Not His Omega To Love by GS Holmes


“You’ve reached the voicemail of…”

I hung up the phone and turned it off for good measure, then dropped it on the couch beside me. I covered my face with my hands and squeezed my eyes shut to stave off the tears that threatened. They had to come to my graduation, didn’t they? They must have received the invitations, and I’d even gone so far as to list all the awards I won. And if it was about being a single pregnant omega teen, I’d sent them a photo of Ethan and me at our bonding ceremony. Ta-da! All fixed. No more single, pregnant omega here.

It didn’t seem to matter. They’d cut me completely out of their lives, and that hurt. At least they knew I wasn’t a failure. Sure, I would take a year off to raise my baby, but then I would start college to pursue my dreams.

Footsteps echoed in the hall, and I lowered my hands, faking a bright smile. Reggie stepped into the living room, and I let it drop. I thought it was Ethan, and the last thing I wanted him to know was how sad I was today. Graduation was supposed to be a happy event, a transition period for the next phase of my life.

“What’s with you?” Reggie asked, fiddling with his hat.


“That’s bullshit, and you know it,” he growled. “If you’re not going to tell me, then I’ll have to tell Dad something’s wrong with you, and you know how he gets.”

My cheeks burned at his teasing. Even he’d noticed how protective Ethan was.

“All right, everybody ready to go?” The subject of our conversation breezed into the living room, glancing from Reggie to me.

“Yes, all good.”

I placed a hand on the couch and struggled to my feet. It was like the baby had expanded my waistline overnight. Thankfully, by getting an extra-large gown, the baby bump was covered up. There was no hiding how round my face had gotten and the swelling of my nose, though. I looked like a pufferfish, but I knew if I complained about how big I felt, Ethan would be disappointed. How could he even find me attractive like this? But then again, he was the man who took his time to kiss every tiny stretch mark that now lined my skin.

“Is Dad here yet?” Reggie asked him.

“Yes, he’s on his way from the airport to Cecil Marie Hall.” The school always rented out the venue hall for its graduation ceremonies instead of hosting the event in the school.

“Yes!” Reggie pumped his fist.

He was so lucky, and he didn’t even realize it.

“I’ll go get the car,” Ethan said. “You two meet me out front.”

He’d insisted that Reggie didn’t drive himself but that he would take us both.

“Okay, you have a couple of minutes to tell me what’s wrong,” Reggie said.

“You’re lucky, you know.”

“How so?”

“Both your parents will be at your graduation.”

“Yours aren’t coming?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know, but I hope so. I sent them the invitations.”

“I’m sure they’ll show up. Look at all the awards you’re getting. You’re going to make me look bad in front of my parents. Come on.”

“You’re probably right.” But as we got into Ethan’s car, I stared out the window and hoped. And hoped some more that my parents would do the right thing. Sending those invitations had been extending an olive branch. I wasn’t even mad at them anymore for kicking me out. I just wanted us to get past this. I wanted my baby to know their grandparents and for them to be a part of our lives.

“You’re awfully quiet,” Ethan said when he’d parked at the hotel. Reggie had already gone inside, but I wasn’t ready yet.

“I’m just grateful that I still get to graduate.”

“I’m sorry you won’t get to read your speech.”

“Thank you.”

“Should we go in now?”

“Can we wait a bit longer? I could do with the fresh air.”

“Sure thing. Just let me know when you’re ready.”

I slipped my hand in his, and he squeezed it. I discreetly checked out everyone who walked by us. Piper and Rhett had texted me that they were already inside with their families and my parents weren’t there yet.

“Babe, I think we really should get inside now,” Ethan said softly.

I nodded. “Okay.”

“Hey.” He cupped my face, smoothing my jawline with his thumb. “You’re a hell of a student, and someday they’ll regret not being here for you. I’ll always be here for you to celebrate your successes.”

I inhaled deeply and let out the shuddering breath, feeling a lot better. “Let’s do this.”

I entered the hall with my head held high and my hand in my bondmate’s. He walked me down the aisle to the front where the graduates sat during the ceremony and gave me the proudest smile, then went to find his seat. He was here, and I would focus on that rather than my parents’ absence.

