Never by Blue Saffire

Chapter 24

Unleashed Passion


I’m so pissed I can barely think straight, forget talking, but I can’t afford this type of distraction. Someone has been following our trail. This should be damn near impossible to do. That just tells me one thing.

We have someone we can’t trust in the ranks. No true Lost Soul would take kindly to that, but a Squad member sees it as ten times the offense. We have a code we live by. You don’t lie to your brothers and you don’t betray their trust.

The Lost Soul’s way of life and the rules they live by were some of the things that made me stay around. King, Brick, Grim, and Diggs showed me they had my back, and it was safe to have theirs. Slowly, the trust I’d lost in people returned when I became a Lost Soul.

To know there’s one among us who has disrespected that balance so many of us need gets stuck all the way in my craw. My true brothers would never do something like this. We’ve all found a small slice of hope in one another. Our souls would truly be lost without each other.

However, none of that has me as livid as the fact that those fuckers back there had planned to lay hands on my woman. I’m sure Sal thinks I’m angry with her. I’m not.

I think it’s sexy that baby girl feels she needs to stake her claim on me. I knew that waitress was getting to her. I just didn’t think she was going to go upside her head over me. That shit turned me on.

Salalia takes action, it’s something I’m starting to pick up on. I like that about her, but she’ll have to reel that shit in from now on. We have enough on our plates as it is. Starting fights in dives isn’t helping me keep her safe. It sure as hell isn’t helping to keep the attention off of her.

I look behind us for the millionth time to make sure we’re not being followed. I still need to make that call to my boys, but not until I put some distance between us and that bullshit back there. I relax a bit as I see a clear road behind me.

It’s been at least an hour now. Salalia hasn’t turned my way the entire time. I turn to look at her while she stares out of the passenger window.

I have an unbelievable urge to have my hands on her. Reaching out, I place my hand on the back of her neck. She flinches a little, which stabs me through the heart. My chest loosens as I start to rub her smooth skin and she relaxes under my touch.

I take in her sweet scent and warmth. It’s a balm to my soul like no other. Giving a gentle tug, I pull her toward me. The tension leaves my own body when she comes willingly. She curls into my side.

I rest my hand on her taut belly and exhale, knowing it’s time for me to speak. My anger is still boiling on the surface, but her feelings matter to me as well. I don’t like this tension between us. I need Sal to understand the way I operate.

“You shocked me back there, baby girl,” I mutter.

She turns her face up to look at me. I turn my eyes from the road to look down at her. Her big brown eyes have a sadness in them I never want to see. I look at the road quickly, before turning my eyes back to her and dipping my head for a quick kiss.

“I know I fucked up. She just pissed me off,” she says softly.

“Salalia, I’m not pissed because you felt you needed to set that girl straight. I’m pissed at a few things, but that’s not actually one of them,” I reply.

“Then what are you pissed about?”

“One, those low-life bigots thought they were going to put their hands on you. It will always be my first job to keep you safe, baby. Just the thought of someone thinking they can harm you sends me off the rails,” I explain, feeling my pressure rising as I do.

I take a calming breath and continue. “You had nothing to worry about with that waitress, darlin’.”

“I didn’t like that shit. It was disrespectful,” she grumbles.

“Yeah, I get that, but you’re going to have to learn sometimes you’re just going to have to trust me. If I say I got it, I got it. Just like I’ll keep you safe, I won’t let no one disrespect you.” I look down at her face from the road once again.

Without a thought, I reach to caress the side of her face as she pouts. While I let my words sink in with her, I turn my attention back to the road. I figure she’s not going to reply when she rests her head on my chest and a hand on my thigh.

“My mom was the prez’s old lady. When I was home from school, I watched a lot of shit go down at the club. Mom never played games when it came to Cage. She loved him.

“Cage only had eyes for Mom. He loved her so much. He could give a shit about the Lost bunnies who threw themselves at him, but Mom wanted them to show her respect. She demanded it.

“It’s what I know, Pierson. Mom and Dad are the only example I know of a truly loving couple. So, you’re going to have to bear with me and some of the things I can’t help. I will never be okay with some skank throwing herself at you, without me letting her know she’s out of line.” She looks up at me again with her final words.

I think her words over. I understand them. I don’t like it, it’ll put her in danger every time she feels she needs to demand respect for our relationship. I’ll never be okay with that. For now, I don’t want to argue, so I nod and let it go.

I shift in my seat. Yeah, I might be angry, and I don’t want Sal placing herself in dangerous situations to stake her claim, but that shit has me wanting to take her, hard. Having her so close isn’t helping. The warmth of her full breasts pressed into me floods my entire being with a feeling I can’t describe.

