Never by Blue Saffire

Chapter 23

Can’t wait


We’ve fallen into silence through the rest of our meal. I love that I can do that with Sal. I’ve seen how some of the brothers’ old ladies can nag for attention. Sal is just laid back.

Halfway through the meal, she slides over and snuggles into my side. I don’t mind that. It actually takes the edge off of some of my thoughts. My head is swimming with so much.

I need to get Sal home safe, handle both threats against her safety, deal with King, and get some girly shit for my apartment. Then there are the real issues in my life. Things have been quiet in my head the last few nights, but I’m not sure how Sal will take my night terrors.

Her nightmare and reaction last night were mild next to the shit I’ve done coming out of mine.

“So, this apartment. I’m not a picky girl, as long as I have a place for my shit, I’m good,” she says with that gorgeous smile.

I stare at her eyes, feeling like she’s reading my thoughts. I can’t even begin to tell you how it makes my heart swell. Hearing her making my place her own already feels like I’ll be going home for the first time.

I know I mentioned her moving in, but hearing her see herself in my place does all types of things to me. I’ve never wanted anyone in my space before. Hell, I lock myself in my room at the clubhouse every night.

As I think of my apartment and why I don’t stay there much, my demons try to rise up and tell me this is all wrong. I can’t possibly live with Sal, but I shut that shit down. I turn away from her trusting eyes and look down at the table.

“It’s a three bedroom,” I stare at my plate. “I… there was a point where I needed the space. I couldn’t sleep in the same bed every night. I felt trapped. At the club, it’s different. I’ve become accustomed to the round-the-clock hustle of the place. The sounds and life are familiar now. I can’t explain. I just feel safe with my brothers.”

The revelation tumbles out of my mouth without my permission. I used to sit up at night in the clubhouse, when King would ask me to stay close. Eventually, it became more home than my own properties.

I furrow my brows. My tongue tastes like sandpaper. When Sal learns more about me and my crazy ass habits, she may just run from me. I think that would shred me more than anything.

She covers my hand. “Like I said, I’m not picky. We can move around from room to room if that’s what you need.”

I turn my hand over and lace our fingers together. God, I’m falling so hard for her. Honestly, I’ve slept the best I ever have since she’s been in my bed at night.

I smile tightly, squeezing her smaller hand in mine. Her words and gesture mean more than she knows. I vow right there to work harder on my shit. Sal deserves a whole man.

I’ll shelter her from my crazy shit as best I can. My phone rings, breaking the moment. I pull it from my pocket and frown. I don’t know the number.

With all the shit going down, it could be anyone. I take the call and lift the phone to my ear.


“Hey there.” When I hear the voice, I frown harder.

“Hold on,” I say into the line. I look at Sal and mouth, “I’ll be right back.”

She nods and gives me a sly smirk. I want to know what she’s thinking, but this call has my attention for now. I don’t go too far away, wanting to keep an eye on her while taking this.

“Speak,” I grunt into the phone.

“Hey, young fella. This is Old Henry, from the Woodlong B & B,” the man says.

I narrow my eyes as if he can see me. “Why are you calling me?”

“I have your number from that time you stayed with me and helped me out with those thugs. I’ll never forget that, I won’t,” he rambles on. “I get those types of lowlifes around here from time to time. I was glad you were here.

“Jody didn’t get that lucky. The poor girl. She said you were here the other night. She thinks the fellas who roughed her up were after you and your little friend you had with you.”

“How do you know about my friend?” I hiss.

“Jody said you had a pretty little thing with you. She said the guys wanted to know if a black girl and big guy passed through here. I’m calling to warn you, son. I do appreciate what you done for me. I don’t want trouble finding you, I don’t.”

“Jody, who’s Jody?” I ask.

“My desk clerk. Well, her daddy ain’t too keen on her coming back. I think the poor little thing has been sweet on you. That’s why she took that beating.” Henry sighs.

Fuck,” I growl. “Listen, I’m sending some friends to check on you and watch over the place for a bit. I’m sorry.”

“Oh, boy, I don’t hold this to ya. I know bad seeds when I see them. I think I scared them off when I arrived. I was just in time. You be safe now, you hear. If you’re still in the area, you be safe,” he says and ends the call.

