Never by Blue Saffire

Chapter 12

We Need a Stretch


I look over through my lashes to see Sal sweating bullets. It’s hot. The AC seems to be blowing hot air as the sun bakes us through the glass.

We’ve been in Nevada for a while. The few stops along the way still haven’t been enough to eat up any real time. At this rate, we’re about to roast.

“We’re pulling over. You need to change into something cooler,” I say.

“I don’t have anything cooler. I grabbed the important things I needed. That didn’t include clothing,” she says, with the lift of her shoulders.

“Fine, we’ll stop somewhere to get you something. You’re soaked. We need water again while we’re at it,” I say more as a thought to myself.

Sal sighs. “Maybe it would be better to stop somewhere and blend in for a while. It’s going to be a long ride home. My legs are cramping. I’ve been traveling for days.” She winces as she rubs her legs. “Another shower would be nice at this point.”

I grunt and blow out a breath. She’s right. We have been in the truck for hours and it’s nearly a two-day drive to South Carolina. Shit, I could stand to stretch my legs.

“Come on, it’s Vegas. We can find something to do for a bit,” Sal says with that pretty smile of hers. She wiggles her brows. “Let’s have a little fun.”

That smile alone could talk me into a world of trouble. I think it over. I have a few connections in Vegas. We could relax a bit more if we go someplace I’m comfortable with.

I look at a drenched Sal and grunt. I need to get her out of this heat for a while. I’d feel safer if I could get us supplies without having her out in plain sight. I rub my forehead, but I know I’ve made a decision already as she bats those lashes at me.


“Please,” I plea.

I don’t know what has gotten into me. Maybe it’s the heat. The Vegas scene isn’t my thing, or at least it wouldn’t have been yesterday. It’s crowded and I can’t even remember the last time I allowed myself to cut loose and party. I stopped making friends a long time ago.

All I know is I want to stop riding around aimlessly and I want out of this truck. At the same time, something about the atmosphere outside is drawing me in. I look at Gutter, wondering what it would be like if we met like a normal couple.

A couple that doesn’t have the baggage we have. I wonder what that couple would be doing here in Vegas. Gutter hasn’t said much to me and I believe it’s because he’s focused on my safety, but I want to forget it all for just a little while.

If we have to be stuck in limbo waiting, why can’t we do it while having fun? I don’t know why I think being in one of these casinos will be safer or any less restricting. I just need out of my head and this confining seat. Sitting here, I feel like I’m doing nothing. I need to do something before I lose my mind.

I watch the look that crosses Gutter’s eyes as he grunts in response to my request and pulls out his phone. He shoots off a text before tossing his phone on the dash and turning the truck in the opposite direction from where we were headed.

I turn to look out the window. We pass by the strip and all of its attractions, causing my heart to sink a little. I was hoping we could do something fun in one of the casinos.

His phone buzzes and he picks it up and grunts to himself before tossing it back. When he turns into the driveway under the huge guitar, my smile comes back. I turn to Gutter and beam.

“Yes,” I squeal.

I don’t know why I’m so excited. There’s something about the thought of seeing Gutter in a casino, trying to relax, that has me giddy.

We hop out of the truck and Gutter is right at my side. One of the doormen walks right up to him. They lean into each other, the doorman whispering something, while Gutter nods in reply.

Gutter murmurs something back as they shake hands. He then reaches for my hand, turning to me. “We can go up to the room and shower first. Then I’ll go for water and a few things from the store,” he says in that curt tone of his.

“Okay.” I beam up at him.

I’m taken aback by the smile in his eyes, though it doesn’t show on his lips. I’m used to his type of gruffness. I’ve grown up around it all my life. Just because a man doesn’t smile openly, doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a secret smile for those he cares for.

Cage had those secret smiles for his girls. Remembering those smiles makes my chest ache. It’s been so long since I allowed myself to think of Mom or Dad. Something about Gutter has me all in my feelings today.

I lace my fingers with his and follow him inside. I lift a brow as we move into the hotel and casino, but Gutter bypasses the registration desk. It’s clear he knows the place well as we turn a corner between slot machines, restaurants, and shops.

