Daddy’s Temptation by Kelly Myers



When Saturday evening arrives, I know I should be at the Magnolia Club to support Hailey. Instead, I’m on a date with Daphne, the woman I met online and who I finally agreed to meet.

And, it’s a disaster.

Not overtly because we have some things in common and the conversation flows smoothly enough. But, because I can’t stop thinking about Hailey. I keep looking at my watch, ready to call it a night, wondering if I should try to still make Hailey’s gig.

But, why would I do that? So, I can run into Bella? Create a big scene and ruin Hailey’s night? No, I won’t do that to her.

The minute we finish eating, I request the check. I see Daphne raise her brow and I sigh. “I’m sorry,” I say. “You’re a very nice woman, but I can’t do this.”

“Do what?” she asks. “Eat dinner?”

My mouth edges up. “You’re right. I know this is just a first date and all, but I’ve got a lot going on and it’s probably best if I focus on that right now.”

“I’m not asking to marry you, Ryan, but I understand. Take care of your business and follow your heart. It’s all any of us can do, right?”

On the drive back to Sunset Terrace, I ponder Daphne’s parting words. Follow your heart. My heart leads me straight to Hailey. And, all I’ve been doing, since the moment I met her, is fighting it. Fighting me feelings, denying myself, pretending I’d be better off without her.

I pull up alongside the building, get out of my truck and head toward my apartment.


I look over and see Paige sitting by the pool. What is my ex-wife doing here? I wonder. I walk over and feel panic fill my gut. “Is Bella okay?” I ask, worry furrowing my brow.

Paige stands up. “She’s fine.” I wait for Paige to explain her visit, but she doesn’t seem sure how to start. “It’s been awhile.”

“It’s been more than awhile,” I say and we both give each other a tentative smile. “You look great, by the way.” And, she does. The years have been kind and I sense a happiness in her that was always missing when we were together.

“Thank you,” she says, eyes roaming over me. “And, you look handsome, as always.” Paige takes a deep breath and sits back down.

I slowly lower myself down on the chaise lounge next to her and frown. “What’s going on?”

“I talked to Bella the other day. She said you two had a really good conversation and then told me everything. And, I guess I just wanted to come over and apologize.”

I just blink, not sure what she means. “For what?”

“For all the years I let you be the bad guy.” She shrugs. “I know it wasn’t right, placing all of the blame on you, and I see that now. After your lunch, Bella started asking me questions about when we were married and I was brutally honest. For once, I didn’t make it sound like I was completely innocent in the situation.”

For a moment, I have no words. Then, I clear my throat. “I appreciate that. I hate that she’s always thought of me as the villain and the reason we got divorced.”

“I suppose I did it to punish you and it was wrong. I told her what a good man you are and I hope she can see that and not be swayed by what I’ve said over the years. Because I’ve spent so much of that time as a very bitter and miserable woman.”

When tears shimmer in her eyes, I feel bad. Even though I'm the one who has had to deal with her little white lies. “She said you met someone recently.”

A smile curves her mouth and Paige nods. “I guess it’s true when they say love has the power to change people. Because I’ve never been happier.”

“Good for you, Paige.”

“What about you, Ryan?” She leans forward and touches my arm. “I can’t believe that some woman hasn’t come along and snatched you up. You’ve always been quite the catch.”

“Since our divorce, I’ve avoided anything serious. I felt like a failure and decided it just wasn’t worth it.” I think of Hailey and how she made me want to try again. How we came so damn close.

“I’m sensing a ‘but’…”

I release a weary sigh. “But, recently there was someone and it’s like she turned the light on again for me.”

“That’s wonderful. Why do you say ‘was,’ though?”

“Because I ended it.”


“There were too many complications.”

Paige nods and clasps her hands in her lap. “Isn’t that when it can be most exciting, though? When it’s intense and there’s something to fight for?”

Hailey is definitely worth fighting for and I wonder if I’m the world’s biggest fool.

“Do you love her?” Paige asks.

My head snaps up and I feel liquid warmth flow through my veins like magma. Yes, I realize. I do love that sweet, innocent, young woman who ran away from an abusive uncle to pursue her dreams here. I admire her tenacity, bravery and, most of all, I love the fearless way she faces life head-on and goes after what she wants with such determination and strength.

I give a small nod. “But, I screwed it all up.”

“So fix it. If you love her, then she’s worth the risk.”

“She’s a lot younger than me, Paige,” I admit and run a hand through my hair.

