Not His Omega To Love by GS Holmes


“Do you need help in here?”

I took a cautious step into Cody’s bedroom and halted. What a fine figure he made in his suit. The floral pattern of his jacket went well with the crispy white of his close-fitted trousers.

“I look fat!” He turned toward me, his bottom lip drooping as he cupped his belly.

“Baby, you’re not fat. You’re pregnant, a beautiful pregnant omega.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his forehead.

“If only the entire school was in love with me, then they would feel the same way. In the meantime, everyone’s going to stare at me and think I’m fat and ugly.”

I walked him over to the mirror and made him stand before me. The baby kicked against the hand I had on his stomach from behind. I loved it when they did that as if they knew their papa was the one touching their dad.

“No one’s going to think that.” I nuzzled the side of his face. “You’re way too attractive for that. Why, if you didn’t have to go to the prom”—I caught his earlobe between my teeth, and he shivered— “I’d strip you naked, kiss you all over, and show you how attractive you are.”

“Do it. I don’t want to go to the stupid prom anyway.”

He turned, grabbed the back of my neck to pull my head down, and kissed me. I chuckled against his lips, indulged him by thrusting my tongue into his mouth, and was rewarded with a moan.

I tore my lips away from him. “You’re going to your prom.” Taking him to bed sounded way too good, but this was a last rite for him, and he worked so hard on his grades and everything else. He wouldn’t be valedictorian, but he could still have this. One day he would look back and be glad that he went.

“Yes, Dad,” he mumbled.

I swatted his ass. “You don’t have to stay all night. When you’re ready, give me a call, and I’ll pick you up. We should have the entire house to ourselves.”

“I like the sound of that. It’s been a looooong time since you made love to me.”

“It’s been two days, and that’s only because the last time you were so loud, Reggie went to sleep downstairs on the couch.”

“I won’t be loud anymore.”

“You can’t help yourself. I’m just that good.”

He scowled at me, and I laughed, squeezing him gently to me. “Damn, I love you so much.”

“Me too.”

The doorbell rang, and I released him. “That’s your ride.”

Piper had called me to thank me for convincing Cody to go to the prom. I’d promised to take him, but apparently, they’d been planning their whole senior prom since they were sophomores.

Downstairs, I opened the door and let in Piper, Izzy, Rhett, who thankfully, no longer stared at me as if he wanted to strip me naked, and another guy I’d never seen before. He must be Rhett’s date.

“You all look great.” I smiled at them as they fawned over Cody and his cute little pregnant belly, making him blush. At least he no longer seemed so reluctant and down with his friends around.

“Hold up. I need to take pictures.”

Cody groaned, raising his eyes to the ceiling. “Seriously?”

“Yes, seriously. One day you’re going to want to show this picture to our child and explain to them why their dad’s the one holding the camera.”

“Well, that’s easy. Because he was way too old for my prom, which is stupid anyway since you’re my bondmate.”

He stopped talking and closed his eyes. The shot was imperfect but so perfectly Cody.

“Did I spoil the shot?” he asked.

“Nope, it’s perfect.”

“All right, we should go before I get too tired.”

I kissed Cody’s cheek and watched from the door as he left with his friends in the white limousine they’d pooled together to rent. I’d offered to pay for it for them, but they’d told me they’d saved for it, so I’d backed off.

When the limousine left, I closed the door and waited on Reggie, who was still here. He came down the stairs, dressed in a black tuxedo. He’d trimmed his hair and styled it to match his elegant look. My son was all grown up.

“You look great.”

His cheeks turned red. “Was that Cody? Did he leave already?”

“Yes, why? Did you want a ride with them?”

“No way. I don’t think his friends like me.”

“I’m sure that’s not true. They don’t know you, and you don’t know them.”

He shrugged. “I don’t really care. Did Dad say he would make it for graduation?”

“Yes, but he’ll be coming straight from the airport.”


But he frowned. It was clearly not okay.

“Is something going on with your dad?”

He let out a sigh. “Yeah, I was thinking that after graduation, I might leave with him and spend some time with him before college.”

“That’s fair. I hope you didn’t make that decision because Cody and I make you feel uncomfortable here.”

“No, that’s not it. Dad’s having a rough time, is all.”

My curiosity was piqued, but I didn’t ask. One of the reasons co-parenting with Matt worked so well was that we kept out of each other’s lives when it didn’t concern our son. Even when he’d dropped in on us unexpectedly, it had been out of concern for Reggie.

