Never by Blue Saffire

Chapter 22

Need a Break


I smirk to myself. I’ve seen the lust in Gutter’s eyes since this morning. I wanted to explore what I saw there and almost followed him into his shower, but I knew we needed to leave.

I was surprised to find that Grim and Reap had already left when I stepped out of the bedroom. I thought we were all leaving together. Gutter explained they had some business to handle, but they would be right on our tails.

I was curious, but being King’s sister, I know the deal. I didn’t push for information. I knew Gutter would tell me what he needed me to know.

Although there was something nagging at me once again. Gutter had figured out who the first intruder into my apartment was. Or at least, the persons behind it. I still wanted to know about the second party that took off with my bike.

They were looking for something. My blood runs cold and I shiver in the hot truck cabin, causing Gutter to pull his eyes from the road to look over at me. We’ve been on the road for about ten hours already. Though, it seems like so much longer.

I shift under his gaze and move closer to his side. He throws an arm over me and kisses the top of my head. I melt right into him.

“I plan to make a stop soon. We can get something to eat and stretch,” he says as his attention returns to the road.

“Are you tired? I can take over after we stop,” I offer.

“I’m fine. We’ll cover a few more states before I stop for the night.”

I nod and get lost in thought again. I absently play with his big fingers. The cab of the truck is silent except for our breathing. Neither of us has been in much of a talking mood. That suits me just fine.

I’m learning that we have a way of communicating without saying a word. I like that. I start to drift off to sleep when his voice rumbles through my body.

“I have an apartment in South Carolina, but I spend most of my time at the clubhouse,” he says, out of the blue.

I lift my head to look at his face, knitting my brows. He glances down at me through the corner of his eye. I pull from his arm and slide back to the other side of the truck.

I kick off my flip-flops, pull my feet up onto the seat, and curl my upper body around my knees before looking down into my lap. I’m wearing the white distressed jeans and white tank top Stormy left for me. I focus on the tears in the thigh. I’m so much cooler today, but the icy feeling in my heart is coming from the dread that tries to take me over.

“Is there something you’re trying to tell me?” I finally say, not able to hide the tight edge in my words.

I look up through my lashes, holding my breath. Gutter turns his entire head toward me, a frown on his face. He glares at me after getting a good look at my scowl.

“I’m telling you, I need to change some things when this is all over. My apartment is a mess, and it’s not fit for a girl, my girl, to live there.” He rolls his eyes at me before turning back to the road. “Get your ass back over here.”

I crack a smile, but I don’t move. I slide my feet over to wiggle my toes underneath his thigh. He reaches for my calf, massaging it just before tugging at me to get me to move closer. This time I go willingly, when my butt starts to slide under his strength. Turning my back in the seat, I then lean up against his side again.

I stare out of the passenger side window. “Things are about to change,” I say almost to myself.

He brings his arm around the center of my waist and kisses the back of my head, then the side of my neck. It’s all the comfort I need.

“That, they are, but all for the better,” he says, sending warmth spreading through me.

I reach for the stereo. “Do you ever listen to music?”

He shrugs. “Sometimes, most times, I spend time with my own thoughts. Dangerous, I know.”

I smile at the teasing in his voice and crane my neck to look over my shoulder at him. He looks away from the road to peck my lips. I smile, registering the country music filling the truck.

Not what I imagined Gutter listening to. Rock, maybe, country ballads, not really. I don’t say anything.

I just bob my head to the music and watch the road fly by. We’re five songs in when I get the shock of my life. Gutter starts to sing along with one of the songs and his voice is amazing.

I’m stunned at first. I can do nothing but sit and listen. His voice is like velvet kisses and chocolate-covered sex. I sit up and turn to look at him in astonishment. I swear, I see a blush creep up his cheeks.

I throw a light punch at his arm. “Oh my God, you can sing,” I gush.

He shrugs. “Not really. I like this song,” he replies.

“Not really, my ass. That was amazing. Your voice is beautiful. Come on, you have to know you can sing,” I say, shaking my head in disbelief.

“My mama would sing to me when I was little. I started singing with her at some point.” He lifts his shoulder again.

“Wow,” I say with a goofy smile. “Tell me something else I don’t know about you.”

The face he makes is adorable. His lips purse and his brows wrinkle. He’s truly thinking about what he’s going to tell me.

