Never by Blue Saffire

Chapter 20

Covering Bases


I didn’t sleep last night after Sal’s nightmare. We talked for a while before Sal drifted off to sleep and I spent the night thinking about her words. Not just her declaration of love.

Those were words I will cherish with every breath until I have no more. However, what kept me up all night was her worry. It was the fact that in her dreams, I couldn’t be there to protect her.

I plan to find and kill the motherfuckers who have stolen her peace for much too long. There’s a beauty in Sal I will make sure is never touched. I see it. It remains in spite of.

If I’m real about it, baby girl is healing me. Watching her slay her demons is giving me the courage I didn’t know I needed to fight my own. I itch to climb on my bike and take her with me.

One ride, just one, where I can show her true safety. It would be a ride where we’d leave our past in the wind. I plan to give that to her when this is all over.

For now, we need to get our asses up and get on the road. The thing about being a Lost Soul, we have access to shit. Grim and Reap were able to fly in with their rides.

They’re going to flank us back in the truck. Well, after Grim checks a little something out. They won’t be far behind.

King might not like it, but Grim and I agreed last night we wanted to take care of something before he and Reap joined us. We also thought it best not to draw too much attention for the almost two-and-a-half day drive.

My bike on the back of the truck and those two riding alongside me will draw a hell of a lot of attention. Like I said, they won’t be too far behind. I’m more than capable of getting us down the road on my own.

“I can hear your brain frying eggs,” Sal says softly.

There’s a smile in her voice. It brings a rare smile to my face. I’ve smiled more with this woman at my side than I have in my entire life.

“Well, you’ve been making bacon for the last ten minutes yourself, darlin’.” I chuckle.

She lifts her head from my chest to look up at me. She’s just as gorgeous first thing in the morning as she was all dolled up last night. She blinks those beautiful eyes at me, and my heart skips a beat.

I don’t know how she does it. Each day since the first time I laid eyes on her, she’s blown my heart out of my chest, just to revive me again. However she does it, I don’t want her to ever stop.

I run my fingertips down the side of her cheek. It feels so soft to the touch. I want to get lost in her, but that will need to wait.

“I see it in your eyes. We have to go, don’t we?” She sighs.

“Yeah, we need to move. You can head into the shower. I want to check in with King and look into a few things before we go,” I reply.

I start to get up before her body tempts me into staying right here. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and palm my head. I have so much shit going on in there.

I feel her moving toward me before she wraps her arms around me. Her sweet scent soothes my mind in a way that feels like being enchanted. I’m sure as shit gone for this woman. My thoughts alone scream I’m her slave in every way.

No words are exchanged. She holds on to me for a few moments. Although I know she’s doing this to comfort me. I get the feeling she needs it for herself just as much as I do. I lift her forearm to my lips and kiss it.

My lip is still a little sore from last night, but I’ve had much worse. Sal has a nice right hook. My lips curl into a smile. She’s a fighter, whether she knows it or not. I love that about her.

Just as my body relaxes under the feel of her warm breasts pressed to my back, the moment ends too soon. Sal kisses the back of my head before pulling away and heading into the bathroom. It’s for the best.

I was ready to turn around and have just a taste for the road. Shaking my head clear, I reach for my phone and shoot King a text. I want to check in before he starts to wonder why I can never do so while I have his sister.

I know I have problems ahead of me. No use in making them worse.

Me:Getting ready to hit the road.

King:Good. Eyes open.

Me: Always.

I shoot Grim a text next to see if he’s ready to head out. I snort to myself when he replies that he and Reap have already gone. I’m not surprised at all. You can take the soldier out of training, but never the training out of the soldier.

My next call is important. I need to talk to one of my brothers. There are few who I’ve made a bond with. Diggs is one of those few. It was one of the reasons I listened to King when he suggested Diggs and I go into business together.

I had the funds, and some know how. Diggs had the expertise and the support of the brothers behind him. We’re a good fit.

“Hey, Gutter, you on your way in? I have some contracts I need you to look over. I’m finally getting some shit done with this lockdown,” Diggs answers the phone.

“No, King has me on a little something special for him. I sent some shit over to Matrix last night. I was wondering if you could peek over his shoulder and make sure he figures it out. I need to know what the fuck I’m dealing with,” I grunt.

I grit my teeth at the mention of the lockdown. King has been sharing on a need-to-know basis. To him, all I need to know at the moment is to get his baby sister home safe.

That doesn’t stop my jaw from ticking. I also know how King is about sharing over the phone, so I take a breath and crack my neck. I’ll have details when I get home.

“No problem, brother. Is this business, business or club business?”

“For now, it’s my business. I’m trusting you, brother. This stays with us until I figure out some shit. Not disrespecting. I’m protecting. I’m going to need you to reel it in for a bit,” I reply.

“Not sure I like the sound of that,” Diggs says slowly. “A lot of shit going on around here.”

“Shit I plan to get a handle on. Trust me. Grim is in on it. Prez will know as soon as we get a grip on it. No need to put more on his shoulders,” I reply.

A long pause passes on the other end. “Got it. You need anything else?”

This is why we get along. Diggs is always ready to step up. Sometimes without being asked. I respect that.

“That’s all for now,” I say and end the call.

I check on a few other things before my finger hovers over my phone. I think of my cousin. We haven’t spoken in… I’m ashamed to say how long.

My mind has been heavy with thoughts of him all week. This is never a good time for me. It’s a time when I try to tie up all that’s twisted inside and keep it there.

I’ve been thinking even more about Terry since letting Sal into my past. There’s so much damage between us. I sigh and shake the thought off. I’ll deal with him when I have my girl safe. I don’t need to add anymore to my plate now.

I get involved with him, I may just be throwing myself down a rabbit hole. I told myself I wouldn’t go there for him again. I know he has grown, but I don’t know if it’s enough.

I stand and stretch my aching bones. I’m not looking forward to spending all this time in a cage. I’d much rather be on my bike, but I have a gut feeling we should remain in the truck.

I move to shuffle through the bags Stormy left behind. I find the T-shirt and jeans she insisted I purchase for myself. Just as I straighten, Sal comes from the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

I lick my lips. I wouldn’t mind a taste of her this morning. I really wouldn’t. I shake my head at my own thoughts.

“There are more clothes for you in the bags. You don’t have to put that stuff back on,” I say, when she goes to collect the things she wore here.

“Oh, thanks.” She smiles at me.

I shake my head again as that smile draws me in. Instead of walking over to her, I take my ass into the bathroom. This is going to be a long fucking ride.