I squash those thoughts, finding an off road to turn down. I travel down the road a bit before I drive out into a clearing. This is just what I need. A place to stop for a moment.

I say a silent prayer I’ll be able to get a signal out here. Checking my phone, it’s a weak one, but enough for me to get out a few texts. Maybe if I get out of the truck, I can get a better signal. I cut the engine and run my hand down Sal’s side, just because I need the contact.

“Stay here,” I say, before detaching myself and climbing out of the truck.

I text Grim for an update on his location. I don’t wait for a response, knowing most likely he’s still riding. My nostrils flare when I can’t get a stronger signal to make the call I need to make.

Frustrated, I look back at the truck and find Sal’s eyes on me through the windshield. I need to make this call. I pace, hoping for just another bar. Finally, my call connects.

“Hey handsome, you miss us already?” the voice on the other end comes back to me.

“I need to call in that favor.”

“Name it,” Stormy replies, her tone changes to all business.

“Is your brother around?”

“I hear you,” Ramon’s voice comes through the line.

I should’ve known Stormy would be with her brother. Hearing the tension in my voice, I’m sure she put the phone on speaker without a thought.

“Someone is riding in my dust. I want to know who and how. I stopped at a B & B two days ago. Someone roughed up the clerk, asking questions about me and mine,” I explain.

I don’t want to mention Sal over the line. I look over to her, she’s the most important cargo I’ve ever had to protect. I don’t know what I did right in this life to end up being the one King trusted with his sister, but I will forever be grateful for it.

I continue, while keeping my eyes on her. “I’ll text the address. Send someone over and find out what happened. Have a few of your guys hang around there for a while as well.”

“We’re on it,” Ramon replies.



“I’m getting the feeling you need to watch your back out there,” Stormy says, her words laced with worry.

“She’s right,” Ramon adds. “I’ve put out feelers for what’s going on. You need to get home. Shit is brewing in your backyard.”

“I figured that.” I blow out a breath.

“Remember, we’re here for whatever,” Stormy interjects.

I grunt and end the call, having said all I need to say. I shoot off a text with the address of the B&B. I trust Ramon to get guys he trusts there as soon as possible.

Now that I know we have a problem in-house, I think it’s best to outsource this. Shoving my phone into my pocket, I run my other hand through my hair. There’s so much sitting uneasily with me.

My muscles bunch with the tension running through me. Once again, I lock eyes with Sal through the windshield. My chest squeezes with the silent conversation passing between us. Her gaze questions what I need.

I know my eyes tell her it’s her. She has become my compass, my anchor, and my refuge, all in one. My feet are moving before I register I have commanded them to.

It’s as if she’s controlling the movement of my body with her come hither look. I move to the passenger side of the truck, where Sal opens the door to me. She backs across the bench seat on her palms while I climb inside.

I reach back, tugging the door closed, placing us in tight quarters. Slowly, I reach for her waist, wrapping my arm around it and tug her against my chest. I press my forehead to hers as our eyes stay connected. Turning, I sit in the seat she vacated, bringing her body with me. Sal straddles my lap and cups my face.

The look in her eyes says a thousand words. The last few hours have heightened my need for her, and I believe hers for me. The gravity of the danger surrounding her hits me hard.

When it does, I grasp her face and run my thumb over her plump bottom lip. Everyone I’ve ever loved has been taken from me. The thought of losing Sal as well is unbearable. My eyes go to my trembling fingers.

My fear is taking on a physical form. Sal covers my hand with hers, bringing my palm to her lips. The kiss she places there is like air to my lungs. I feel it in my veins igniting my blood with a renewed fire.

Her brows draw together as she looks at me. “Tell me what you need. What can I do to make it better? I need to do something,” she whispers softly.

Her voice is a sweet blanket of love, something I haven’t known in so long my chest aches. She wants to do for me, when it’s my job to be there for her. I’m the one with her safety in my hands. Safety, I have a deep feeling will be tested.

I cup the other side of her face without answering her words. I need to steal this moment for my memory. A fucked-up bastard like me shouldn’t even be allowed next to an angel like her. It’s only a matter of time before I find a way to fuck it up.

“Pierson, stop,” she commands gently. She leans in to brush her lips against mine. “I see your thoughts. I’ve been waiting for you for so long without even knowing I have been. I’m not going to lose you now that I have you.”

“Baby girl.” Her words are exactly what I’m saying to myself in the back of my mind. I just don’t have the words to explain how I’m feeling now.

“Gutter, I will always fight for us. Even if I have to fight one of us,” she says fiercely, again breathing my thoughts.

