Never by Blue Saffire

Chapter 10

Time to Move


Sal giggles as her moans fill my ears while I push in and out of her. I grunt against her neck as I kiss and suck on her sweet skin, causing her to moan and giggle some more. I’m in heaven as the shower rains down around us, causing our skin to become slick with the downpour of water against our heated flesh.

I marvel at how good she feels on my hard rod. Sal is so wet and tight. I could spend the rest of the day with her pinned to this shower wall. We were supposed to be showering together to save time and get out of here before sunrise.

I don’t think that’s going to happen. Now that I have had Sal, I want nothing but her. I love how her slick heat welcomes me deep, it’s like I’m chasing something, and it can only be found within her warm walls.

“Shit, baby,” I groan as her walls tighten around me.

I lick and kiss her neck, causing her to moan and giggle once again. She’s ticklish around that sensitive spot on her neck, but it turns her on when I lick or kiss that same spot. I bite down on that exact place and I feel her explode around me.

“Gutter,” she cries out as her body jerks against mine.

I pick up the pace, going from the slow, agonizing grind I’d been torturing us both with to a pounding pace. I’m trying to catch my own release as her pussy comes all over me. I’m so close. I rest my forehead to her cheek and stare down at where our bodies are joined.

It’s that connection that’s chasing my demons away, and I’m in awe of it. When her tight little pussy begins to come around me again, I’m done for. I growl and look up into her beautiful brown eyes. Sal looks at me with the same awe I have of her.

“You feel so good,” I groan, before calling her name and spilling my hot seed inside of her.

Sal strokes my wet hair as we catch our breath. I capture her lips and suck at her swollen lower one. I know we need to get going, but I’m reluctant to pull out of her heat. I don’t want this feeling to end. As long as she’s here in my arms, she’s safe.

“We should probably get going,” she says sweetly. “King is going to want to hear from us soon.”

The real world comes crashing in with her words. I haven’t thought about King in hours. I especially haven’t thought about how he would feel about me fucking his little sister. This is a problem, because I’m not giving Sal up.

I grunt and pull out, staggering back a step. I steady Sal on her feet and grab the body wash to finish what I had started in the first place. I had only meant to wash my woman, but one touch and I had to have her.

This is so out of character for me, but it feels right. Taking care of Sal feels right, like my job. I’m supposed to take care of her in every way. My hands on her body are meant to be. My arms around her at night is law. Nothing can change the fact that this is my woman.

“What are you thinking about?” Sal asks as she cups my jaw. She runs her finger along my scar.

“Nothing,” I murmur.

“Uhh-uhh, not going to happen, Pierson. You have to talk to me,” she says as she moves her head to catch my eyes.

I place a soft kiss on her lips. “King isn’t going to like this. That’s going to be a problem,” I grumble.

Sal snorts. “King can mind his own business. I don’t tell him who to date and he won’t be telling me who my man can be,” she sasses. She then looks up at me through her lashes and gives me a shy smile. “Besides, I already belong to you. Ain’t shit he can do about that now.”

I back her into the shower wall and grab her by the face, tipping it up for me. I dip my head and devour her lips. “You got that fucking right,” I grunt, when I release her lips.

Sal looks up at me and grins. We have to get out of this shower before we don’t make it to South Carolina for another three days. Sal is right, King will be looking for us to check in.

I back up and pull her under the spray to rinse her off. She ducks her head to the side, so that her short, sexy hair doesn’t get wet. My lips curl into a smile. She warned me before we got in here not to get her hair wet.

I don’t know why, but it’s the simple things with Sal that make me feel human. I’ve never learned about someone else in a relationship. I like knowing that I’m learning about her and will get to learn more. I look forward to it.

I cut the water off and pull the curtain back before stepping out first. I reach for a towel, then turn to dry Sal off before wrapping the towel around her and lifting her from the shower.

Her sweet laugh fills my ears again as she wraps her arms around my neck and buries her face in it. Her legs go around my waist. I turn to carry us out of the bathroom.

“Get dressed, baby, we need to get going,” I say against her temple. Reluctantly, I release her so she can do as I say.

I find my own clothes and tug them on. When I reach for my phone from my jeans, I frown, finding the thing has died. No wonder King hasn’t called to chew my ass out for not checking in sooner.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Sal asks as she looks over at my frowning face.

“Phone’s died, I forgot to charge it last night,” I reply.

“No worries, we can charge it in the truck. I’ll text King from my burner.” She pulls a cell from her backpack. “Shit,” she groans and bites her lip. “Mine is dead too.”

