Sought by Aline Hunter

Chapter Ten

Luna listenedto Shane's conversation, rubbing behind Max's ear. So they were leaving in the morning. Her parents would love that, but she was still nervous about the entire thing. When she heard his declaration, realizing he meant it when he said he was giving her Dice's head, a tremor shot through her. That faith he'd asked her to have in him was steadily growing.

So far, he'd proven that he was true to his word.

She heard running water and realized he was preparing the bath he'd promised. She gave Max a pat and eased from the couch. She recalled her earlier exploration, went to the stairs, and carefully made her way up. Shane was no longer talking, indicating he'd gotten off the phone. She stopped at the bathroom door, not wanting to accidentally bump into him.

"There you are," he whispered, his voice a hoarse rasp, and wrapped an arm around her waist. When he pulled her to him, she discovered he'd removed the jeans he'd tossed on. He grasped his shirt and carefully pulled it off her. His lips brushed her shoulder, rested on the mark he'd created, and he lifted her. "Feet up. The water is almost ready. It's not too hot."

She thought he intended to put her in by herself but learned that wasn't his intention. He didn't let her go, making sure her feet were clear of the edge and climbed in behind her. He'd been cautious, filling the bath with water that was colder than she preferred, but she kept that to herself. Who was she to complain? This very thing was something she'd dreamed about but never thought she'd have. To her surprise, when he pulled her back and cradled her against him, there was more than enough room for both of them.

"Just how big is this tub?" She grinned, stretching out her legs, feeling the tips of her toes prodding the other side.

"Big enough." He breezed his lips over the mark again, and she thought he was staring at it. "Jackson told me he remodeled the bathroom shortly after he bought the place. If it's your kind of thing, we'll get you one too."

"Only if you'll take baths with me." Sealing their mating had made her bolder. Despite being with him only a short time before, she wanted him again. All it took was a hint of his scent or his simple caress to make her knees weak.

"You have my word." He nipped the area he'd bitten with care like he was fascinated by the indentations he'd created and wanted to make sure they were there. She understood the compulsion, wishing she could see the brand that she'd placed on his skin.

He collected her hair, slid the strands over the shoulder that didn't hold his attention, and returned to spot he didn't want to leave alone. He lapped at the skin, bringing a hand to her sternum. His finger drifted down and kept going. He took his time, moving slowly, and flicked her belly button with the pad of his finger. His touch vanished and returned. He used several fingers this time, skimming them around the area. Then he flattened his hand.

When he pulled her back, he shifted.

His fully engorged length slid against her ass, and he vowed, "I'll toss you in every single chance I get, Luna. We'll stay wrinkled and wet." Judging by the firmness in his grasp and the hardness at her rear, he was also ready for round two. "I want you again, mate. We're washing away my scent, and my wolf doesn't like it. Does yours?"

Since it was habit, she hadn't attempted to reach for the animal.

Responding to his lead, she did.

The beast didn't like it either, snarling in her head.

She instinctively started to back away when he said, "It was a question that didn't need an answer, lovely. She doesn't like it. It's all right. Let her in."

Taking a deep breath, she did.

She gasped, staring at the space in front of her.

The water hadn't been turned off, creating noise that allowed the shadows that let the wolf view things come to life. She could make out the shadow at her feet, capable of seeing the oddly colored splashes that had to be water pebbling the surface. She brought a leg up, curious about the strange occurrence, and made out the blurred form of her leg.

"What does she say?" he questioned, brushing kisses along her shoulder.

Breaking free of the sight, she focused.

The wolf wasn't upset about the scent she was losing. The animal was angry about the scent the water was cleansing from his body. Luna had been so attuned to herself and the way he smelled, she hadn't even thought about her scent being removed from his flesh.

"She doesn't like it either."

"Do you?"

She couldn't think clearly as he nipped her ear but managed to whisper, "No."

