Sexy SEALs by Sarwah Creed


“Sleepyhead, you going to sleep all day?”

Those were what was buzzing in my ear as I tried to wake-up, after finally going to sleep and being a deep sleep.

It was at this point,that I realized the voice belonged to Adonis.

I shook my head, and then tried to get the covers to cover me, but then he yanked them back down.

“Get dressed! Get ready, and meet me downstairs in ten minutes, or they’ll be the bucket of water over your head.”

I opened one eye, to see that he really had a bucket of water. What did he think he was still part of the SEALs?

Then, before I could protest, he was gone. I sat up, and then stretched out. Checked out the clock facing me, and decided that I must be exhausted, because it said five. Five in the morning. He’d turned on the light too and all I could think about was him coming to wake me up, at this crazy hour to threaten me. It was then that I realized he’d put leggings, sneakers and a long-sleeved shirt on my bed. He really thought that he was still in the SEALs.

I was tired.

No, exhausted.

I turned my head to right and left, to get rid of the cramp that was starting up, because when I finally fell asleep I’d clearly just collapsed in the same position, which was an awkward one.

Why did I do these things?

I’d got so worked up in my thoughts that I didn’t even want to think about what he had in mind, but it involved leaving the hotel. The question was, even if I was tired, to go where.

I put on the clothes, then sneakers, headed to the bathroom to freshen up and as I was ordered, and then headed downstairs. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I saw Adonis holding two poles, I knew it didn’t take a genius to figure out, this guy wanted us to hike.

“I’ve never hiked in my life, and I have no intention of starting now!” I said with my hands on my hips.

He nodded, “I know your Nan told me you had some allergy to sports. One there is no such thing, and we’re not running just hiking.”

“At five fifteen in the morning. Seriously?”

As I turned to walk away, he spun me around and sighed, “Yes seriously.”

“I need to help with the breakfast rush.”

“We’ll be back before then.”

Damn! He really thought of everything, and I wasn’t too confident about us being back by then. I thought that most likely I would be dead by then.

“We’re going hiking, not skydiving, or rock climbing, or any other dangerous sport that you have in your head, which is why you’re pulling that face. It’s just walking and talking. Harmless.”

I decided he was right. I was exaggerating and acting like the spoiled brat that mom had accused me of being so many times. Whenever I didn’t get my way, I would run to dad and then I would be his little Princess, something that I was proud about being all the time. When he was around, the rest of the time, I would hate her for feeling as if I was stuck with the wicked witch.

“You thinking of your dad again?”

I nodded my head, feeing guilty about being caught in the act.

“You can tell me all about him. I’ve packed us a few things so we can eat later on. OK?”

I agreed, but really I was hungry, it was weird it wasn’t as if I would normally eat at this hour, let alone be up by now. Either way, I decided that as much as I didn’t want to hike, I had to do it fast so that whatever was in that backpack on his back could be eaten in a hurry.

We headed out of the door, and then I took a deep breath, it was cold outside, just a little chilly so before I could even say that I needed to go back inside to get a sweater, he held it in his hand in front of me.

“Here, take it. I didn’t expect it to be this cold.”

He’d really thought of everything, once I put it on, I realized as I was getting ready to speak and I was following him like a sheep. I’d had no one like Adonis in my life. Sure Lucy is my best friend from uni, but even then we talk about college, boys and things like that, but with Adonis, I feel I could talk to him about anything, and no matter what I said, he never judged me.

“I’m listening and we’re going this way.”

He pointed, in the opposite direction that I was heading in, as I became lost in my thoughts.

“We never lived here as a family. We used to live in Iowa.”

“I know you told me.”

“Of course, I forget what we spoke about and what we haven’t spoken about.”

“Well, you told me you missed your dad. But Kiara, I get the impression that it’s a lot more than you just miss him,” he gently put his hand on my shoulder.

“Yeah, I do. There’s so many things I could say to him I can’t tell anyone else.”

“Like what?”

“Like, I got up at five to go hiking. He would freak, he would want to shake your hand or even give you a hug just because you got his lazy daughter out of bed at this hour, to do some kind of activity.”

He laughed, “I’m not sure if I can classify walking at this pace an activity, but I like him already.”

I smiled at him, even if he couldn’t see as we left the street and the lights of the street light disappeared and the torch that he was holding in his hand, became our only light.

“And your mom?”

I shrugged. “She wouldn’t say a thing. Well, she would most of the time, but I would ignore her. She would say something sarcastic.”

“And what your dad would say would be the complete opposite? I’m confused.”

He carried on walking, but no more did I walk next to him. I noted what he said, and decided that I was being too harsh on mom. That was his point. That was what he was saying to me.

“Yeah, but with him it would be funny.”

I said in my defense as he turned the light towards my feet and stopped walking.

“I just don’t know. Dad and I clicked, he said things and I knew exactly what he was going to say and with mom we never really had a bond like that.”

He said nothing as we walked in silence, I felt uncomfortable about the idea that I’d written mom off from the start, I tried to remember when she did things that would upset me. Or why she never featured as my number one parent, and she was around all the time. That was when it hit me, it was because she was around all the time, and he wasn’t. I used her responses and jokes to complain about her, even if she did nothing wrong, I would worry that I would never see him again. Until, that time came and it was the case.