“Let’s go,” I say, feeling on edge. I want out of this bed-and-breakfast. We’ve been sitting too long.

I get this unsettling feeling in my belly. My instincts have always served me well. We need to get out of here, now. I grab Sal’s backpack and her wrist. She’s still trying to pull on one of her boots.

“Gutter, what the hell?” she pants while hopping beside me.

“We need to go, now,” is all I say.

I don’t stop until we’re out at my truck. I took care of the room in cash last night, so we don’t need to stop for anything. I help Sal inside and round the bed to get in the driver’s side.

We’re on the road before Sal can get settled into the seat. Her stare burns at the side of my face. I get us onto the highway and make sure we’re not being followed before I turn my focus to her questioning eyes.

“I don’t believe in coincidences, baby girl, and I always follow my gut. We were there too long. It was time to go. I don’t know what’s chasing you or what King has me protecting you from, but I will follow my gut every time, especially to keep you safe,” I turn to her and say.

Sal licks her lips and nods. “Then there’s something you should know about me,” she starts. “I’m not sure who broke into my place, but I think it has something to do with the club.”

“Wait, someone broke into your place?” I snarl.

“Yeah, they tossed my place and stole my bike,” she seethes. “I took off right away. King told me to head this way and he would have someone he could trust pick me up.”

I nod my head and grunt.

I look at my phone Sal has been charging. It’s well over time to check in. I snatch it up and dial King. The phone only rings once before King picks up, growling.

“Where the fuck have you been? I’ve called your ass a hundred times and sent you texts. Where’s my sister?” King sneers.

“I’m right here, King. Our phones died. We stopped to get some sleep,” Sal explains. “Neither of us thought to charge our phones.”

“Well, this ain’t the time for that shit. We’ve got trouble,” King hisses.

“What kind of trouble?” I grit through my teeth.

“The kind that has Grim and Reap on their way. They’ve been trying to get a lock on your fucking phone. They’re going to flank you in. Gutter, I need you to keep your shit charged. In the meantime, get somewhere safe. Stop moving as much as you can.”

I wrinkle my brows. I hate the idea of being sitting ducks, but if it’s what the prez wants. I purse my lips and grunt.

“I’ll skirt Oregon and Nevada. It’ll be better than just sitting,” I offer. If push comes to shove, I have a plan.

King is silent for a moment. “Yeah, all right. Just keep your eyes open out there. We’ll be on lockdown here. I want to know as soon as you hit the fucking state, brother. When you get eyes on Grim and Reap, hit me and let me know you have backup,” King orders and hangs up without another word.

“Shit just got real,” Sal blows out a breath and sags in her seat.

“Fuck yeah,” I reply.

If Grim and Reap are on the way, they sure as fuck have. I tighten my grip on the steering wheel and run my tongue over my teeth. Someone is about to learn why they call me Gutter.


Gutter has been silent for the last few hours. I’ve been lost in my thoughts too, but I’m starting to become on edge with all of this silence. It’s bad enough that I am worried now.

King couldn’t and wouldn’t go into detail about what’s going on over the phone, but the mention of Grim and Reap has my skin itching. Erica is straight crazy, and she’s crazy about Colin. Where you find one, you find the other.

Grim and Reap leave a lasting impression. I know Erica better than most. She was the one who wrote to me while I was away at school. She would fill me in on everything I was missing. Erica was the only one who knew how homesick I truly was when I was younger.

I know a few of Reap’s secrets and she knows most of mine. It’s the reason I’m freaking out. I know what Grim and Reap are capable of. Shit is about to hit the fucking fan.

“You don’t have to worry. I would never let anything happen to you. I’m sure Grim and Reap are just a precaution. You’re King’s sister. He’s going to do everything in his power to protect you,” Gutter says out of the blue.

“Yeah, I know,” I reply absently. “I just wish I knew more about what’s really going on. Erica and Colin are just…” I can’t find the words.

He actually chuckles. I look over to him to see if that’s what I’m truly hearing. Sure enough, there’s a small smile on his lips.

“Yeah, I know what you mean, but you’re sitting next to a carbon copy of them, baby girl. You don’t have to worry about getting home safe,” he says.

I don’t know if that’s supposed to make me feel better or not. I look over at Gutter and narrow my eyes. I guess I could see him doing some of the things Reap has told me she has done, heck, some of the things I’ve seen her and Grim do.

I shake my head and sink into the seat. I might as well settle in. This is going to be a long ride, with or without the new company that’s on the way. I can only hope it’s a peaceful one.