My body trembles with fury. I need to know who’s looking for us and how they found out we were at the B&B. I remember the feeling I had the morning we left.

I knew something was off then. It seems we left in time, but I still need more answers.

Just as I get ready to call my team, all hell breaks loose. I snap my head up and my eyes grow wide. I can’t believe what I’m seeing.

It only takes a minute for me to snap into action. My only thought is to get to my woman. I don’t give a fuck about anything else.


I smile when Gutter mouths, ‘I’ll be right back.’ I was hoping I would get a chance to be on my own for a few minutes. I have something that I need to address.

I watch as he walks off to take his call. When I see his focus turn to his phone, away from me, I make my move. I flag down the waitress who has been working on my last damn nerve.

Yeah, Gutter said he’s not paying her any attention, and he was right. Maybe she wasn’t clear on who I was to him when we first arrived, but I made sure to make that shit clear. Yet, she has been passing our table for no reason and trying to pull his attention since we sat down.

She’s not even our waitress. That’s the shit that’s pissing me off. She’s just being straight disrespectful.

If Rose Kennedy ever made anything clear, it was always clear you don’t fuck with her man. I got it, honestly, from my mama. I hate that shit and I’m not about to let it happen to me right in front of my face.

Enough is enough.

This heifer tries to pretend she doesn’t see me waving her over. That’s fine with me. I get the attention of the waitress who served us and call her over.

I don’t want to make this too noticeable in front of Gutter. I take a quick glance in his direction to see he’s engrossed in his conversation.


“You guys need anything else? Y’all want some dessert?” our waitress asks with a bright smile on her lips.

She has been great the entire time. She’ll get her tip for the night. It’s her co-worker I have a problem with.

“I just wanted to talk to your friend.” I nod my head at the other waitress. Then, sweet as sugar, I place my request. “Would you mind calling her over?”

I watch the waitress follow my nod and frown as her eyes land on the other woman. Obviously, she’s not a fan favorite. I’m not the only one with a problem with her, from the looks of it.

She turns back to me and looks me in my eyes. I turn up my sugary sweet smile that reads, “yeah, I’m petty.” Our waitress gives me a smile of her own. Her blue eyes sparkle, saying, ‘hell, yeah, I got you.’

“Sure, hun, no problem.” She winks. Then she turns and waves the other girl over. “Hey, Crystal.”

Crystal frowns and rolls her eyes, but she comes over. My lips turn into a sneer when I watch her eyes search the room for Gutter. I see the moment she finds him. Her chest rises and her gaze rolls over him. I follow her glance.

Gutter is totally absorbed in his call. I turn back to Crystal as the other waitress called her. She’s now a foot away, but her eyes are still on my man. She’s so focused on Gutter, she nearly trips over some guy’s foot.

My waitress snorts, drawing my attention to her. She has her hand on her hip while she shakes her head. The distaste for her co-worker is apparent in the twist of her lips.

“Hey, Autumn. What’s up?” Crystal says with a forced sense of cheer.

“Actually, I wanted to talk to you,” I interrupt before my waitress can answer. I got this from here.

“Oh, how can I—” I cut her off again.

“You can do nothing for me or my man. You need to learn some respect, you trifling cow. I’m going to tell you once and once only. Stop eye-fucking my man,” I snarl.

She whips her head back, a sour look crosses over her face before anger takes its place. She’s about to make a very bad mistake. Cage didn’t just teach me to shoot. I will not be disrespected.

“Oh, I didn’t realize he was attached,” she snaps at me.

“You can save that bullshit. I made it more than clear, since you couldn’t catch a clue and continued to stroll your ass past our table,” I say through tight lips and narrowed eyes.

“Well, from the way he was staring at me. I figured he was fair game,” she clips back. “And another thing, you’re not going to come in here talking shit to me.”

When she says Gutter was staring at her, I draw my head back. I barely hear the rest of her words. Gutter didn’t so much as glance in her direction until I pointed out her behavior.

As all of her words hit me, my vision turns red. I jump from my seat and grab her by her throat. Crystal is shorter than me, causing her feet to dangle from the floor when I snatch her up, bringing her face to face with me.