"This is how it should be for you. You should be able to understand it all. That's why I was angry earlier. You're ashamed of her, and you shouldn't be. You and the wolf are part of a whole. One can't exist without the other." He stroked her belly, resting his head against hers. "I'm going to show and teach you that. Even if it's one step at a time. Starting now."

He shifted slightly, returning to the scarred area on her shoulder, and rubbed his chin against it. Since she'd reached out for the beast, it was right there. For the first time, she understood the direction and message.

Ours. Take.

Her breath caught, and she grasped his arm. "We want you again."

"That time, I wanted a response," he said softly, giving her a growl of approval. "Keep that link flowing. Don't break it."

When he moved again, she was ready. She braced to turn, letting her hands guide her as she found the edge of the bathtub. She rotated fully, used his thighs as a roadmap, and straddled him. She moved right away, lifting from his body, using the rim of the tub to get her bearings. She didn't have to figure out where his cock was, feeling it bobbing against her. Reaching down and grasping him, she lifted her head.

He was right there, his mouth pressing against hers.

Closing her eyes, she guided the tip to her entrance. This time, despite the tight fit, he slipped into her without causing an ounce of discomfort. She descended slowly, groaning as he caressed her on the inside, inching closer toward him. When his fingers drifted over her hips, tickling her skin and then pressing her down, she opened her eyes and pulled away to draw a deep breath.

"I see you now, mate." He sounded pleased. "I see both of you."

Ours.The wolf sounded different too. Take.

When it hit her that they wanted the same things, desperate and struggling to understand why everything had to be so hard for each of them, something came to life inside the depth of her being. He said he could handle the wolf because he could.

The wolf knew that before she did.

They didn't have to be apart anymore. They could be one.

She stopped trying to block, dropping all guards, allowing the part of her she'd pushed away for so long to truly become part of her. She froze when she found she could still see shadows. Nothing was clear, but she was aware of Shane's shape. Her hands trembled as she followed the large outline and clasped his face in her hands. She took him in all the way, using touch and the strange form of vision she'd been given.

"Shane?" She paused, her lips trembling.

"You made the connection?" She couldn't make out his face but could swear he was smiling. "You found it?"

I've found something.

"I can see you," she admitted.

"See me?" The sexy purr in his tone faded. "What do you mean?"

"I can't see you clearly. It's mostly a shape." She used the connection to find his form again and glide her hands up and down his arms. "I can only make out shadows."

He moved beneath her, causing him to go deeper into her, lifting an arm to stem the flow of water. She stopped him before he could.

"Don't," she panicked, grasping at his hand, afraid he'd vanish. "Please, don't. The sound is the way I see. It's how the wolf gets around after I shift."

He froze, the warmth of his breath against her cheek. He didn't stop, but she did relax when she heard the familiar whoosh of the plug at their feet coming loose. He moved it so the water drained in unison with the pour. He reclined, his ever careful fingers skimming over her arms.

"Can you still see me?"

She could, and she wanted to cry. "I can."

If she'd embraced this part of herself before, things would've been so different. He might be a shadow, but she could make him out. They could have progressed the bond right away, paving the way for them to find each other. Due to fear and uncertainty, she'd shut out the one thing she needed to find him.

She was the reason they'd suffered for so long.

Although he wasn't coming in clear and never would, she was able to use the shape of his face to form a better picture of him. Despite his massive form, he was perfectly proportioned. She'd known he was teasing her when he said he was ugly, but she hadn't realized just how gorgeous her mate truly was.


She didn't respond for several seconds. "I can still see you."

She didn't dare cry, sensing he'd immediately try to comfort her, not wanting him to end things before they'd actually started. Touching his shoulders, feeling the outline of the bite she'd given him, she stopped being afraid. She lowered all her guards, letting the wolf rise, allowing the animal complete freedom. The shadows became clearer, the shapes a combination of black and white.

She brought a hand down, slamming it by his head.

