Never by Blue Saffire

Chapter 14

A New Sal


Wrapped in a robe, I step out of the bathroom to the sound of voices. I’d decided to get in the tub for a deep soak after my shower. I was so relaxed; I almost fell asleep in there.

“The Lost Souls have a chapter here. I don’t see why you haven’t moved down here with us,” someone purrs in a female voice.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I’m taken aback for a second. I tighten the belt on my robe and move toward the conversation just as Gutter grunts his reply.

“My family is in South Carolina. You guys are always welcome to come there and expand your business.”

“Ramon will never leave Vegas. Believe me, I’ve tried, repeatedly. I guess we’ll never get out of this desert.” The woman sighs.

When Gutter and the other speaker come into view, I find a small woman tucked into the couch, across from the chair Gutter is sprawled in. It looks as if the couch is swallowing her whole, she’s so tiny. She’s gorgeous.

Although I can hear a hint of Latina in her accent, her skin is only a few shades lighter than mine. When she turns her big brown gaze to land on me, I nearly gasp. She’s stunning, a tiny, but wide nose, big eyes, full lips, and her hair frames her face just right.

She has a shoulder-length bob that brushes her collarbone in the front. Her artfully tossed bangs are dyed a light shade of gray, while the rest of her hair is a pretty teal ombre. I look to Gutter to see if his eyes are glued to the tiny beauty the way mine want to be.

Only as my gaze meets his, he only has eyes for me. Gutter rises from his seat and moves toward me with purpose. He tugs me into his arms and kisses the top of my head.

It’s as if he needs the contact to calm himself or to give him reassurance of my safety. I know the feeling. I hadn’t realized how much I needed his touch until he wraps his arms around me.

“I had no idea what to get you,” Gutter murmurs and I swear his cheeks look like they have a little blush. “Stormy helped me out. If the stuff doesn’t fit, we can return it.”

“It will fit. I know what I’m doing,” the little woman, I assume to be Stormy, calls out as she stands from the couch. She grabs a few bags and walks over to us. “Come on, gorgeous. We’ll have him on his knees when I’m done.”

She looks up at a frowning Gutter and winks. Gutter grunts, causing Stormy to throw her head back and laugh. Her laugh is infectious. I bite my lip, stifling my own until I see the unease on Gutter’s face.

I burst into laughter. Gutter narrows his eyes at me, but a small smile tugs the side of his lips, just a bit. My heart stops. I would love to see what that full smile looks like.

Stormy has my hand in hers, pulling me back to the bedroom I came from. There’s something very warm about this little woman. I feel so at ease with her, which is so not the norm for me.

“You have to tell me what you did to that man out there to have him wrapped around your finger,” she sings, setting the bags down by the bed.

She hands me one. “Here, this one has undergarments in it.”

I open my mouth to ask how she knows my size. My things were all locked in the bathroom with me. Stormy holds her hand up to halt my words.

“It’s what I do. Everything will fit. I have yet to get a client’s measurements wrong after just one glance.” She winks.

I peek into the bag at the sexy lacy sets resting inside. Sure enough, it’s all in my size. I’m more than impressed. I pluck out a bra and panty set and head over to the bathroom.

Once inside, I tug on the set and place the robe back over it. A knock comes at the bathroom door. When I crack it open, a smiling Stormy shoves her arm inside, handing me more garments. I wrap my fingers around the clothes she hands me.

“Thanks,” I whisper, before closing the door back.

I eye the items in my hands. It’s a black T-shirt and black leather skirt. I shrug, placing them on the countertop to come out of my robe. I pull on the top first. It’s cute.

Not really me, but cute. I wouldn’t normally wear a shirt that reveals my midriff. Gutter comes to mind and I smile at my reflection in the mirror. This is something a girl my age would normally wear. It’s time I live life like a twenty-year-old. A twenty-year-old with a boyfriend.

I love the glow on my brown cheeks. I look happy for once. Deciding that it can only get better from here, I reach for the skirt and pull it on. The smile drops from my lips as I zip up the back of the skirt. My gaze skims over me, from head to toe.

Yeah, this is totally not me. There’s no one here, but I already feel all eyes on me. I tug at the hem of the skirt that hits my mid-thigh. I groan and roll my eyes.

I turn to go out into the bedroom to see what else Stormy has. Baby steps, I think to myself. Only the moment I step into the room, Stormy’s face has me second-guessing myself.

Her mouth pops open, her big eyes light up, and a huge smile lights her face. She claps her hands together. I stumble to a stop, crossing my right foot over my left, fidgeting my toes together.

“I knew that skirt would be hot on those long legs, but wow. Your skin is amazing all over,” she gushes.

“I… I don’t think this is me,” I say softly.