I growl in her face like I’ve lost my mind and jerk her body with my words. “You disrespectful skank. I’ll drag your ass through this restaurant. Let’s see how fair you find that game,” I hiss.

“Oh, shit.” Autumn chuckles, not making a move to help her co-worker.

I draw my hand back to punch Crystal in her face. The first punch connects with her eye, causing it to swell instantly. I reach back to deliver another punch, but my arm is caught midair.

I turn my head to see a pissed Gutter staring past me. At first, I think he’s angry with me, but the look on his face reads something more. I turn back toward Crystal, who I still have in a choke hold.

Her one good eye is wide with shock as tears run down her cheek. She shrinks away from me, all that mouth dried up now. Gutter releases my arm, wrapping his around my waist.

The movement brings my attention to what has Gutter looking like he’s ready to murder. Three other guys have gotten up from the other side of the restaurant where Crystal was supposed to be working. They’ve made their way over in our direction.

From the looks on their faces, they have every intention of stepping in. It’s obvious they’re not going to be on my side at all. I hate to judge a book by its cover, but these guys look like the type of rednecks who would have no problem hanging my ass or dragging me behind one of their trucks.

Gutter pulls my body behind his, causing me to release the waitress in my grasp. He pulls a handful of bills from his pocket and tosses them onto the table we were sitting at. His words are directed to our waitress.

“That should cover what we owe, what I’m about to fuck up, and your tip,” he says darkly. He then calls over his shoulder to me. “I move, you move.”

I nod, even though he can’t see me. I’m coiled for a fight. I didn’t start this for my man to have to finish it and get hurt. I’ve always admired Erica and my mama for being willing to fight at their man’s side if they had to. I plan to do the same.

“You need to get your little—” one of the men starts.

“You don’t want to finish that sentence. Not if you want me to leave here without knocking your teeth down your throat,” Gutter snarls low and rough.

“I think you’re outnumbered, boy,” one of the others says.

Gutter snorts, tilting his head to the side. “I look like a boy to you?” He scoffs. “I’ve seen worse odds and survived. I’m not as concerned as you should be.”

The third guy looks Gutter over, his gaze stopping on Gutter’s Lost Souls patch. I witness the recognition in his eyes. He takes a step back, reaching for the arm of the guy closest to him. He quickly becomes the voice of reason.

“Let these kids be on their way. Us men don’t need to get in these girls’ business,” he says, with a slight tremble to his voice.

“Shut your trap, Earl,” the dark-haired, greasy-looking one says.

“I think you should listen to your friend,” Gutter warns.

“See, I don’t think I should. I think you and your little ni—” He doesn’t get to finish his words.

Gutter sends a hand flying right into his fat greasy face. The meathead falls to the floor like a sack of potatoes. In the next moment, Gutter has the other one in a throat hold, much like I had Crystal. He headbutts him, sending a crunching sound into the air.

I wince as the guy’s face seems to explode. He screams and covers his face with his hands. I stand in shock.

Gutter moved so quickly to take the two down. Neither of them were small men to begin with. That didn’t seem to matter to Gutter at all.

He tosses the bloody guy back, causing him to stumble, before falling on his ass, crashing into a table and knocking over a few chairs. The other guy with all the mouth is snoring on the floor. Gutter rocked his ass to sleep. That may even be a pee stain in the front of his pants.

“Let’s go,” Gutter says, grabbing me by my arm.

Earl, the guy who had a lick of good sense, backs away with his hands in the air. Gutter doesn’t even glance in his direction, guiding me outside. Silent rage swirls around him.

Opening the passenger side door, he helps me inside the truck. The door closes hard once I’m in. Gutter rounds the truck and climbs into the driver’s seat, slamming his door shut as well.

I feel like a small child that’s in big trouble. Now that my temper is somewhat in check, I know I could have handled all that differently. I look at the side of his face to find it’s a mask of stone.

“Gutter, I—”

“Not now,” he says firmly.

I’m effectively silenced. I turn to look out the passenger window, not saying another word, no matter how badly they’re burning in my mouth. Honestly, if it happened all over again, I would probably do the same.