The sound wasn't centered, ricocheting off the walls, but it did provide different colors and a bit more clarity. It had been years since she'd seen anything like this. She took several breaths, shrugging her shoulders, letting go of the weight that held her back so long. He'd made it possible to view the world. Things weren't crystal clear, but they didn't have to be.

She could make out what she needed to.

Raw emotion caused her to tremble. "I can see you."

"Tell me, Luna." He sounded almost urgent. "Tell me what you see."

Since the visual would never be perfect, she told him the truth. "You."

Shane didn't dare move,watching the emotions on Luna's face, taking in the scents wafting from her sublime form. She was shocked, elated, and thrilled. He wanted her to reach out to her wolf to connect them, knowing they needed each other. He hadn't anticipated something else transpiring.

Somehow, he'd given his mate some form of sight. He didn't want to ruin the moment, but he had so many questions. Before he could say a word, her eyelids fluttered. She sighed like she was awash in pure bliss.

"We want you."

He responded right away, cupping her hips.

He thrust into her, studying her face.

She slammed her eyes closed for a moment but opened them in seconds, blinking rapidly. Her eyes didn't clear, but her gaze drifted to his head. He pulled from her body, lifting her until the tip of his cock grazed the entrance of her slit. He brought her back down hard, moving his arms, making sure water splashed.

For a moment, he caught the wild darting of her pupils and irises, the black, blue, and gold obviously searching for him. They settled in the center, flickered, and rested. Despite her gaze being off-center, she was studying him in her own unique way.

The sound is the way I see.

I can only make out shadows.

He recalled the way her wolf howled the first time he'd asked her to shift, thinking the way she went about it seemed strange. He hadn't understood then, but he did now. He didn't know the exact condition that took her eyesight but had planned to ask. Now, facing this, he wondered if he needed to at all. By linking with the wolf within her, the part of her that had some ability to make out her surroundings, she'd discovered she could do so as well.

The animal inside him had been raging since the first claiming. He let the beast out, allowing it to snarl and growl, the noise of his elation and acceptance flooding the room. He studied her as he did, watching her angelic face. Her lips parted, and those golden-blue eyes of hers darted around.

She centered on his face again and his stomach knotted.

Despite her blindness, she could make part of him out.

He thrust deeper, snarling louder. "Is this what you want?"

She released his arms and brought her hands down, causing the water to splash. As it did, the blurry gaze of hers seemed to settle on his nose. He noted the way the cloudy lenses flickered like they were making out a shape and seeking its center.

Despite what was taking place, the wolf wanted her. Since he'd unleashed it, he had to give it what it wanted. He placed her hands on her waist, making sure each shift of his hips caused water to jump from the tub and hit the floor.

"Tell me what to do, mate." His voice wasn't his own, something he'd never heard coming from himself. It took a moment for him to understand that his beast recognized what had happened and was attempting to rise to the occasion. "Tell me what you need."

"Faster," she growled, revealing her wolf was speaking to him as well, placing her hands on his shoulders. "Harder."

He increased the pace, watching her all the while, strumming his fingers over her clit. Her breasts brushed against his chest. As tempting as her nipples were, he didn't dare bow his head to take one into his mouth. He wanted to understand how she could see him like this. Her focus remained on his face, although it was slightly off target.

The moan that came from her was sexy as hell. "More."


He gave her what she asked for, groaning himself, aware of the tingle at the base of his spine. Seeing her like this, smelling how excited she was, had him wanting to release inside her immediately. He directed his thoughts elsewhere, trying not to focus on the firm clasp of her pussy as her vaginal walls flexed and tightened around him.

She tossed her head back, frantic as she slid up and down his cock.

He took advantage of earlier thinking, moving just enough to take a nipple into his mouth. He wasn't gentle this time, sucking hard and nipping at the pebbled flesh. Her reaction indicted she liked it, her motions turning frenzied. Her nails sank into his shoulders, the sharp sting revealing she'd broken through the skin. Her hips snapped forward and created more pressure against the fingers he hadn't stopped moving.

