Never by Blue Saffire

Chapter 28

Killer Prez


I’m so nervous when we pull into the gates at the Lost Souls clubhouse. This compound is my second home away from home. Everywhere I look there’s a memory.

I never thought I would dread coming through these gates so much. I never thought I would fear being here. Seeing Brick’s reaction sort of put things into perspective. I know I talked a lot of shit, but the truth is, King is going to lose his mind.

I could be minus a boyfriend or minus a brother. King could kill Gutter, or I could end up not talking to King because he’s too bullheaded to understand I belong to Gutter, there is no other way.

I curl my fingers into Gutter’s shirt. My palms have become so sweaty. I inhale the scent of his cut. It’s familiar and allows me to relax just a bit.

It doesn’t last long. King comes rushing out of the clubhouse with that swag only King can pull off. My older brother is a force within himself. His blond dreads hang down around his shoulders, which is a sign of one of two things.

King is either highly stressed or he has been partying hard all night. It doesn’t look much like a party has been going on around here. Everyone looks tense. Which tells me King isn’t in a very good mood.

I unconsciously give Gutter’s waist a gentle squeeze. He pulls his bike to a stop with all the others. My brother heads straight for me. He’s about a few yards away.

I go to climb off the back of Gutter’s bike on my own, but he snakes his arm around my waist to steady me. I turn from watching King approach to look back at Gutter.

He lifts from the bike and stands beside me. When I see what he’s about to do—here in front of everyone—I part my lips on a gasp.

Gutter tilts my head back with his free hand under my chin. He dips his head and nips my bottom lip. I can’t help sagging into him.

It has been a long and emotional day. When I open for him, he seizes my mouth in a passionate kiss that has my toes curling in my boots.

He moves his arm around my waist so he can palm my ass over my skirt. Everything around us goes deadly silent. That’s until Brick’s loud huff and a growl fills the air.

“Ah, fuck, kid,” Brick huffs in frustration. “King!”

“You little motherfucker,” King roars.

I break away from the kiss to find my brother charging at us. Well, at Gutter. I’ve never seen my brother’s face so red with anger. I jump in front of Gutter and throw my hands out.

“No, King, no,” I try to shout.

Brick has already jumped into action. He runs to block King’s way as he tries to calm him with words. I can’t hear what Brick is saying to King, but it doesn’t seem to be working.

Gutter reaches for my waist and pulls me to his side, stepping forward. This isn’t what I meant when I asked him to be up front with King. Note to self, Gutter is very literal.

“Your ass is squaring up on me?” King hisses, his eyes narrowed on Gutter.

“Naw, Prez, but if you want to beat my ass for falling for my girl, then I’m ready,” Gutter states matter-of-factly.

“There will be no one kicking anyone’s ass,” I groan.

“His girl? His girl. Motherfucker, you don’t even like pussy,” King seethes. “That’s the reason I sent your big ass to get her in the first fucking place. I thought I could trust you.”

“You can trust me,” Gutter says without question.

“You sneaky, pretty motherfucker. I’m going to cut the rest of your fucking face up. You will never touch my sister again.”

Brick has had a firm hold on King, but in a sudden move, King spins and dips under Brick’s arm. It’s amazing to watch with King being such a large guy. He does it so quick and fluid.

I yelp and go to run forward, but Gutter catches my waist, restraining me. Brick throws his arms around King’s waist and plucks him right off his feet. Again, I’m surprised and in awe. I also know that shit isn’t something anyone but Brick could try.

“Get the fuck off me. That’s my baby sister,” King bellows.

“And I love her,” Gutter yells back.

Brick and King freeze. Brick releases my brother and they both turn to glare at Gutter. King places his hands on his hips and gives Gutter the look of death.

“Motherfucker, you haven’t known her but a second. How the hell are you in love with her?” King frowns and looks Gutter up and down.

“I didn’t know you at all, but I knew there was something about you I was willing to risk my life for,” Gutter says pointedly.

I note the pause in King. He looks to be thinking over the words Gutter just said. He nods and looks like he may accept them.

Then he looks at me. A myriad of emotions cross his face before he scrunches it up in anger all over again.

“No, I know the way you left here. Something was off. This motherfucker took advantage of that,” King spits.

“No, he didn’t,” I find my voice and speak up. “I love him too, King. Don’t do this, please,” I plead.

King closes his eyes as he vibrates with anger. “Come here.” He holds his arms out for me.

I run into my brother’s arms, closing the gap between us quickly. I want to sob when I reach him and he envelops me in his embrace. It’s been too long since I’ve been comforted by my brother. I’ve avoided him a lot in the past few years.

“Are you okay?” King breathes into my hair.

“I am now.”

“You don’t belong with one of us,” he whispers. “Especially not him.”

“The hell I don’t. Tell that shit to Eva while you have a chance. I’m already gone, King. I belong to him. Especially, him.”

“Well, fuck,” King says, releasing a long breath. “I’m gonna kill him.”

King releases me and moves like lightning to get around me to head for Gutter. This time, Grim and Brick restrain him and head to the clubhouse. The small crowd parts to get out of their way.

Most are looking at Gutter as if they want to step in for King. Reap steps up beside Gutter and eyes them all down. I’m grateful to her when her words fill the air.

“This shit is between Prez and Gutter. Don’t none of you get any ideas. I’ll put you to ground before he has a chance to. Don’t fuck with what you don’t understand.”

Reap looks around. “Prez is processing, but when he calms the fuck down, he’ll have your head for fucking with his Squad and breaking his baby sister’s heart. Don’t try it.”

Her warning is heard loud and clear. Those who looked like they were going to leap back down and turn away. I notice Gutter’s hard glare, taking in those who looked like they were going to try to take a stab at him. I’m sure he’s banking that information for another time.

Suddenly, I’m exhausted. All I want is to get inside and find somewhere to relax. My nerves are shot. I don’t know how much more I can handle.