“That’s fine, and if you need anything, I’m here.”

“I know, Dad.”

With the two boys out of the house, I did the laundry, and while the washing machine did its job, I unlocked the other guest room I never used. Whenever Cody was out of the house, which was rare, I’d been working on making it into a nursery. I was finished with the paint job, a vibrant yellow that cheered me up just by looking at it. I’d repainted Reggie’s crib white, but we still needed to find new bedding. Once Cody had graduated, I would take him shopping for the rest of what we needed. The room was big enough for a rocking chair where he could nurse the baby. I’d seen a beautiful white baby dresser that would fit perfectly against the wall next to the window. And on the other side, I pictured several shelves for stuffed animals and books.

I hoped like hell he liked the room. Everything I’d done so far was from what I’d picked up when he mentioned a nursery. There was still so much to do, and I had to get started on babyproofing the house.

After locking the room again, I transferred the wet clothes to the dryer and put another load in the washing machine, then settled in front of the television to watch a horror movie. Cody hated them and always stayed far away whenever I put one on, but I wasn’t too fond of the pulp teen stuff he watched either, so we were even. As in every relationship, we would have different likes and dislikes, but nothing we couldn’t handle. As long as we compromised, we would be all right.

Almost two hours after they’d left, my phone rang. I shook my head at Cody’s name flashing on the screen. He’d lasted longer than I’d thought he would have. I turned off the television and answered the phone.


“Can I come home now?” His voice sounded so small; panic washed over me.

I snagged my car keys from the coffee table. “Walking out of the house right now. Was it that bad?”

“Honestly, no, and I did have fun dancing with my friends, but my feet hurt, and I just want to cuddle.”

“I’ll be there in fifteen.”

I told him to stay put and that I would meet him inside, but when I drove up, he was waiting for me in the parking lot with Reggie and a good-looking guy in a dress with a killer slit and four-inch-heeled boots.

“There he is,” Cody said to Reggie. “Thanks again for waiting with me.”

“No problem.” Reggie waved at me when I got out of the car, but he didn’t wait for me to come around. His arm around his date’s shoulders, he walked back inside.

“I’m sorry I made you go.” I opened the door for Cody. “I just thought you shouldn’t miss it.”

He kissed my cheek, then got into the car. “No, I’m glad you convinced me to go. You were right. It was my last dance, and I needed to be here, even if it wasn’t for too long.”

Feeling better about the whole thing, I closed the door and climbed into the driver’s seat.

“What were you doing?” he asked me.

“Watching a movie.”

He waggled his eyebrows. “Horror?”


He groaned. “Okay, I’ll watch with you when we get home.”

“We can find something else you want.”

“No, horror is fine. I’ll have an excuse to snuggle with you.”

I chuckled and shot him a sideways glance. “You’ll never need an excuse to snuggle with me.”

“You’ll be my snuggle bear forever?”


We drove the rest of the way in silence. When we got home, I took his hand and guided him up the steps to the porch.

“Can we sit out here a bit?” he asked.

“Sure. The horror movie can wait.”

I settled on the newly installed swing, and he sat beside me. I wrapped an arm around him and kissed his temple. “Better?”

He kicked off his shoes. “Much.”

I set the swing in a rocking motion, our body swaying along with it.

“It’s a beautiful night,” he said.

“It is.”

“Do you think my parents will show up for my graduation?”

I sighed, rubbing his shoulder. “I don’t know, baby.”

“I sent them the invitation since you were already going to be there for Reggie anyway.”

“I hope they don’t disappoint you, but if they don’t show, it will be their loss. I, for one, can’t wait to cheer you on for all those awards you’ll receive.”

“I love you so much.” Cody slid off the swing and faced me, pushing his way between my legs. “I’d never have made it this far without you.”

“It might have taken you longer, but I have no doubt you would still do it. You’re an amazing omega, Cody Finch.”

He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me. I stalled the swing with my feet planted firmly on the ground and gathered him to me. Cody plunged his tongue into my mouth and ran his hands down the front of my shirt, grasped the hem, and pulled the shirt over my head. As soon as it was off, his mouth was back on mine while he caressed my torso.

“Are we doing this here?” I whispered against his lips.

“Can we?”

“Oh yeah.”

I helped him out of his clothes and switched positions, so he sat naked in the swing with his butt next to the edge. I leaned forward and caught his left nipple between my teeth. He cried out, his head thrown back against the backrest. He was everything I’d ever wanted in an omega and so much more.