Healed by Evan Grace

Chapter Twenty-Three




One month later


I stare at the bag of clear liquid and watch it drip into the plastic tube. Fuck me. I close my eyes and rest my head back. Heidi grabs my hand, gripping it tight. Today’s my first treatment. I was nervous, but knowing she’s right beside me has helped calm me.

Dr. Wagle laid out all my options, and we’ve decided on chemotherapy. Luckily, we caught the cancer very early, so we’re going to treat it aggressively, but the road to remission will last another two years.

Heidi’s been great throughout this whole thing. She’s so strong and has been from the beginning. I’m going to make it through this because I have my girl who is strong as hell.

She still has morning sickness, and I made a joke the other day that if I got sick from my treatment, then we’d have to wrestle for the toilet. Heidi started crying and punched me in the chest.

I was trying to lighten the mood, but that was clearly a mistake ,and I felt terrible afterward.

I open my eyes and turn my head to look at Heidi. She’s holding my hand, and the other is holding her phone, and I can see she’s reading. I do a quick perusal of her body—damn, her tits have gotten bigger. She is still petite, but her lower abdomen is starting to look bloated.

The desire to fight and beat this cancer is strong. I want to be beat this so I can be there for Heidi and our baby. A wave of sadness comes over me thinking about the child we lost, but I can’t change the past; I can only look toward our future.

Heidi looks up from her phone, smiling at me. “You take my breath away,” I whisper.

Her cheeks become flushed, and she brings my hand to her lips, kissing the back of it. “Charmer. Do you need anything?”

I shake my head. “Nope, I’m good.”

It takes two hours before we’re finally finished. We’re both quiet as we head out to the SUV, and she only lets me go to climb into the driver’s seat.

I climb into the passenger seat, and she drives us home. When we step inside, something smells amazing. That’s when we notice the containers on the counter. I pick up the note and read it out loud.

“We wanted to do something special for you. Enjoy your meal, and know that we are all here for you. Love Mona, Joaquin, Iris, Max, Nick, Sierra, Ember, Miles, Victoria, and Greta (if she were here).”

I lift up one of the lids, and a delicious puff of steam hits my face. Heidi comes and stands next to me, peering inside. “Oh my god. This looks amazing.”

Inside is a chicken and pasta dish. I open the other and find garlic bread. In the refrigerator I find a salad and then a bunch of small containers. “Holy shit. These are all single meals.”

“Ahhh, that’s so nice of them. Now we don’t have to worry about lunch or dinner this week. I also see some cheesecake in here.”

We dish up some food on our plates; I’m going to enjoy food while I still can. Together we dig into the feast brought to us. Heidi makes little moans as she eats, and my dick twitches in my jeans.

At least it still works, for now. Fuck, that’s a depressing thought … nope, not going there.




Heidi cries out as I make her come with my tongue in her pussy. She grips my hair as she thrusts her hips against my mouth. I bring her down slowly, and she sighs happily.

I kiss her stomach on the way up to her mouth. When I reach those delicious lips, I kiss her slowly and deep, letting her taste herself on my lips. Reaching between us, I line my cock up with her wet pussy and slowly ease inside her.

There will never be a greater feeling than when I slide into her cunt. She gives a little cry against my mouth that I feel deep in my gut. Heidi grabs onto my biceps—mindful of the wrap around my arm that protects my picc line.

I begin to move in and out of her, our bodies in sync. Her hands move to my back and slide down and grip my ass. I pull back and hold her gaze. Heidi clenches around my dick and gives a breathy cry as she comes again.

Her orgasm triggers mine, and I pump once, twice, and then plant myself to the root as I come inside her. It takes me a second to get my bearings and pull out of her. “I’ll be right back.”

I walk naked In the bathroom to take a piss and then grab a washcloth, getting it wet. In the bedroom I make quick work of wiping Heidi off, tossing the washcloth into the hamper, and then I crawl into bed with her.

She curls into me, and I wrap my arms around her. “I love you, baby.”

“I love you too.” Heidi leans up and kisses me.

“I want to marry you,” I say in the dark, but I don’t miss her stiffening, and then sniffles. “I’ll be back.” I climb out of bed and walk naked into my closet it and open the safe to grab the velvet box.

Heidi sits up as I approach the bed. She’s smiling as I stop at the foot of the bed.

Damn, she’s beautiful and all mine. “I wanted to make this special but, Heidi Elizabeth Collins, say you’ll marry me—be my wife, baby.”

She nods enthusiastically. “Of course, I will.”

I slide the ring onto her finger, and it fits her perfectly. I push her back onto the bed and crawl on top of her. We get busy celebrating, and it’s a long time before either of us falls asleep.



Two months later


I hug the toilet seat as I vomit what little I had in my stomach. Heidi places a cool washcloth against the back of my neck. “Baby, just remember we just have two more months of this, and then it’s just maintenance.”

She helps me stand because I always seem to be a little wobbly after getting sick. My gorgeous, amazing fiancée is trying to be so positive all the time, and I’ve turned into a moody prick.

The fact that I’m in remission should make me happy, but it could still come back or show up. I still have to do treatments for another two fucking years. I’m just tired of puking all the time—I’m tired of being tired. Heidi is growing our son or daughter, and she’s constantly playing nursemaid for me.

I’m unable to work right now. After the first month of treatment, I just couldn’t do it anymore. I was nauseated a lot at first, and then I started getting sick. Patients don’t appreciate it when you have to vomit in their toilet.

Our families have been so amazing. They’ve done so much for us; it’s been incredible.

I focus on Heidi. Pregnancy looks amazing on her. She’s rocking a small baby bump that is so fucking sexy I can’t stop touching it. The baby is getting big enough that she can feel it move. I can’t yet, but I can’t wait until I do.

Next week we go for an ultrasound. They said we could find out the sex of the baby if we want, but we’ve decided to be surprised. She thinks it’s a boy, but we’ll just have to see.

After brushing my teeth, I pull Heidi into my arms. “I should be taking care of you.”

She shakes her head. “You’ll get the chance at some point, I’m sure.”