I’m wide-eyed while we make our way to a row of elevators. Gutter jabs the button and the doors to the car, right in front of us, open. He leads us into the elevator and places a card in the slot before pressing for the tenth floor.

I look at him curiously, wondering where the card came from. Then it dawns on me: the doorman must have handed it to him. Gutter gives me a knowing smile and pulls me into his arms.

I’m still sweaty and sticky. My clothes are clinging to me, but the hotel is cool, bringing some much needed relief. He runs his nose through the sweat at my temple, then kisses the same spot.

I wince, grossed out, but he doesn’t seem to mind at all as he inhales. He tightens his arms around me, and we bask in the moment as the elevator carries us up. When the bell chimes, we exit the car, and he leads us to the left.

We walk for what seems like forever until we reach the doors at the end of the hall. He opens the door to a huge suite. I break into a smile when I take in the pool table, bar, and the amazing view. I wasn’t expecting this at all.

“This place is amazing,” I say, making my way farther into the room.

“It’s all ours until Grim and Reap get here. You can shower or whatever. I’m going to get us some clothes and a few things. Don’t leave this room and don’t open the door for anyone. You feel me?” He breathes in my ear as he walks up behind me.

My feet have taken me to the balcony as the room has me entranced. The view is too enticing to ignore. I lean back into him and release a long breath.

“Yeah, I feel you,” I say.

I could stay like this forever. If only this were my life. As if reading my mind, Gutter gives me a squeeze.

“When this is all over, we’ll make time to come really enjoy this place and anywhere else you want to go,” he says and his voice rumbles through me.

I turn in his arms and look up at him. “I would like that. A lot.” I smile.

He pecks my lips. “All you have to do is say the word.” He slaps my ass. “Now, go cool off. I’ll be right back.”

I give him a soft kiss in return before heading to the bathroom. When I look over my shoulder, I find him watching me intently. I wink at him, feeling lighter than I’ve felt in a very long time. His lips turn up slightly in one corner, warming my heart.

I step into the bathroom and gasp when I turn on the light. The bathroom is as gorgeous as the rest of the suite. The polished marble, shining fixtures, stunning sconces on the walls, and the large mirrors only add to the size of the bathroom.

I once dreamed of having a beautiful home that looks like this. When things like that mattered to me. I don’t think I ever had a dream of a husband and kids of my own, but I wanted the beautiful home at least. Some place to call my own.

I catch sight of myself in the mirror and wince. My face shines with perspiration. My shirt clings to me and is soaked at the same time.

The shower is calling my name. I sigh and start to peel my clothes off. I turn and eye the lock on the door.

Old habits die hard. I double back and lock it before stripping completely. Once out of my panties and bra, I move to the shower.

The water is heaven-sent the moment it cascades down my back. I sigh in relief, placing my head against the shower wall. I don’t know where it comes from, but the dam breaks, and I begin to cry.

I think my brain is finally catching up with everything that has happened in the last few days. My place, my bike, the weight of my revelation to Gutter, and his to me. Most of all, finally having someone know and understand the burdens I’ve been carrying.

I sniffle and wipe my tears away. I have to get my head clear. I don’t want Gutter to see me like this. I want to forget everything that’s waiting for us out there. I want to take this time to be normal for once in my life.

Yeah, I know that won’t be easy with my huge, scary boyfriend, but I want to try. For once, I don’t want to live in a box. I want to peek outside for a little while. Why not take the chance to do it now?

My mind starts to turn toward things I’d like to put off for now, but the nagging won’t let me disregard it. There’s something I need to look into. Something I’ve started to remember from a week ago.

I shrug it off, promising myself I’ll look into it tonight. It’s unlike me, but that’s what I’m shooting for, unlike me. For now, I want to see what the world of Vegas has to offer.

A giggle bubbles on my lips when I realize Gutter is out shopping for something for me to wear. I may not be into fashion, but I’m pretty sure I should be nervous about what he plans to bring back.