“I remember when I was told that he was dead, it relieved part of me.”

He choked, “Why?”

“Because I’d spent so many years thinking that he wouldn’t come home, and then the news came and I realized I didn’t have to worry anymore. He wasn’t coming home and I didn’t have to worry about him, and feel nervous about him coming back. There was no more going…”

“And no more coming back, but not like your mom who was always there.”

He slipped his hand into mine.

“I know what happened, I think that so many have felt the same as you, it’s natural. It doesn’t mean that you should feel guilty about it.”

But that didn’t stop me feeling guilty about it.

I’d confessed something openly, and it felt wrong in so many ways.

* * *

We reachedthe top of the mountain and I could see the beauty of it all, as Adonis laid a towel on the ground and while eating the tuna and mayonnaise sandwiches that he had made, he’d even gone to the trouble of asking mom what were my favorite sandwiches. I relished in them, but then I stopped as he put his arm around me, and we both watched the sun rise. Somehow seeing the rays of the sun touch and somehow light up the lake, made it the most beautiful thing that I’d ever seen. Seeing nature in it’s beauty and his blue eyes light up, as I laid down and stretched my arms like a child making snow angels in the snow. Adonis complemented and said not only was the sunrise beautiful, but I’d captured him just as much. He pressed his lips against mine. It was the most romantic setting that I’d ever been a part of, and I promised him that if he stayed with me tonight, I would love to repeat it again, tomorrow.

It was early when we went to sleep, and I woke up after only a few hours. I felt Adonis’s warmth behind me, and I gently rolled over to look at him.

The room was dark, but the side-light was on. Adonis was peaceful in sleep and he snored softly, but I didn’t mind. I let my gaze run all over his face, and then, I couldn’t help it, I reached out to touch the firm line of his jaw. I waited until then to let my hand move down, to the silky skin of his shoulder. He was well-muscled on every inch of his body.

My fingers splayed out as I ran my hand down over his chest. Smooth and satiny soft, his chest was broad, unlined, and marked with one tattoo, he told me it meant Sign of Times, he was a Prince fan. A symbol that Prince lived by and Adonis wanted to do the same.I let my hand go lower, always with an ear out in case his breathing changed. I found a hard abdomen, flat but muscled, that went down to the very heart of him. I didn’t want to wake him, not yet. I just wanted to touch him, explore the strangeness of the male form.My attention was caught by his cock. My first touch brought it to life. He became hard in my hand in an instant and I stopped breathing, I didn’t move at all. He continued to snore softly, so I moved my hand, to see what new response I’d get. I’d aroused him, even in his sleep!

I wrapped my fingers more tightly around the length of him and stroked him the way he’d shown me to earlier.

“You want to tease me, while I’m sleeping and think that you can get away with  it.”

Shit, he was awake!

We’d not been sensual, not once, but being with Chaz and David had given me the confidence, to be this way with him. He was acting like a gentleman, and I was the one acting like a horny teenager.

He pushed my right leg, the one on top, up and over my left leg against the bed. He moved me again and then curled up behind me. I was already aroused from my exploration of him. I knew this wouldn’t hurt at all. I’d be too wet to feel any pain at all.

“You want me so badly?”

I smiled, “Otherwise I wouldn’t have woken you up.”

Touching him like that would wake him up, and I knew I wouldn’t be disappointed, I wasn’t when we talked and I certainly wouldn’t be in bed with him. He braced one hand on my right shoulder, pulled my torso back towards his chest, and slid right into me. Adonis went into me smoothly, without a single instance of hesitation. He pushed his left arm under me and pulled me up to his chest. Adonis cupped my breasts as he clasped me to him with an intensity I hadn’t felt from him before.

He slid in and out of me in a gentle rhythm. We weren’t driving each other on or fighting for dominance. I was naked next to him. I’d awoken up, once I knew he was sleeping, and took my PJ’s off. I wanted him, and I had him in my bed for a reason. One reason alone, for his hands, and every part of him to be next to my skin.

I turned my head, and he kissed me, just as his fingers tugged at my nipples.

“Adonis,” I breathed his name as that mad rush towards pleasure came over me again. His lips on mine, the way he surrounded me, slid into me while my thighs pressed together just right to put pressure on my clit, caused an inferno of tight pleasure to swirl in my lower abdomen.

I knew it now, this build to orgasm, and I enjoyed every second. When it broke over me, it was as gentle as Adonis was. I cried out softly, too tired to hold back, but it was all so sweet and exquisitely tender that I couldn’t make a louder noise if I’d wanted to. I felt his body go rigid behind me as mine bowed back into him. He went still and groaned as waves shook over me, over and over, as he let himself go.

Adonis pulled out of me. I curled into my pillow with his arms still around me.

He kissed my temple and pulled a little further away, just enough to let me have my space in the bed.

I didn’t regret a thing, I thought as I drifted closer to sleep. I’d also gained knowledge about how sex didn’t have to be just between two people. I’d often heard of men wanting two women at once, but I didn’t know women could have over one man, much less three.