Tamed By The Alien Barbarian by Celeste King



The cool glass of the shuttle’s window bit at the skin of my cheek. I'd been fighting to stay away, but the coffee on the ship was both terrible and slow to get poured. It was a passenger vessel that, for those who could afford it, was a nice way to get to and from Earth.

I’d become a very frequent flier over the past few years, building up relations with different firms. While most CEOs would usually handle this through proxies or at the very most through video calls, I made a concerted effort to do so in person. I’d grown a reputation as some sort of master negotiator; the ultimate greaser of wheels.

The reality was much less exciting. Sadly, the higher in business you go the more you find men occupy positions of power. While these men liked to perceive themselves as the pinnacles of the elite; paragons of masculinity and power, little do they realize, more often than not, the thing that fuels their drives to succeed was a crippling insecurity.

These insecurities made it rather easy to manipulate them as long as you knew which buttons to press. Often enough it was as simple as offering a lingering smile, perhaps even just feigning interest in them can leave a man open and mailable.

It wasn’t like I was a push over in the business world either. I was cut throat in my own right, and unlike most of my competitors I didn’t inherit their riches from daddy who’d groomed them since birth to take the mantle. No, I learned how to handle myself the hard way.

Unfortunately, my efforts were beginning to weigh on me. Interplanetary travel took its toll on the body, and the verbal chess matches with competitors took its toll on the mind. I’d be lucky to get four hours of sleep while preparing for a meeting. I needed as much information on each man as possible, anything to give me an edge to bend them over.

That didn’t even begin to get to my personal life. Relationships were long distance more often than not. I barely saw what little family I did have, and whatever real friends I’d made were kept at an arm’s reach. I just didn’t have the time for anything more.

Speaking of time, the seat next to me had been empty for quite awhile now. I’d brought my boyfriend along for this latest trip. The firm I’d met with was stationed in one of the top tourist destinations in the Milky Way. I thought it’d be nice to actually take advantage of my insane schedule to have a cute vacation together.

He said he had to use the restroom about thirty minutes ago. I was starting to get worried about him. He did seem kind on off for the whole trip. Maybe he was getting sick and just didn’t want to tell me?

I decided to get up and go check on him. I walked down the narrow aisle of a full shuttle towards the lavatory. The ‘occupied’ sign wasn’t up but it sounded like someone was in there. I knocked on the door.


I knocked harder. “Baby are you ok?”

“The sign says occupied, you dumb bitch,” a man’s voice yelled back at me.

I recognized it as his, but he sounded strange. My temper was stoked, but my worry won out. I quickly forced the door open.

My boyfriend was standing there, face flushed and breathing heavy. I would’ve been tempted to call for medical help except for the fact that his cock was in some Triaxion woman’s mouth.

For an instant, panic hit his face before he steeled it. He tried to act proud and unapologetic, but I could see the quivering of his hands before he crossed them over his chest.

“What the actual fuck, Trent?” I seethed.

“What? It’s not like you’ve been around, Candi.”

“So I’m busy earning money to fund your useless ass and that gives you clearance to face-fuck a random floozy?”

Ok, I felt a little bad for that one. Not for Trent, he can rot for all I care, but judging from the look in her orange eyes, she didn’t even know he was two timing. Honestly in another place and time I was in her shoes. Though, the bathrooms were far less clean.

“Babe, I’ve been sleeping around for the past year. I’m kind of embarrassed that it took this long for you to find out. Especially given that a few of them worked for you.”

Okay, now those bitches had no excuse. They’d get theirs in due time though. My mom wasn’t great at much but she did teach me how to deal with an unfaithful man.

As he reached down to pull his jeans up, I grabbed him by the collar and yanked him out of the stall. The lip on the bottom of the doorway tripped the prick, causing him to fall into the wall on the opposite side of the aisle. I took a mental picture of the dent his head left, before proceeding to punch him.

As the girl ran past us, screaming, he stumbled to his feet trying to get away from me. Too fucking bad, cause this bitch wasn’t done with his sorry ass. I stalked him down the aisle until we got to one of the escape-pod bays.

“Why are you running Trent? You were acting all loud and proud a second ago.”

He looked back at me, panic in his eyes and his pants still around his ankles. “Get away from me you fucking psycho,” he cried.

I grabbed him by the collar again and gave him a proud smile. “Sure thing, sweetie.”

Then I shoved him into one of the escape pods and slammed the eject button. The doors slid shut and then the pod was jettisoned. Through a small window I watched as the sorry son of a bitch drift off into space. He’ll be stuck there until a rescue craft comes to collect him. Should give him some much-needed time to reflect on just how much of a worthless piece of shit he is.

As the adrenaline started to fade, I took personal inventory. My clothes were slightly ruffled and my hair a little disheveled but after a few corrections all was well.

A small vibration on my thigh notified me of an email. It was likely work, but at the time that was exactly what I needed. I pulled it and my eyes lit up.

In New York there was set to be a major announcement regarding the long-awaited mining contract for Mars. My company, Terra Firma Mining, was still a small player on the universal stage, but striking a deal to be the milkers of that untapped cash cow could be the break she needed.

Through my hard work and sharp wit, I’d gone from poor to rich. Now was my chance to go from rich to wealthy.

A moment’s good fortune started me on this path. It seemed fitting that another be what ushers me into its destination. Now all I needed to do was make sure I didn’t let this chance pass me by.

I looked out the window at the white pod sailing off in the distance. I sacrificed too much for me to fail when I was so close.