Never by Blue Saffire

Chapter 13

Helpful Friends


I rub my forehead, looking around at all the different shit in this place. I groan inwardly. What was I thinking? I should’ve waited for Sal to pick her own shit.

I dropped off the water and snacks I bought upstairs before coming back down to look for something to wear for both of us. I peeked into Sal’s backpack and she seriously has nothing but a computer and some other tech bullshit. Not a stitch of clothing.

I’d been confident in my mission until walking into this place. I’m not ashamed to say I called for help. I peek down at my help.

Stormy is someone I trust. She and her brother were two of the few who I called friends before becoming a Lost Soul. The little Latina has a flare about her.

She always tells it like it is. Stormy is also fiercely protective of her brother. If Ramon accepts you, then you have Stormy on your side. Trust me, there are times you definitely want Stormy on your side.

She grins up at me, and I relax just a little. When her grin turns into a full-out beaming smile, I tense up all over again. I’m regretting calling for help already.

“You’re adorable, papi,” Stormy chirps. “Can’t wait to meet this chicca that has you all twisted up.”

I groan and roll my eyes. “Can you just help me out here? She should be out of the shower by now.”

“Fine, fine, but you two are having dinner with me and Ramon tonight, babes. No excuses.”

I grunt and nod. “We’ll be on the road for a while, so she should have something comfortable and cool to wear,” I say, watching Stormy move to the racks.

“Okay, no problem,” she says, while she starts to pull items.

“Fuck,” I growl and run a hand through my hair.

Stormy looks up at me and furrows her brows. “What’s up, hon? I got this.”

“I forgot to ask for her size,” I mumble.

That grin is back on Stormy’s lips. “I saw you guys on the monitors when you entered the resort. Trust me, I’ve got this. She’s gorgeous, by the way.”

I nod and grunt. “Thanks.”

She chuckles. “You’re welcome. It’s good to see you like this. Last time you were here, you were still licking those old brooding wounds.” Her face softens. “You’re a beautiful man, inside and out. I’ve always wanted the best for you.”

“You’re not so bad yourself, darlin’.” I give a small smile.

“Just not your type, I see.” She winks. “Don’t worry, I won’t hold it against you. You’re sexy as hell, but not my type either.”

I actually laugh. Stormy is one of the few who can make that happen. I shake my head and point at the leather skirt in her hands.

“Oh, hell no. Fuck no,” I hiss.

“Oh, come on. She has to have something to wear tonight. I know those legs of hers are going to look smoking hot in this,” she says as I continue to shake my head.

“Not that,” I grunt.

“Yes, this. You asked for my help. This is my help. Don’t worry, papi. I plan to have you looking hot as well.” She wiggles her brows.

“I’ll be fine the way I am,” I mutter.

She cocks her hip to the side, placing her hand on the other. “You’re not getting into the club like that. No exceptions to the rules. Not even for you,” she says with narrowed eyes. “You said your lady wants the experience. You will give her the full experience, Gutter.”

I growl and ball my fists, but I know she’s right. I want to do this right for Sal. Fuck, this is going to be a long fucking night. Grim and Reap need to get their asses here, now.