to me, and sunlight filters into the room. “I’m sorry,” he says softly. “I don’t know what my problem is.”

I could be pissy, but what good is that going to do? I have no clue what he’s going through. “You’re worrying me. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through, but getting so drunk that someone has to practically carry you into the house doesn’t help anything.”

He lowers his head. “I know, baby. I’m sorry; it was stupid.”

I reach up and cup his face. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

Colton’s eyes look glassy. He swallows thickly and says, “I just got you back. I can’t leave you. I can’t leave our baby.”

I grab him and pull him down so he’s half laying on me. Neither of us says anything; instead, Colton situates us so he’s against the back of the couch and we’re lying chest to chest. I don’t think there is an inch of space between us.

He kisses the top of my head, and I pull back look up into his beautiful face. “You’re not leaving us, baby.” I reach up and stroke his cheek with my thumb. “We’re going to have a baby. A little boy you can coach, just like your dad did.”

Colton shakes his head. “Nope, a little girl who’s just as obsessed with pink as her mama.” He closes his eyes for a minute and then looks at me. “I’m gonna fight. I promise you I’m not going to give up.”

“I know you won’t.”