Never by Blue Saffire

Chapter 21

I Want Names


There’s nothing like crushing skulls first thing in the morning. Only a foolish man believes he’s untouchable. I’ve never been foolish, but I’ve caught a few fools slipping a time or two.

This morning is no different. Gutter and I spotted the Devil’s Masons’ tat on the side of one of those fucker’s necks in the video. I knew right away where my next trip would be.

It’s this bastard’s unlucky day. I’ve owed Blaze an ass whipping from a while ago. That’s what brought his ass to Nevada in the first place.

I’ve known he was here. He got sloppy when I made it seem like I wasn’t looking for his ass anymore. Silly mistake, I never give up.

I’ve been biding my time for such a time as this. He’s going to remember this day and all the glory that comes with it. I told him never to touch my woman.

He made the mistake of grabbing Reap’s arm while he tried to press her for information. Wrong fucking move. I’d piss on a Devil’s Mason on a good day.

Touch my girl and imagine the wrath that would bring. He’s only still breathing because I couldn’t get to his ass that night. Reap nearly put him to ground, but King was there to pull her off him and get her the fuck out of there.

It was a sticky situation. One where the prez and the club had to come first. Now, I need information.

I haven’t decided yet, I might spare his sorry ass life. If he coughs the right shit up. Speaking of coughing, his bitch ass coughs up blood and turns his head to the side to spit it out. Reap snarls at him in disgust.

“This can all be over nice and quick. Just tell him who the fuck that is in the picture,” she hisses next to his ear. Matrix was able to get me a still pic of the guy with the tat from the video.

That’s my baby.

We’ve been working him over for over an hour at this point. Getting an early start gives us more time to handle this. We won’t be far behind Gutter. I promised that.

I wave my phone in Blaze’s face once more. He’s going to break soon. I can smell it.

“Listen, man, I don’t want any trouble. I told you I was sorry for what happened that night. I left to call a truce,” Blaze grovels. “I don’t want to be in the middle of this.”

“In the middle of what?” I sneer.

He groans and shakes his head. I send a fist into his already broken ribs. I hit just the right spot. I don’t want to go puncturing anything before I get what I came for. This all takes a certain skill and finesse.

Blaze’s lips vibrate when he blows out a pained breath. Snot and blood cover his face. Pussy.

Reap cocks her gun. “I’m tired of this. Start talking,” she says, pressing the barrel to his forehead.

Blaze’s eyes grow wide. He looks at me for help. I rock back on my heels and grin.

I fucking love this woman.

Seeing as I won’t be coming to his rescue, Blaze nods frantically. “All right, all right.” He swallows. “This is what I know. That’s Slim in the pic. Man, he’s been running with some joker that’s been making big promises.

“Shit’s falling apart with the club, since Griff had his stroke. I was just about to head back home until my brother told me how bad things were. The club is divided and whoever this dude is, he’s taking advantage of that,” Blaze rushes out.

I wrinkle my brows. Slim, I’m not coming up with any memory to go with the name. I know a lot of those pussies across town, but this one isn’t ringing a bell.

Blaze seems to read my thoughts. “Slim just came up from prospect. He was a hang around not too long ago. Real piece-of-shit kid. No one special,” he huffs.

“I need to know where I can find this Slim,” I growl.

Blaze tries to shrug his shoulders but gets the sudden reminder that one is broken. That one is courtesy of Reap. I smirk at my girl.

“I don’t know where he’s been.” Blaze licks his dry lips. “Word is, a few of the new recruits in the New York, Lost Souls chapter are Devil’s Masons. Slim’s a dumbass. He would’ve forgotten to cover that tat or he’s just being a cocky bastard.”

I take a step back and narrow my eyes. Looks like I’ll be going to New York when all of this is over. It’s time to clean house. I look Reap in the eyes and I know she’s thinking the same thing.

King isn’t going to like this, but I’ll handle it before he can stress about it. I tilt my head, eyeing Blaze. I nod my head at my decision.

“You heal up,” I say to him. “Your ass needs to be back in South Carolina when you can move. You’re going to help clean up your pig pen. I’ll be in touch.”

I have plans for Blaze and the Masons. I swear, he looks so relieved, I think he pisses his pants. He still needs someone to find him and get him help.

I pull my phone to call in a favor. I don’t want this asshole dying just yet. Gutter’s friends here in Nevada will handle this for me. We need to get on the road.

“We’re done here, been here too long,” I say, wrapping my arm around my girl. I kiss the pout from her lips. “We still have plenty of heads to roll. This one will prove valuable.”

“Fine,” Reap grumbles and tucks closer into my side.