She pouts her lips. “You look so hot. Gutter is going to lose his shit, but if you really don’t feel comfortable, I’ll get you something different. I just didn’t peg you for some of the other party dress options.”

I think over her words. Yeah, I’m not going to wear some of the party dresses I’ve seen girls my age wear. However, I’ve always been true to myself. Gutter or no Gutter, I don’t think I’m willing to change that too much now, even if I want to please him.

“Yeah, Stormy, I don’t know. Is there some type of compromise? Something in-between?” I ask, biting my lip.

Her face beams and she snaps her fingers. “Are you against heels?” she asks with bright eyes.

I laugh and shake my head. “My sister can’t walk in heels to save her life, but I used to play in my mom’s all the time.” I smile at the memory.

“All right, chicca, give me ten minutes. I’ll be right back,” she says as she plucks up a pair of sexy army boots.

I’m guessing those were her plan for this outfit. I wiggle out of the pleated leather skirt and perch on the edge of the bed. I start to chew on my lip as the feeling of being a damaged prude sets in.

It’s Gutter’s voice just outside the door that settles me. “Is she all right? I thought she’d like those boots.”

Stormy gives a musical laugh. “I think she does from the look on her face. She can save them for another time. I have something else in mind for tonight,” she says. “No worries, I understand you both now. I’ll be right back. You stay out of that room.” There’s warning in her voice.

Something tells me Stormy may be small, but she’s not one to be messed with. Gutter mutters something I can’t make out. I giggle from my perch inside the room.

I look down at my gold sparkly toes. It’s my one guilty pleasure. When I’m stressed, I like to get my toes painted. I’d gone for a pedicure the day before my apartment was broken into, which leads me in the direction of my nagging thoughts.

Now that my head is clearing, some things aren’t adding up. It’s clear that whoever broke into my place was looking for something, but why take my bike? That’s the part that doesn’t make sense.

Sighing, I shake my head, promising myself I will look into all this after we have some fun here. Again, not me, but I have a feeling we will be face to face with all of this trouble soon enough. For now, I just want to be.

I’m still chewing on my lip, lost in thought, when Stormy returns with shoes and something else dangling from her hands. I tilt my head and furrow my brows. This doesn’t look much bigger than the skirt she’d given me earlier.

“Don’t give me that look. You said compromise.” She drops the shoes down next to my feet and holds up a pair of leather short shorts and fishnet stockings. “This is compromise, Gorgeous.”

My eyes go wide and I stare wordlessly. “Really,” I finally huff out.

Stormy wiggles her brows. “Really.”

I shake my head and snatch the shorts and stockings from her while side-eyeing her. The smile she gives me makes it hard to be mad at her for long. I think I’m going to learn to like this woman a lot.

I smooth on the stockings first, before wiggling into the shorts and stepping into the heels. They’re gold sparkly peep-toe heels that match my toes perfectly. The stockings are seamless, and the holes are big enough to show off my painted toenails.

I grin and wiggle my toes. Well, she got the shoes right at least. I move into the view of the mirror and blink.

“Damn,” I hear rasped from behind me.

I turn to see Gutter practically salivating. His eyes are glued to my long legs. I have to admit. I like the shorts. I feel more comfortable in them than that tiny skirt. It helps that my legs aren’t completely bare either.

“Didn’t I tell you to wait for us to come out,” Stormy hisses.

“I wanted to make sure she’s okay. You didn’t even give me a chance to introduce you.” Gutter frowns.

“Oh, please. Salalia and I are like old friends already.” She waves him off. “Give us thirty minutes.”

I groan. “Please, call me Sal.”

Stormy winks. “Gotcha.”

“You all right in here, baby girl?” Gutter asks huskily. His eyes still glued to my legs.

“Yeah, I’m good.” I smile at him.

He licks his lips and nods, before bringing his eyes up to mine. The lust is heavy in them. It makes me wonder what his reaction to the skirt would have been.

Just as I have the thought, he moves his eyes to the bed, where the discarded skirt lies. I can see the sigh of relief that leaves his chest. He nods to the skirt, then turns to Stormy, lifting a brow.

“Told you that wasn’t going to fly. Don’t even make any sense you trying to get someone killed,” he says.

As Stormy bursts into laughter, it dawns on me Gutter just showed his first sign of humor in front of more than just me since I’ve been with him. I’m watching him open up in front of my eyes. I beam, starting to have some real hope for this evening.

“I’m ready to hit the town,” I chime.

“Not yet,” Stormy says in mock horror. “I’m going to take that natural glow and set you ablaze, honey.”

I smile and nod. I feel like we’re releasing a new side of me. I want to get this show on the road. I plan to have as much fun as I can before Grim and Reap show up to bring us back to reality.