Never by Blue Saffire

Chapter 17

Forgotten Shadow


“Those motherfuckers should have made sure I was dead when they had the chance to. I’ve been waiting a long time.” I lick my lips, tasting my revenge in the air.

“I’m going to destroy everything that son of a bitch ever loved. I hope he’s stroking out, knowing I’m coming for him and everything he loves.”

“I have nothing to do with this… beef.” Juan Castro waves his hand at me. “You do what I ask, and I will hand you what you’re seeking. I need the Lost Souls system of operations. I want to know how King does it. Get me that information and I will deal with everything personally.”

“Fine, I don’t give a fuck about that. As long as I get my hands on King, the boy, and those girls, you’ll get everything you want. That motherfucker Mix, will watch as it all comes crumbling down around him and then I’m going to take his fucking head,” I snarl.

Juan shrugs and leans forward in his seat. “You fuck this up and you die. You will not get a second chance with me. You have slithered on your belly to get to me. Don’t make me regret giving you legs to stand on,” Juan says as he looks through me with his cold eyes.

I want to spit in his face. Juan wouldn’t be where he is if it weren’t for men like my grandfather. It was the hard work, blood, sweat, and tears of my Cuban ancestors that allowed him the power he has now.

I hold my tongue, though. I’m too close to what I want to split this piece of shit’s wig now. I’m tired of people thinking they’re better than me. I grit my teeth and lean forward in my seat to mirror him.

“I will deliver. You just make sure you do,” I grit out.

He throws his head back and laughs. He looks at one of his men and fires off rapid Spanish. My blood boils further. This motherfucker must think I’m stupid.

“You can threaten my life in whatever language you like. Just make sure you follow through in the right one when you come for me,” I snarl.

Juan tilts his head to the side and narrows his eyes at me. “And what language would that be?” he finally says, after a few beats.

“The only one spoken in hell, motherfucker. Do or die.”

“You will die. And I will be the one doing. This, I can promise you. I speak the language proficiently. This you will see.” With those words, Juan stands, glaring back at me.

He buttons his suit jacket and turns to leave the dank motel room, along with his men. I crack my neck. I’ve been trying to hold my temper with that son of a bitch for months.

“Fuck,” I mutter.

“Well, that just went all types of wrong.” Comes from behind me.

I turn to find my little brother leaning in the bathroom doorway. He’d been hiding out in there in case I needed backup. I sigh and shake my head.

“Shut the fuck up,” I snap. “What do you have for me?”

“Nothing, King still doesn’t trust me,” Wax says. “I came across that New York info by accident. I thought I was dead when I tried to put everything back where I got it from.”

“Stop your fucking whining. I told you Trixie would have your back. I need more information. The boys are still trying to find the little bitch. She slipped them. How did those fuckers get dropped on and who the fuck got the drop on them?”

I have nothing but incompetence around me. They had one job, just one. How do you fuck up something so simple? If I had the girl, I could’ve ended this without Juan talking to me like shit.

Wax rubs his forehead. “You’re going to get us both killed,” he huffs.

“Cut your fucking whining and man up,” I hiss. Sometimes, I can’t believe he’s my little brother. His little ass is bitch made if I’ve ever seen it. I guess that’s from his mama’s side. “Fuck!”

I need real men around me. If I’m going to pull this off, I have to get some men with brains and spines around here. He’s right, they’re all going to get themselves killed.

“Listen,” Wax starts.

“No, you listen. I need more. I need some shit I can sink my teeth into. You feel me? Bring me something I can use or don’t bring your ass back here.”

“Fuck, man,” Wax groans. “I got it.”

“And another thing. Find out exactly what King has that that fucker Juan wants. What the fuck is it about the Lost Souls’ system of operations? I need some leverage. I’m not liking where this shit is going,” I demand as my thoughts start to spin. “It’s time all these motherfuckers feel me.”

“And Misty?” Wax asks nervously.

My jaw tightens. My heart squeezes. I loved that little girl from the day she was born. It burns my soul to know she calls that motherfucker, Mix, her daddy.

Yet, I’m no fool. My old lady was a whore. I still don’t know if Misty was ever my baby girl in the first place. It’s something that has burned me for years. I think Wax is right, it’s time I know the truth.

“I need answers. Then, I’ll know what to do with her. For now, make sure she’s safe. I want to know if anything funny happens around her. If things are as they should be, we’re getting her out of there,” I say and bring a cigarette to my lips to light.

“Pop,” Wax says nervously. “This shit goes south—”

“You leave all that to me. Just get me what I need, Wax,” I bite out, getting up to leave the room.


My brother is going to get me killed. I don’t want this shit. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to get out of this since he showed up on my doorstep with his mad ass idea.

I love being a Lost Soul. It’s my home. I was on my way up from a prospect when Pop brought his ass around. I hadn’t seen him in years. He split when I was still wiping my nose on my sleeve, wishing I could be cool like my big bro.

Now, I wish he would disappear again. He’s nothing like the brothers I’ve gained at the club. Pop can’t see past this vengeance he wants so badly.

It doesn’t even make sense. Who has a hard-on for a man that’s in the grave—and to loath Mix. Well, Pop would lose his shit if he knew I look up to Mix more than I do him.

I wish I never brought him that information. I didn’t know it was connected to Sal. I had no idea who the fuck Kodak was. Now, I’m fucked. King is going to have me skinned alive for this.

I thought if I gave Pop something, he would leave me the fuck alone. I handed him family on a platter, and I don’t know how the fuck I plan to fix this or if I’ll live to get a chance to try.

What hurts most is that Sal is like a sister to me. She stood up for me a few times when we were younger. She, Eva, Reap, Grim, Jacky, and Misty were there when kids around the neighborhood first started whipping my ass. Now look what I’ve done.

I run my hand through my hair as my phone rings and pulls me from my musing. I look down and groan as the name of the incoming caller flashes at me. I know this is about to be some shit.

I release a deep breath and answer. “Rodney, bro, what’s up?” I say as smoothly as I can.

“Where the fuck are you? King ordered a lockdown. We need all hands on deck. Some shit is going down,” he says into the phone. The excitement in his voice causes me to roll my eyes.

Rodney is always close to the drama, listening and watching for what he can learn. His ass will be drunk soon enough, spilling his guts. It’s one of the reasons I’ve gotten close to him, even though I don’t care much for him. He’s lucky he gets a pass because of his uncle, Mix.

I’ve tried to figure out a way to pin this shit on Rodney. It may be my best way out of this. Mix will beat his ass personally, but I don’t think he’ll let anyone kill him. At least, I’ve been hoping he won’t. I have enough blood on my hands because of Pop.

“Fuck, I’m on my way,” I grunt into the phone.

“Hey, where the fuck are you anyway?” Rodney asks, I can hear the curiosity in his voice turn up a few notches. “I’ve been trying to reach you for two days. Prez called everyone in yesterday.”

This isn’t good. A curious Rodney is a problem. I think quickly, needing to respond before his suspicion rises anymore. I close my eyes and rattle off the first thing that comes to mind.

“Hooked up with some chick. I’m on my way,” I reply and hang up before he can question me any further.

I move to throw my leg over my ride. I knock my phone against my forehead. I have to get out of this fucking mess.

Shit, Cage was like an uncle to me. He took care of me when Pop first disappeared. The Lost Souls are my family. I owe them more than this.