Neither Rhett nor Piper sat close to me since our last names were far apart. That left me between a couple of kids I’d been to high school with but never got to know. There were many kids I didn’t know, but none of that mattered. My life might not have turned out as I’d envisioned when I started high school, but in some ways, it was better. I rested my hand on my belly, where my baby was extremely active today. I had a little bundle of joy that I would love and cherish and a bondmate who I loved so much.

I turned my head to seek him out. His ex had arrived and was sitting next to him. Ethan winked at me, and I grinned, relaxing. I’ve got this.

The ceremony was so long that my back hurt from the uncomfortable wooden chair, and I shifted to ease some of the pressure. Someone nudged my shoulder, and a cushion was placed in my lap. That must have been Ethan’s doing. I shot him a smile over my shoulder.

“Thank you,” I told the student and slipped it behind my back. So much better.

At one point, I nodded off and jerked up when cheers erupted around me. They’d started calling the students to the podium to hand out our diplomas as well as the awards for topping the individual subjects.

“Cody Finch.”

The name threw me until I remembered. I was now a Finch. I rose to my feet as the principal specified all the awards I’d received for the school year. They didn’t come as a surprise. I’d aced every one of my subjects, and yet hearing the long list felt unreal.

“Go, Cody!” Reggie shouted, and I stumbled. That was unexpected, and from him of all people.

“Yeah, you rock, bestie!” Piper yelled.

The principal frowned. To prepare us for today, they’d called the entire graduating class into a meeting and told us what was befitting behavior, and I was pretty certain this wasn’t.

Whether those kids knew who I was or not, several shouted my name, but what threw me for a loop was when they all stood and clapped in recognition of my achievements. It was satisfying. I might not have given the valedictory speech, but they’d never forget the day this pregnant omega didn’t have hands enough to collect all the award plaques for academic excellence.

Ethan came to my rescue—as usual—and relieved me of them so I could collect my diploma and have my photograph taken.

Reggie’s name was right after mine, of course, but I walked so slowly down the steps that he caught up to me. He took my arm and supported me down the last step.

“You just had to show me up, didn’t you?” he teased in a whisper. “You’re amazing and I’m sorry they didn’t come.”

Me too. It was their loss for not seeing how wonderful their son was.

When the ceremony finally ended, it was a relief. I’d had to use the bathroom twice during all the speeches. We marched out in our rows and waited for our parents and supporting persons.

“Cody!” Piper ran toward me and slung her arms around my shoulders. “You were amazing. I bet Principal Wexler feels horrible he denied you that valedictory speech.”

“It’s okay.” I wrapped an arm awkwardly around her. “Everything is exactly as it should be.”

“Did you see your alpha’s face?” she gushed. “He was so proud of you.”

“I definitely am,” Ethan said, sneaking up behind me. He kissed the top of my head. “Good job on snagging that French prize, Piper.”

“That’s because Cody didn’t choose French.” Piper giggled. “Everyone who did the same subjects that he did were doomed from the start. They didn’t stand a chance.”

Piper let go, and I turned to Ethan. His ex stood next to him, his eyes friendlier than the last time we’d met. “Hello again.”

“Hello, Cody, congratulations. You’re one smart omega. I’m impressed.”

I beamed a smile at him. “Thank you. I can’t take credit for being born this way.”

“Nonsense.” Ethan draped an arm over my shoulder. “I saw how hard you were studying for your AP subjects. You put the work in, and you’re seeing the results.”

“You’ll do great things in the future for sure,” Mattias said. “And with Ethan’s support, you’ll be exceptional. Every omega deserves to have a strong alpha behind them.”

I didn’t bother to correct him that an omega didn’t necessarily need an alpha. I wanted one, but some omegas preferred other omegas and there were even alphas who favored each other. I smiled politely at him.

“I need a quick word with Matt, and then we can head out for your graduation dinner if you’re ready, okay?”

I nodded. “Okay.”

He walked off with Mattias, and I turned Piper, who was frowning at me. “What?”

“I thought he was supposed to be mean.”

I shrugged. “Maybe Ethan talked to him, and it’s not that he was mean but concerned about my relationship with Ethan, considering I was with Reggie before. But let’s be honest. Who wouldn’t be? We’re all good now, though I think, and Reggie is going back with him, so Ethan and I have the house to ourselves.”

She waggled her eyebrows at me. “Don’t be nasty now.”

I grinned. “I’m never. I’m a good boy.”