I move my hand to grasp her jaw, dragging her face to mine, needing more contact. I know we need to be moving, but I need this moment or else I won’t be able to focus. I take my time slanting my lips across hers.

My soul savors my lips on hers. I surprise myself with the tenderness of the kiss. So much so, I nip her lip softly and pull back to watch the connection of our flesh and bone. Her lip, my teeth, the softness of her full lip slowly slipping from my teeth, it’s all mesmerizing. I chase her mouth to soothe the slight sting I know I’ve created.

The moan that fills the truck from her sweet lips echoes in my core. It takes another piece of me. In this moment, I know I want to gift Salalia. She has given me a gift I can never repay. This is the least I can do.

“You don’t always have to be a force to be felt, baby,” I say low. “You can set a fire without burning everything in your path. They’ll still feel you.”

The puzzled look on her face brings a smile to my lips. She’ll understand soon enough. I learned early in life how to consume with just my presence. It’s something I never thought I’d want to do ever again.

However, for Sal, I’ll do anything. I plan to be felt in ways she’s never known. In ways a skilled man understands.

With my eyes, I unleash an intensity I’ve held back from her. The cage we’re in fills with my energy, wrapping around us both. She parts her lips and her breathing becomes audible. I ghost a hand over her cheek, causing her breath to hitch.

“I can make love to you without penetration. It’s the most powerful feeling in the world. Do you trust me?” I ask.

Her eyes fill with so much lust and desire, my own blood revs in my veins. She bites her lip, nodding slowly. I lift a brow, wanting her words of confirmation.

“Yes,” she nearly pants out.

My lips curl into the largest smile I’ve had in years. I even show teeth. When her eyes focus on my lips and go wide, I can imagine I look like the big bad wolf to her.

“Good girl,” I murmur.


My eyes widen farther as his words rasp through his sexy lips. This is a side of Gutter I’ve yet to see before. I surprise myself when I take in the fact that I like it.

The confidence and charisma rolling off of him has my stomach and pussy churning and clenching with want. With us seated like this, the space in the truck is already tight. However, Gutter’s current presence is making the space stifling. The air crackles with a current his demeanor has created.

I try to remember to breathe. His gorgeous face and intense eyes aren’t helping in the least. I’ve been drawn to Gutter since the moment I laid eyes on him, but this… I just can’t even explain.

His presence is all-consuming. The look in his eyes says he sees right through me and my every thought. Not a single one of my desires are hidden from him.

His words play lazily in my head. I can make love to you without penetration. It is the most powerful feeling in the world. I want to know this feeling.

I want to know it with him. My skin is already vibrating with anticipation. I have no doubt he will deliver. I’m already soaked between my legs and he has barely touched me.

I can sense there’s so much he isn’t telling me. Things that he feels I don’t need to know, things he intends to handle. On some level, I’m fine with that.

I just need to do my part somehow. If I can ease his mind a bit, I want to. At least, that was my plan before he entered the truck. Now, with my chest heaving and my own breathing in my ears, I don’t think I’m the one in control here anymore.

I don’t even think this is about him at this point. Gutter has again turned the table to make this about me. I’m gradually learning this to be a pattern. Gutter always turns things around, making them all about me.

“Stop thinking, baby girl,” he commands.

It’s sharp, but the twinkle in his eyes softens the blow. I blink away my thoughts in time to register his gentle assault. He leans in, nipping my chin lovingly.

He doesn’t stop there. He darts his tongue out to flick over the spot he just nipped. I shiver in his lap and close my eyes. I try not to burst into flames in his lap.

Gutter turns my head to the side, blazing a path with his lips to my ear. The hairs on his face heighten my sensitivity as they whisper across my skin. The burn is sweet and welcome.

I squirm, feeling my core flood with liquid desire. I’d be embarrassed if I had my wits about me. However, my brain refuses to fire off any rational thoughts.

I’ve become all sensation. He follows the path of his kisses with a long, slow lick of his tongue, stopping at my ear to bite down on my lobe. My whole body jerks in reaction, as if I’ve been shocked.

“A man isn’t worthy of your body if he can’t make you come without being inside of you,” he breathes into my ear.

I moan, dragging my fingers into his hair. Shit, my body is already coiled tight. I just need him inside me, and I’ll come harder than I’ve ever come before. I rock my hips into him, but he has other ideas.

He grips my waist with his free hand. “Oh, baby girl, the things I’ll teach you,” he groans. His breath fans across my face as he talks. When his nose ghosts along my jaw, my skin heats and prickles. “Keep your eyes closed. Just feel me.”

“Gutter,” I gasp, feeling my core clench as if begging to be filled.

“That’s it, feel me in that pussy, baby. I’m the only one that will ever turn you on like this,” he whispers.

