Never by Blue Saffire

Chapter 15

Give and Take


Sal is pretty, without all the extra. But tonight I almost swallowed my tongue when I stepped out of the bathroom to find her sitting on the bed, waiting for me. I’d jumped in the shower to get myself ready, while Stormy worked on Sal’s makeup.

I didn’t think my cock could get any harder than it was when I first walked in to find Sal in those little shorts and heels. Those chocolate brown legs are a work of art. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that she belongs to me.

Every brown, silky, smooth inch of her is mine. I don’t know how I’m supposed to stay focused all night, with her looking the way she does. Then there are those smiles.

I have no doubt about it. I’m falling in love with her. At first, what drew me to her was simply the knowledge that we were kindred spirits. We’re both broken and trying to find our way. Now, I see more in my feelings for Sal.

She’s gorgeous, sweet, and loving. Stormy doesn’t take to everyone. To watch her pull Sal in like a little sister has put my mind at ease in a way I hadn’t known I needed.

Ramon and Stormy talked me out of a lot of stupid shit in my past. I respect their opinion.

“You sure you want to stick with this old grump?” Ramon says in his gravelly tone to Sal at my side.

“Yeah, I think I’m staying right where I am,” Sal says, with a wide smile on her face as she looks up at me.

Ramon places a hand over his chest and groans. “I’m a wounded, divorced man. Couldn’t you humor my last request?” He pouts like a kid.

I roll my eyes, sit back in my seat, and fold my arms across my chest. “Other than the fact that I plan to take your life for hitting on my woman, what makes this your last request?” I ask, amused.

“Ah, my friend. My wife may be a bitter bitch who I can’t wait to divorce, but she has always been a great lay. I will die of inadequate sex when the divorce is final.” Ramon sighs.

“Gross, disgusting. I can’t believe you’re still sleeping with her. I told you that shit is going to come back and bite you,” Stormy mutters and slides closer to me, away from her brother.

I grunt and shake my head. Ramon’s wife isn’t one of my favorite people. She’s one of the reasons I never chose to settle here before becoming a Lost Soul. I catch a chill just thinking about her.

“Don’t you worry your pretty little head, hermana. I’m in the doghouse once again. For what, this time, I truly don’t know. I guess we’re both ready to move on.” Ramon shrugs and lifts his brandy to his lips.

Stormy narrows her eyes at him. “Humph,” she huffs.

“Ah, it’s no matter. I think it’s time for a change. How do you like it there in South Carolina, friend?” Ramon asks, looking at me.

I stare back at him in surprise. I never thought I’d see the day Ramon would consider leaving Nevada. There’s shock written all over Stormy’s face, too.

“It’s home.” I lift a shoulder.

“Man of few words.” Ramon directs his words toward Sal and winks.

“Fine with me, saves me from having to listen too much,” she replies.

I chuckle, reaching out to tug her into me. I kiss the top of her head and inhale. This all is so out of place for me, but it feels right.

“Well, dinner was amazing in your company. I will be calling it an early night. I have an early morning,” Ramon says, then his smile falls, and he looks me in the eyes. “If you need anything and I do mean anything, we are at your disposal.”

“Thanks.” I nod.

“Hermana, let our friends enjoy the rest of their night,” Ramon says to Stormy, giving her a pointed look.

She frowns, but she’s already in motion to leave the table. She moves to embrace Sal, whispering something in her ear. Sal laughs, but nods at whatever has been said to her.

“Don’t be a stranger, handsome,” Stormy throws my way with a wink.

“You either,” I murmur. “Looks like you may be able to come for a visit.”

“You bet your ass, babes,” she sings and blows a kiss over her shoulder.

“I like them,” Sal says beside me.

I look into her eyes and grunt. My friends are already forgotten. I’ve wanted to be alone with Sal for far too long.

I cup the back of her neck, drawing her in. My soul soothes the moment I capture her lips with mine. It’s a slow, passionate kiss that has my own toes curling.

I sound like a pussy, but I don’t give a shit. That’s what this girl does to me. I break the kiss and place my forehead to hers.

“I know all your deep, dark secrets, but I want to know you. Tell me about Salalia,” I whisper.

She smirks, kissing the corner of my mouth. “Let’s make a deal. I’ll tell you something about me, after you comply with my request. One new bit of information with each completed request,” she laughs.

I think on that for a minute. If it were anyone else, I’d say no. For Sal, I think I’d do just about anything. I gently kiss her lips and grunt my assent.

Her squeal of delight makes my heart feel like it’s about to burst out of my chest. A smile tugs at my lips and her face seems to brighten even more. She looks up at the ceiling, tapping her full, gold-painted lips.

The music seems to turn up a notch and that’s when I notice something in her eyes change. I groan, because I know her request before she even makes it. I can’t dance for shit, but I won’t deny her anything she asks for.