A small smile curls the corner of his lips. “I don’t eat pork and I’m allergic to shell fish,” he says.

“Ooookkkay, that’s the best you could come up with after that?” I tease.

“It’s the best I could come up with because I’m starving.” He chuckles.

“I love your laugh.” I sigh like an airhead. I have to roll my eyes at myself. “I promise, I’m not this mushy.”

“You’re not bothering me, darlin’,” he says, turning to wink at me. “There’s a burger joint I know of at the next exit. You up for a burger?”

“I could take down an entire cow right now.” I laugh.

“Burgers it is,” he mutters.


This place has great food. It will also give Grim and Reap a chance to catch up. It seems their visit this morning took longer than they thought it would.

From Grim’s text, they’re about three hours behind us. They need to stop for food and fuel soon too, but they should still be able to cover a little ground while Sal and I are here.

Sal hisses from behind her burger while she chews and holds the massive sandwich before her face. I turn from my own burger to look at her. Her face is twisted, looking as if she smells something sour.

I drop my burger and wipe my mouth. “What’s up, baby?” I ask, leaning to peck her full lips.

“I don’t like the way that waitress keeps flirting and swaying her ass past our table. I’m gonna drag that bitch, she walks this way one more time,” Sal says heatedly.

I lift a brow at my girl before turning to look around for the waitress she’s talking about. The brunette comes into view, but I’m not impressed. She has long silky hair and both her arms are covered in tattoo sleeves. Her look suits this place, but she doesn’t suit me.

I shrug my shoulders and look back at Sal. Her brown eyes are trained on me. I lock gazes with her and let her see my disinterest.

When my eyes roam over Sal’s tight, curvy body, that’s when my cock twitches in my pants. She looks hot. The white tank top she has on is loose, but it shows the right amount of cleavage to make me stare.

Those white jeans are skintight, and the random patches of brown skin peeking through are sexy as fuck.

“She wants what she can’t have. I’m not paying her any attention. Only one I want is sitting right next to me,” I reassure her.

Sal makes another sour face. “It’s rude and disrespectful,” she mumbles. “It’s clear that I’m your girlfriend.”

I feel like teasing, so I lift a brow. “Is it really? You haven’t shown me much affection since we arrived. I was wondering if you’re ashamed of my dirty white ass.”

Sal’s mouth falls open. “Shut up,” she gasps. “I’m not ashamed of you. You’re not even dirty.”

“But you admit that you haven’t shown me any affection,” I push.

She narrows her eyes. “I’ll do better on my PDA,” she says with a little twist of her lips.

“I hope so. I’m developing a complex.”

“He has a real sense of humor,” she says to herself and grins wider. “Learning something new every second, babe.”

“I can ride a bull too,” I say with a straight face.

“Bullshit,” she says, lifting a brow and popping a fry into her mouth.

I laugh. “Just wanted to see what you would say, but yeah, it’s actually true.”

“You’re twenty-five, right?”

This time, I lift a questioning brow and nod. Sal shrugs her small shoulders. She pops another fry in her mouth before explaining.

“I had time while waiting for you at the station. I may have read up on your profile,” she says and bites her lip.

“Interesting. How old are you?”

“Twenty,” she says softly.

I almost spit out the drink I just sipped. I mean, she doesn’t look old at all, but I thought she was at least twenty-three, maybe twenty-two. I groan and rub the back of my neck. King is going to have my ass.

“Sweet Jesus,” I huff out.

“Is that a problem?”

“Not for me. Not sure how Prez is going to feel.”

“It’s none of his business,” she mumbles, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Doesn’t mean he’s not going to make it his business.”

“Are you telling me you’re scared of the big bad King,” she taunts.

“I respect your brother a hell of a lot. Don’t confuse that for fear. Especially, when it comes to where I stand with you.”

“So that means you’re going to tell him as soon as we get back?”

I hear the need for reassurance in her voice. We have definitely moved fast in all of this. I should’ve thought a lot more through, but she’s mine. I’m not backing down from that.

“Once you’re safe. As soon as we get there,” I say with confidence.

“I’m holding you to that, cowboy.”

“You’re welcome to,” I say and return to my burger.

I intend to keep Sal. King and I may bump heads on it, but I have no doubt I’ll be claiming my woman in front of Prez. Suddenly, I’m not sure why we’re rushing back to South Carolina. When we get there, everything is going to be turned on its head, but there’s no going back.