Never by Blue Saffire

Chapter 27


Brick aka Owen

I’m pissed as fuck. First, Grim sends me a text to say he and the team bringing Sal in had a full-out gunfight in the middle of the fucking highway. Then, I find Mags lurking outside of Eva’s room and King finds us in a heated conversation.

This day has started out as shit. I just want to get to my Squad and get them back safely. Someone has lost their fucking mind going after mine. It’s going to get handled. All this shit is going to get handled.

I look to my side and nod to Diggs. I have him, Beau, Axle, and Vault with me. That’s a whole lot of Lost Souls muscle. There’s nothing pretty about this escort back to the clubhouse. You’d be a fool to come at us in this formation.

Diggs signals that we’re in the right place. He and Gutter have a place out here they use for business. Grim, Reap, and Gutter were able to get Sal to safety while the rest of us rode to bring them in.

As we ride around to the back of the structure, it hits me that someone tried to kill the sister of my woman. My blood is already simmering. Knowing someone tried to hurt someone who means so much to Eva has my veins on fire.

I shut down the engine of my bike, bringing a silence to the roar. All the other bikes around me do the same. I roll my neck, still feeling the fatigue of the last four days. I’m getting too old for this shit.

“They’re inside,” Diggs says beside me.

Just then, the large doors of the warehouse-looking building slide open. Grim and Reap are the first to come into view. I move my gaze and I swear my head almost explodes.

I blink a few times to make sure I’m looking at what I think I’m looking at. Gutter is sitting against his bike and Sal is between his legs with her head resting on his shoulder. Gutter’s hands are resting comfortably—too comfortably on her ass.

I groan and pull a hand down my face. I’ve never seen Gutter even so much as look at a woman. Damn. King is going to kill one of my best Squad members. Shit.

“Ah, fuck,” I say, pointing at the two. “You knew about this?” I direct my question at Grim.

Reap throws her head back and laughs. I look at her with impatience. She stifles her laughter. Grim frowns and shrugs his shoulders.

“The man rode and killed for her like she’s his property. I ain’t got shit to say. Brother is the happiest I’ve ever seen him. I’ll vouch for him with the prez,” Grim rumbles.

“Shit.” I’ll be losing two of my best. I point to Grim. “You mind your fucking business. I got this one. I’m already on death row,” I mutter the last sentence for my ears only.

This shit just keeps getting better and better. King is going to go postal when he finds all this out. His baby sisters are not babies anymore. Two of the craziest brothers in the club have claimed each of his girls for their own.

I rub the back of my neck. I have to minimize some of the blowback from this shit. I know King. He’s going to feel betrayed by the both of us. We’ll be no better than the fuckers out to get our club.

“Gutter, you let me handle this shit, kid,” I huff.

The crazy bastard turns his head toward me and glares me down. I didn’t expect anything less. He’s been this way since he showed up at the club with King.

I was one of the first King introduced him to. Neither of us were sure we were going to like the other. After spending time with him and learning he’s loyal and just wanted to be left alone, we gained a mutual respect for each other. I don’t fuck with him; he doesn’t piss me off.

This here, though, it’s going to get him killed if he doesn’t listen. I narrow my eyes at him. I’m still his Squad captain.

I’ll put his ass to ground if he fucks with me. I actually like the kid, so I don’t lose my shit on him.

“You feel me, brother?” I lift a questioning brow.

“I ain’t feeling shit,” he grunts. “I made my girl a promise. I’m keeping it.”

The fuck he just say to me?

I should let King kick his mean ass. Old ornery son of a bitch. I snort.

Well, fuck.


I like Brick, but I made a promise to my woman. I don’t make promises I don’t keep. I promised Terry I would never let him pull me under again and I hadn't. Even if it meant walking away from the only person I had.

Brick snorts and looks me in the eyes. He’s not amused. I’m sure he’s trying to help me, but I’m going to handle the prez my way. I won’t disappoint Sal.

Shit, I almost lost her. I’ve failed her enough for a lifetime. When I thought I wouldn’t get to her in time, I was sure my life was going to end right there with hers. I would never have recovered from losing her.

“I’m going to tell you this once, kid. Let me handle this. King isn’t going to like this shit. He has enough on his plate. Don’t make this worse,” Brick says, holding my gaze.

I grunt my reply, not committing to a damn thing. If he wants to think I have, I’ll let him. He’s my Squad captain. I won’t disrespect him, especially not in front of all these other Squad members. It’s not my style.

Brick runs a hand through his hair and blows out a breath. “Let’s get the fuck out of here,” he rumbles.

I climb on my bike before holding out my hand for Sal to climb on after me. My heart smolders when she settles behind me and wraps her arms securely around my waist. Knowing that she’s safe on the back of my bike and that I’m taking her home to safety calms every nerve in my body.

Yup, I’m letting the prez know. I’m not giving this up and I know I can’t go a day without touching her. He needs to know she belongs to me. I’ll take whatever the repercussions are. Sal belongs with me.