Whispered Secrets by Elizabeth Lennox

Chapter 18

Maggie opened her eyes and sighed. Another miserable day.  Another day without Oliver. Another day wondering how she’d been so gullible.  First Jerry, then Oliver. Both had thought she was stupid enough to trick her into thinking they wanted her.  When in reality, they only wanted what she could give them.  Jerry wanted the land.  Oliver wanted information on the neighborhood.

“Oh, good!  You’re awake!” Lilly laughed as she stepped into the bedroom, Marcus gurgling happily in her arms.  “Here, hold him for me for a minute, would you?” she asked, handing over the cooing child, and rushing out of the room.

Maggie stared down into Marcus’ face, fighting back the tears.  She loved kids.  If things had gone the way she’d hoped, then she and Oliver would have had a whole passel of children. 

Alas, Maggie suspected she’d never have that wonderful brood.  She couldn’t imagine ever trusting a man again.  Jerry’s betrayal had been painful enough.  But she’d come through that trial better and stronger. 

Oliver’s betrayal…well, he’d nearly destroyed her. 

“No more!” she whispered to the adorable baby boy, who squirmed and giggled at her.  “Never again!”

Marcus bicycled his tiny feet harder, giggling excitedly.  Maggie laughed as she set him down in the middle of the bed, and slipped out of bed to get dressed.

When Lilly returned, her eyes widened.  “Something changed,” she announced, scooping Marcus out of Maggie’s arms.  “What’s happened?”

“I’m going back,” she declared.

Lilly shook her head. “No!  You’re staying here until you feel better.”  She started patting Marcus’ bottom, soothing him as she swayed slightly.  “You’ve lost too much weight and I know you’re still not sleeping well.”

“I’m fine,” Maggie insisted, feeling a rush of warmth for her friends.  Molly came over every day with cookies or treats from Louise and Nora, or clothes from her apartment.  She also provided the news that Oliver was still living at Rose Gardens.  Which was very odd, since Maggie had Googled his penthouse.  It was beautiful!  Huge and clean, white and pristine!  His penthouse was nothing like the one bedroom place at Rose Gardens. 

“You need to stay here,” she repeated.

Maggie hugged her friend, and kissed Marcus’ soft, fluffy head.  “I have to get to work. There are apartments that need work.  Things to do and people who need me.  I’m not running away like I did with Jerry.”

Lilly continued patting Marcus’ bottom as she said, “Speaking of jerks, I have some news about Jerry.”

Maggie pulled out the duffel bag Molly had packed for her, stuffing clothes in haphazardly.  Funny, but the thought of Jerry didn’t hurt anymore.  How long would it be before she could say the same about Oliver?  “What about him?”

“Well, you know how Drako owns several businesses down in Houston, including a bank, and…”

“Drako owns a bank?” Maggie interrupted, surprised by that little tidbit.

Lilly waved it aside. “Yes, but that’s not the interesting part.  Apparently, Jerry has gone to several banks now, asking for loans.” She grinned, a sparkle in her eyes.  “It appears that dear old Jerry is broke.”  Lilly grinned.  “Worse than broke.  He has bill collectors calling on him constantly.”

“Really?” Maggie asked, laughing as she collected her socks. 

“Yep.  He mortgaged his house and his ranch to buy up all of your land around the river.  Now that the developer has mysteriously pulled out, Jerry is left with a massive debt, and no one wants to buy that land.  He’s even trying to sell it dirt cheap. But…wonder of wonders, whenever he gets a nibble of interest, the buyer mysteriously pulls out.”

“Why is that?” she asked. 

Lilly shrugged.  “Apparently, there’s a big developer down there warning people away from the sale.  The land is cursed or something, people are whispering.”

Maggie stopped packing, looking at her friend. “Cursed?” she repeated.  “And what developer?”

“Fenton properties, is what Drako heard.”  She shrugged, as if the news was of little import.

Maggie caught her breath. “Oliver is doing this to Jerry?  But…why?”

Another shrug.  “No clue.  Maybe he’s trying to make up for what he thinks he’s done here?”

Maggie shoved the last sweater into the duffel bag.  “Not a chance!” she spat.

Lilly followed, bouncing Marcus with every step.  “Well, I’m just saying that there might be more going on than we know.  It’s possible that Oliver might not be as horrible as you think.”

Maggie turned, her eyes narrowing on her friend.  “What do you know?”

Lilly smiled.  “A little birdie told me the neighborhood is getting a major revitalization grant from the state.  And there are several developers trying to step in and spruce up the apartments around Rose Gardens.”  She swayed again.  “Oh, and…there’s some politician who found out about the Center and is asking questions.  But that might be just a rumor.”

“A politician?”

Lilly grinned.  “Yeah, the rumors are that someone is running for a weakened senator’s seat.  That pathetic senator is my father, by the way.”  She laughed and did a little spin, thrilled by any bad news regarding her corrupt father.  “Gossip about some handsome lawyer-guy is spreading around town and…well, you should ask Molly about that.  She hates him, but I think he’s pretty charming.”

Maggie eyed her friend dubiously.  “If Molly hates this guy, then we shouldn’t trust him.  She has an excellent instinct for people.”

Lilly laughed.  “I’m not so sure if her instincts are on point about this guy.”  Lilly shrugged slightly.  “I also think that you should talk to Oliver.  There has to be more to his story than we know.”

Maggie’s eyes narrowed on her friend.  “Are you on his side now?”

Lilly shook her head.  “I’m on your side.  I just want you to think about every possibility before you reject a man who might be your soul mate.  Don’t lose something that could be precious, just because you’ve been hurt.”

Maggie understood.  Lilly had loved Drako from the beginning, but he didn’t believe he could love again.  Thankfully, they’d worked things out and were wildly happy and, now they were crazy about their little boy.

Maggie smiled gently and leaned in to hug her friend.  “I love you for wanting me to find the same happiness that you have with Drako, but I don’t think that’s in my future.”

And with that, she slung her duffel over her shoulder.  “I’m truly grateful to you for giving me a place to stay over the past few days.” She placed another kiss on Marcus’ sweet-smelling head.  “I’ll talk to you soon.”