His every word pierces me on such a deep level, but offers safety as well. It’s overwhelming, yet I can’t get enough.

“You make me so hard for you. Just thinking about it, I can taste you on my tongue. That sweet pussy is all I want to eat for an entire day. When I get you home, I’m going to feast on you for hours. Make you scream my name until your voice is raw and disappears.”

“Oh, shit,” I breathe and gush inside my panties.

He runs his fingertips down my arms as I come apart from just his words. His touch throws me into overdrive. This is unreal.

“That’s it.” He chuckles sexily. “Feel me, baby. Come for me. Don’t fight it. That’s what I want, that’s what I need. I need you to come for your man.”

“Pierson,” I cry out in awe, my body shaking harder than ever before.

He growls, gripping my waist tighter. He captures my lips, pulling my cries from me. When he breaks the kiss to place a chaste one on my forehead, I try to catch my breath. Silly me for thinking it’s all over.

“Turn around,” he commands and gently starts to turn me in his lap.

I maneuver as much as I can in the tight space, placing my bottom in his crotch. He hisses in my ear. He’s throbbing against my butt cheeks through his jeans. I reach beneath me to squeeze him, but he captures my hand before I can.

“This is about you,” he says huskily into my ear.

Placing my hand in my lap, he splays his other on my belly. I lean my head back against his shoulder, turning my head to look up into his eyes. Those blue-gray eyes are blazing back at me.

I can almost taste his essence in my mouth. I want to taste him and offer this amazing force he’s creating back to him. His scent is clouding my head as much as his words and his trust.

He traps my thighs together between his. Not taking his eyes from mine as he flicks out his tongue against my lips. I part them on a sharp gasp, I can’t help it. The gesture sends sparks through me. My response to him is so strong.

I lift my arms behind my head tentatively, watching for his approval. He gives a slow nod of assent. I knot my fingers in the top of his hair.

He palms my breasts in his large hands, causing me to arch into him. He takes his time, circling his thumbs over my nipples through the fabric of my shirt. I bite my lip so hard; I’m surprised I don’t draw blood.

Electricity swirls through my body. His touch has awakened so much within me. If Gutter’s touch could burn away my past, he’d be well on his way to incinerating the darkness of old.

My body is building again. His aura takes on a life of its own, curling around me, caressing me, penetrating my mind and my soul. His next words only serve to slice right through me.

“I can’t wait to throb inside you. You’re going to drip all that honey all over me,” he groans, before licking the shell of my ear. “I’m going to drown in your love, darlin’.”

“Shit, Gutter, please,” I beg.

I need him. I want to slide down onto him so badly. The need to welcome him into the place he has claimed for his own is so overpowering, I don’t know if I can stay sane without it. He slips one hand underneath my shirt and bra, connecting his palm with bare flesh, then slides his other hand down between my legs.

“Squeeze your thighs together,” he demands as he cups my heat. I do as he orders, squeezing my thighs tightly.

The heat of his hand burns right through my jeans. I start to roll my entire body, grinding to find my release. The tight coil of his body tells me he’s restraining himself from rocking into me. The feel of the tension within him is a turn on to my own body.

“Take what you need, baby girl. You’re in control. You give me as much or as little as you want,” he whispers.

His words hit me in my core. His understanding of my needs is so profound in this moment. I may seem wanton in his arms, but there’s a part of me that screams for me to remain safe. I battle her every time I allow Gutter to touch me.

He’s safe, I whisper to her in my head.Her whimper of joy and trust echoes in my mind. We can feel, we can allow this. We are safe every time this man touches us.

My breath hitches and my emotions crest on overload. I’m overwhelmed. I take this offering for what it is. The tears spill over, but my body has a mind of its own. I lift one foot, planting it on the dashboard, rocking against his heavy hand between my legs.

“That’s it, you can give it all to me, baby. Never be ashamed to feel with me. You’re safe in my arms. Always,” he pants the words that my mind and heart have come to take for truth.

I explode, screaming his name out. He puts his arms around me, rocking me slowly from side to side. I don’t even realize I’m sobbing loudly as I come down from a Gutter-created heaven.

He kisses the top of my head repeatedly. “With each piece of me you give back. I promise to return one back to you,” he says gruffly.

No words are needed from me, even if I could find the right ones to say. I know something just changed within the man who’s wrapped around me. His touch and command of my body was different this time.

The assurance in his touch was heightened on so many levels. Our lovemaking has been intense from the start, but what just happened was something mind numbing. I’m emotionally wrecked.

“I love you, Salalia. Whatever we face, remember that,” he says with so much emotion I sob a little harder.