Sexy SEALs by Sarwah Creed



I screamed out as I looked at my alarm which had been set for five-thirty, but I’d turned it off, and then woke up late. Mom was going to kill me. I said I would help, and I’d been in bed all day.

I grabbed my pants, a shirt, and pulled it on. Then I remembered I didn’t have a bra on. So,  I had to strip back off and then put everything back on again.

I was late.

Not one hour, but two.

Being with David had taken away the last piece of energy that I possessed, and I’d put it all spending the afternoon with him.

He’d made me feel things I didn’t even think was possible. I rushed down the stairs, feeling as if my legs had turned into the wings. I headed straight to the kitchen, and I was shocked to see not only mom in there, but Adonis and Chaz too.

“What’s going on?” I screamed, trying to get their attention.

Chaz was behind the grill, tossing the hamburgers like a pro’, Adonis was carefully placing the potatoes and whatever else was needed to garnish the plate, and mom was screaming orders as she entered.

“Well, look whose woken up. Kitchen or serving?” Mom asked.

I didn’t have time to ask her the questions that were running through my head.

“Where am I needed the most?”

“Serving!” Chaz answered for her.

And then naturally, I headed to the dining room, where I was shocked to see not only Nan working, but it seemed as if Greg worked too. I headed towards him to find out what was going on.

“Hey girl, heard you were back. Nice.”

I chased after him. “Yeah, where do you need me?”

“Tables 10 to 15 are yours, they’re waiting to be served.”

Magically out of nowhere, he gave me the ordering device, I wasn’t sure where he picked it up from, but yeah my name was against the tables, and as I put a smile and headed to table 12 who seemed to be the most anxious, I got to work. Someone I didn’t recognize was taking orders across from me, but we had hungry guests and there was nothing worse than having hungry guests in the house.


* * *

I endedup hitting the sack after midnight, all of mom’s recipes were a big hit, and not only that, but the B&B was getting more popular every day. Nan was a whizz at marketing and Greg came back to help, because that was his domain too. Realistically, we were quarantined, so the guests couldn’t go out to eat. The guests in the apartment, didn’t want to cook themselves, they’d heard about mom’s hot recipes and dined with the other guests, but because of social distancing we couldn’t book them all so we had to do them bit-by-bit, either way tonight had been a big success.

As we took the last orders we chatted, and I discovered Greg loved being part of the B&B then he did his own family, and escaped the arguments of his parents going through a bitter divorce and taking sides.

He was only twenty and hoped that one day he would go to college, until he found out that his mom had blown away his college fund with her gambling addiction and as a result, he started working for the B&B until he figured out his next move. As much as he was staying in town to help his mom, she didn’t want to be saved, and his dad sued her, which seemed crazy, Greg said that it was a waste of time. His money was lost, and so was his college fund.

Nan told him he had to live his life, his parents had done theirs and he had to think of himself, something that neither of his parents had done. They spent more time fighting than they did about the future of their only son.

There was word around town that his mom started gambling when his dad started having affairs. Something that I wasn’t sure if Greg knew about, but I suspected he did, because gossip flew around this small town like wildfire.

Seeing the disappointment on his face, as he told me his story. I felt bad for him, but then I thought about my fate. I’d gone to college, had a degree, yet I did not know what to do with my life.

As the night ended, and I could go to my room, I didn’t sleep straight away. I thought about him, and as much as Nan was reassuring him, I could tell it didn’t quite do the trick.

He was worried about them, and it would be hard for him to drop their craziness and just move on. This is when I thought about dad, and the idea of someone telling me I should stop grieving for him, and just move on.

Easier said than done.

I went to bed with my troubled thoughts; it bothered me. I could have called one guy to help me through the night, but I knew the one person who could help me the most was myself.

I took a shower. Closed my eyes and then crawled under my covers, and decided that I would close my eyes and have pleasant thoughts.

I just hoped that it would do the trick.