I don’t seriously think Gutter will oblige me, but I decide to ask him anyway. What could it hurt? If he says no, I’ll come up with something else.

“Will you dance with me?” I look up into his eyes pleadingly.

To my surprise, he’s already lifting out of his seat. My mouth pops open—might I add, not for the first time tonight. I almost slipped in a puddle of my own drool when he stepped out of the bathroom in a pair of well-fitting slacks, cowboy boots, and a white dress shirt.

I didn’t even mind that he had placed his cut on over the dress shirt. Stormy, on the other hand, looked like she wanted to kill him. They fussed a bit about it.

Eventually, Stormy won. I don’t know what she whispered to Gutter, but whatever it was caused him to look at me with determination, while shrugging out of his cut, and leaving it behind in our room.

It didn’t bother me that he wore it. In fact, it’s something I’m more than used to. I think he looked sexy.

The way his muscles played beneath his crisp white shirt, how he rolled the sleeves up to just over his elbows. Oh, and don’t let me get started on how those thighs flex beneath those slacks. Gutter is just hot.

Smoking hot and all mine, cut or not. I keep that thought in my mind as we move to the dance floor. I don’t miss all of his admirers.

Male and female, but he only has eyes for me. He keeps a tight hold on my hand and my waist as we make our way through the small crowd. The place is packed, but respectably so.

We have more than enough room to claim our own little bubble on the dance floor. When Gutter finds a corner on the floor, he stops and pulls my back into him.

He slides his fingers across my belly before settling them on my waist. His warm breath is at the back of my neck. I can also feel him growing against my backside.

The song playing is a fast one, however, Gutter rocks slowly to our own beat. I’m not complaining. I didn’t even think he would agree. I love being out here in his arms.

I start to sway my hips to try to guide our rhythm a little, but he just won’t be moving to this beat. I laugh and turn in his embrace, throwing my arms around his neck. His gaze locks with mine and once again, moving to the music doesn’t matter at all.

“What did Stormy say to get you out of your cut?” I ask.

His eyes become hard, but he’s quick to reply. “She reminded me that the last thing I wanted to do was draw attention while you’re with me. Your safety comes first.”

“Oh.” I nod. I wish I didn’t ask. This was supposed to be a night free of all of that shit.

“You owe me some information, darlin’. Spill,” he says, bringing me right back into our little bubble.

I already have what I plan to tell him. It’s a memory I hold dear. There aren’t many of those I can still recall without a sting in my heart.

“I used to love to dance. Eva, Misty, Erica, and I, we would blast music in the back of the clubhouse and dance for hours. Cage started calling it the teen room. We were the only ones allowed in there, when we were around,” I say as I beam at the memory.

Gutter wrinkles his brows. “Erica? Are you talking about Reap?” he asks.

“Yup, the one and only.” I bob my head as my smile grows.

He smirks. “I don’t think I can even imagine her dancing or doing anything girly. Fuck, I can’t imagine her doing anything without Grim.” He chuckles. It’s nice.

“Who said Grim wasn’t there?”

He gives a knowing expression and tilts his head.

“But you never spend a lot of time around the club? I figure I would have seen you by now if you had,” he muses.

“I’ve been in boarding school for as long as I can remember. I stopped coming home after Mom and Cage…” I cut my words off as a lump knots in my throat.

“Yeah, I’m sorry about that,” he says.

I shrug. “Cage realized I was bored in school—I mean, super bored, just surviving. However, he knew I loved to take things apart.

“He talked Mom into sending me to boarding school to get a better education that would stimulate me and my interests. It’s because of Cage I’m no ordinary computer geek—”

I cut off again, this may not be something I should share. The truth is I could shut the globe down. Yup, I’m that dangerous, which scared the shit out of my teachers.

At least, until they saw I didn’t bother anyone, I kept to myself and did my part. I think Cage always wanted me to work for the Lost Souls, just like I’m doing.

I swallow past my thoughts and continue. “Losing my parents was one of the hardest times of my life, but I made it through,” I drop my chin and say softly.

Gutter reaches to place his fingers beneath my chin. He places a soft kiss on my lips, then my nose. I blink away tears as my eyes connect with his.

“I’ll do everything I can to bring you brighter days from here on out. I don’t know how to do this shit, but I’m going to die trying to get it right,” he says gruffly.

“You’re doing just fine. Or at least I think you are.” I smirk.

He wrinkles his brows. I watch as a question forms on his lips. I shake my head and cover his mouth with my fingertip. I love the way his eyes light up. The blue comes out to play more when he laughs.

“So, about that next request. How about we get out of here and go see about a Ferris wheel?”

He releases something between a grunt and a groan, but I take it for a yes as he wraps his arm around me and starts off the dance floor.