Anastasia by A. Marie


What the hell was wrong with me?

Anastasia was all I could think about. From the day I saw her glowing blonde hair on the pole and her plump fuckable lips, I couldn’t get rid of the thought of her. She had a way of burning herself into my mind and being too damn stubborn to get out. Even when one of my men handed me a note, written by Dmitri, explaining how he was coming for his daughter, she still heavily occupied my mind. I should have worried more about how close Vincenzo had been getting with the girl, but I couldn’t. The whole plan was going to shit, but all I could think about was one blonde girl in particular.

As soon as Valerio notified me of Anastasia at the club on her day off, I knew things weren’t good. I didn’t completely know her, but I knew her well enough to understand she was not the kind of person to party.

There was a sadness that lurked in her eyes, and I knew it all too well. Never in my life would I openly invite a girl to live in my home. It was rare that I would even bring someone home at all.

It was impossible for me to care for anyone, and I knew that. After failing to care and protect my mother, the last thing I ever wanted to do was fail someone else.

I could only chuckle as I thought about Mama and what she would say about Anastasia. My mother was known for caring for those who couldn’t take care of themselves. She had this kindness in her heart that was too pure for the world. Anastasia would make her smile in admiration because she just had this attractive spirit.

Letting out a sigh, I looked at one of my soldiers, Killian. He came to report to me about what had been going on between Vincenzo and Orabella. They were seen going out and together almost every spare moment Vincenzo had. I wanted him to watch her, but I never thought he would grow to like her.

He was too much like Mama. His every decision was focused on his heart, and as much as I wanted to hate that about him. I was envious.

“Watch over Vincenzo and Orabella. I’ll handle Dmitri, but for now, put our own threat into motion. Deliver the message that if I even sense that he’s coming for his daughter, I will kill her,” I told one of my soldiers, Killian. He gave me a curt nod before heading for the door.

“Wait!” I called out. He stopped for a quick moment to look at me. “I want you to find out more information about Anastasia Smith. I want to know who her mother is, who her father is, and what happened to her sister.”

“Yes, sir. Is that all?” Killian questioned.

“Yes, you are excused,” I grumbled.