When she started panting and rippled around his dick, he thrust harshly, ready to feed the orgasm she was about to experience. Her cry carried through the room, ringing in his ears. He didn't hold back, giving his beast what it wanted, following her right over. He pumped into her, covering her in his scent a second time, holding her still as wave after wave of semen coated her womb.

He didn't want to let her go or turn off the water, but it was starting to turn cold. While he didn't give a shit about the chill, his mate might. He wanted her relaxed, sated, and comfortable. He lifted his head as she lowered hers. Her gaze didn't center like it had before, floating around as she searched for him.

"Here," he growled, letting the sound carry, the deep and steady noise surrounding both of them. Her eyes snapped in the direction of his voice, landing on his nose again. "You're going to tell me how this works, mate. You're going to tell me everything."

She relaxed against him, resting against his chest, placing her head under his chin. "Of course I am."

She'd just connected with her wolf.

No need to push her just yet.

He wrapped an arm around her and leaned forward to shut off the faucet. Since the plug had come loose during the encounter, the water was almost gone. He moved cautiously, bringing her with him as he climbed from the bathtub. He'd prepared in advance, placing towels and the toiletries she'd stored in her suitcase on the sink. He snagged one before he lowered her feet to the plush mat beneath them.

"I didn't know," she whispered, stroking his hair as he crouched to pat her dry. "I had no idea."

"That you could do what she could?"


He wasn't surprised. She'd kept that part of her bottled up for so long, she had no idea of what she was truly capable of. "You're only getting started. Things will only get better from here." He scented the air, noting she'd let the wolf remain right where it was supposed to be. "The way you are now is how it should always be. There will be times when you have to take control, but you don't have to worry about that yet."

"I don't have to worry about much of anything when you're around." Her soft giggle had him beaming with satisfaction.

"Never, baby." He rose to toss the towel around her shoulders. "No matter what happens, I've got you."

"I know you do." The confidence in the statement made his sense of pride increase and multiply.

"We're going to see your parents tomorrow." He kept the towel in place with one hand and slid the other underneath the thick curtain her hair created. "I hope you tell them that very same thing."

"You don't have to hope." She didn't hesitate, sliding her arms around him. She pulled him close, rubbing her nose against his chest, and informed him, "I'm going to tell them that and more."

Interesting."What kind of more."

She laughed, completely relaxed, and he felt like a fucking king. "You'll have to wait and see."

"Are you teasing me?" he questioned, knowing full and damn well she was.

"Do you mind?"

Hell no. "What do you think?"

"That you want me to tease you as much as possible."

I always want her to be like this. "Good answer."

He picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, wanting to get her dressed before he took her downstairs. He'd picked up several desserts for her while they'd been out. She had cheesecake, chocolate, and cookies to choose from.

"Who were you talking to earlier?" She didn't sound tense, nor did he scent fear of any kind coming from her.

"The Alpha that's taking over for the bastard that hurt you. He's agreed to sort things out. He'll take care of your family. If anyone can go in there and do things right, it's him." Thinking on what he'd heard about the situation, he put her down and added, "He won't take advantage of females, and he won't prey on his own pack. He'll change things for the better."

Her arms tightened around him. "Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me," he replied, giving her rump a gentle smack. "From here on in, your wish is my command."

"My very own genie in a bottle."

The luscious and delicious female had no fucking idea.

"Are you offering to rub me?" He growled playfully.

As he held her against him, he revealed his cock had stiffened again. He wouldn't take her again, not until he had a heavy dose of sugar in her, but before they slept he likely would. He'd also take her in the shower in the morning, making sure she carried a hint of his scent when they made their trip. She gasped when he stroked her backside, her arousal punching into him. He grinned at her response, finding himself thrilled and elated.

His mate was his match in every single way.