For a moment, Paige considers my words. “Why is that a bad thing? If you love her and she loves you, then you’ve been given a gift, Ryan. Don’t throw it away because you’re scared of what other people might think.”

“I was terrified of what you and Bella would think,” I tell her.

Paige gives me a smile and smacks my leg. “Oh, for God’s sake, Ryan, you really haven’t changed. You’ve always been the guy who tried to do the right thing and that’s all very sweet, but, at some point, you need to put yourself first. It may sound selfish, but if it helps you find your happiness then do it. Be with the younger girl and don’t give a damn about what anyone else thinks. Including me and Bella. Because, Rye, we’ll support you no matter what.”

God.I can’t believe these words are coming out of her mouth and, for the first time in years, I feel a weight lift off my shoulders. Paige is right. I’ve spent my whole life making sure everyone else was happy and taken care of and somewhere along the way, I sacrificed my own wants and needs.

I glance down at my watch and realize I might have just enough time to catch Hailey’s performance. I jump up and feel a huge smile on my face. “Thank you, Paige. But, I gotta go.”

She stands up and laughs as I start jogging away. “Where are you going?”

“To go get my girl.”

I race over to the Magnolia Club in record time and run through the front door. As I pay a small cover charge, I can hear Hailey’s voice. It fills the air, sweet and melancholy. Literally, the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. As usual, her voice draws me forward, yet I stay in the back of the club and watch from the corner.

Hailey sounds like an angel and I look over everyone in the club. Conversations have stopped and they’re mesmerized, their complete attention on her. When Hailey sings, she commands the room. It’s an amazing thing to see.

Nearby, I notice a man in a dress shirt and tie talking on his phone in an excited whisper. “Are you hearing this?” He holds up his phone. “She’s fucking the next big thing. Hell, yeah, I’m going to sign her. She’s going to be famous.”

His words make me smile, but also a little sad. This is exactly what she hoped would happen. Someone important in the music Industry would hear her and help launch her career. I’m so happy for her, but the reality of the situation leaves me cold. Because where would I fit in? I’m just an older man with baggage who owns an apartment complex. Hailey will be surrounded by people and be too busy for me.

Even though I came here prepared to fight for her, I know deep down it’s best to let her go. Seeing her in her element makes me see that I have no place in her life.

The moment she finishes her set, the crowd goes wild and the walls shake from the raucous applause. Hailey murmurs a thank you and exits the stage. I clap so hard my hands hurt. I’m so damn proud of her.

Just when I’m debating whether or not to sneak back out, I suddenly notice a man who looks a little rough around the edges. He leans against the wall, arms crossed and not applauding.

In fact, he looks downright angry and I feel a prickle along the back of my neck. Something about him is off and I decide I am not going anywhere. Instead, I keep my eyes on him. From being in the military, I’ve learned to spot a bad guy a mile away.

And, this is a bad guy.

As the lights in the room lift, people start talking again and glasses clink as they finish their drinks. I plan to melt back into the shadows and keep vigilance for a while when I hear Bella’s voice, loud and clear and very close.

“Dad? What are you doing here?”

I turn and see Bella, Hailey and a whole group of kids from Sunset Terrace. Shit. This is not how I expected Bella would find out about Hailey.

“You came?”

Hailey’s soft voice snags my attention and I smile. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I tell her. “And, you were absolutely amazing.”

“Thank you,” she whispers and, for a long moment, we just look at each other and it’s as though no one else is in the room.

Then, everything becomes chaotic. The music Industry guy in the tie descends on Hailey like a shark and Bella gives me an unreadable look.


I turn my attention to Bella, preparing for the wrath that I feel is about to come. I also notice that she wears the heart necklace I gave her. Even though it's gold and she prefers silver.

“How do you know Hailey?” she asks, hands on her hips.

“Uh-oh,” Jasmine says under her breath. Then, she directs the group away from Bella and I, giving us some privacy. “Why don’t we go over to the bar and get a drink?” she suggests.

“She lives at Sunset Terrace.” I take a deep breath and then spill it. “And, we’ve been seeing each other.”

Bella’s eyes widened. “Are you shitting me?”


“She’s my age!”

“I know that and I understand this is a shock to you, but please understand when I tell you that it’s more than just a fling. I care about much.” I want to say that I love her, but I should probably let Hailey know that first.

“This is so weird.” She shakes her head, trying to process it. “I can’t deal with this right now.” Bella turns to leave and I grab her arm.


“Not now, Dad.” She pulls free and storms out.

Fuck.This is not what I wanted to happen.