Sought by Aline Hunter

Chapter Nine

Merrick McCormick slippedhis cell into his back pocket and cracked his neck. He hadn't expected the call he'd received, but he was grateful nonetheless. Jackson had offered him something he'd been looking for in the last year.

Before he could give the man a solid answer, he had to run everything by his wolves. All of them were male and unmated. That meant they could live under the same roof with minimal problems. Even though the house was massive, with bedrooms for each of them, things often got crowded. Still, they got along and made it work. Not that their living arrangements would continue if they changed locations. The men had saved for years and were ready to settle into their own places. None of them had found their mates, but it would eventually happen. Everyone thought it best to find a location to make their own for that very reason.

He strode from the kitchen, knowing where he'd find them.

They'd busted their asses earlier in the day, putting the finishing touches on a roof they'd been contracted to finish. The timing was perfect, actually. They didn't have anything on the books, so they could leave straight away if the pack desired the move as much as he did. Atrum Hill was the hub of supernatural things, but he'd discovered it didn't necessarily make everything better or easier. The nearby packs were usually at each other's throats, and they were determined to sink their claws into him. The best way to accomplish that was to offer their daughters and create pairings to unite packs.

There was no way in hell he'd agree to an arranged mating.

He'd declined two offers so far, but that wasn't the end of things. More were definitely coming. His wolves were strong and resilient. Other Alphas knew that and wanted to make sure if a fight came around they had that kind of backing. Even though he'd made his position clear the first time he'd been propositioned, informing the Alpha who'd come to him that he wasn't interested, the second proposal had come a month ago.

When he found his female, she'd be the one intended for him.

He'd seen what an arranged mating could do to an Alpha and his pack.

No fucking thanks.

He strode into the game room, doing a quick headcount. The process didn't take long since his pack only had seven members. All of them were there, either standing or seated near the billiards table. They stopped talking immediately, sensing something was going on. Gunner had been leaning over the table but righted himself. The enormous male placed his stick on the top of the soft felt surface, stood straight, and combed his fingers through his dark hair.

"I just got off the phone with Jackson Donovan. There's about to be an opening in Rhodes if we're interested." He went straight to it, laying it all out. "Shane's going there in the next day or two. He's taking out the Alpha for assaulting his female."

"Shane found his mate?" Asher questioned, visibly stunned hearing the information. "When did that happen?"

Merrick had surprised as well when he'd gotten the news. Mates could find each other immediately if they crossed paths. The dreamsharing aspect didn't necessarily have to come into play if a face-to-face meeting came first. Since Shane had been with Jackson for so many months, it had been surprising to learn his female was in the same area since he hadn't claimed her until now.

"Just recently. Apparently, she's Ben and Gertrude Lowe's grandchild, and she's blind. Since she couldn't see him, it fucked with the dreamsharing and prevented them from finding each other until now."

"Damn," Elliott said quietly.

"The Alphaattacked a blind female?" Gunner sounded as agitated as Merrick had been upon learning the news. His dark eyes flickered yellow, his anger evident. "No wonder Shane isn't willing to wait until the full moon to challenge. I wouldn't either."

Challenges generally happened with pack members in attendance, although that factor wasn't absolutely necessary. In this situation, the Alpha didn't deserve an ounce of respect or courtesy.

"From what I've heard, the male is an utter piece of shit."

"How long has he been in charge?" Isaac questioned, entering the conversation. He'd been the pack Beta before Gunner had joined, so he'd be carrying his fair share of the weight if they moved.

"Thirty years, give or take."

"If he's pulling shit like that without interference, something has to be off," Gunner mused, leaning against the table. "Either the males are complete pussies, or he's not keeping dominant ones around. The pack is probably a complete wreck. We could have our work cut out for us." His gaze darted up, his dark eyes meeting Merrick's. "How many wolves are we talking about?"

"Jackson indicated the number was small. He figures it was kept that way for a reason. If I had to guess, I'd say forty or so."

"Rhodes is only a couple of hours away." Lucas cleared his throat and asked, "Why haven't we seen any of them at the hunting grounds?"

That was a good question.

Merrick wondered the same thing. "I have no idea."

"Shit," Isaac replied, the bitter aroma of his tension filling the air, "the entire situation sounds fucked."

"It's wooded and isolated there," Gunner said, making an effort to keep things balanced, trying to approach the situation with logic and an even temper. "That could explain their absence."

Some packs preferred to hunt alone, especially if they were in an area with plenty of game. Sadly, Merrick didn't think that was the case. Something bad was taking place in the pack. They were fortunate Luna Lowe had made it to Shane and told him what was going on. Judging by the sound of things, the wolves in Rhodes needed serious help.

"It could be a lot of work, but anything worth having usually is," Merrick reminded all of them. "We could establish ourselves there without fighting for pecking order."

Isaac cocked a brow, his blue eyes lightening a shade. "You sure about that?"

Fuck.The moody Beta wanted to engage.

"Are you worried we might have to get nasty? Does a fight scare you?" The best way to get through Isaac's foul moods was to address him directly. Pacifying him only made things worse. "You afraid of getting your ass kicked?"

"What do you think?"

"That you'd like a good fight." The irritable werewolf had been rattling the bars of everyone's cages recently. "You've been shopping for one since Tess."

Isaac's eyes flashed, becoming ice-blue, but he shut up.

No one spoke, and Merrick waited.

They knew why he wanted to leave, aware of the pressure he'd been under. That said, without a pack to lead, he wouldn't have a position. They worked well together because they respected each other. Something like this wasn't a simple issue where his decision was the only one that mattered.

If they weren't interested, he had to appreciate their input.

He needed each of them to make a takeover work. As good a thing as this seemed to be on the surface, there was a chance they'd walk into a bad situation and be forced to turn everything around.

Gunner offered his opinion first. "We've all been waiting for this. I say we go. Even if it takes some time to sort everything out, we're being offered a pack on a silver platter. There won't be another opportunity like this. At least not anywhere nearby."

"I agree," Lucas chimed in, following Gunner's lead. "If an idiot can control an area of that size for that long, I don't expect trouble. We can handle anything that's thrown at us."

"It's not like we haven't dealt with our fair share of problems here," Asher grumbled, swiping a long strand of raven hair from his face. "If there's a remote possibility we can start from scratch and do things our way, I'm up for it."

Brayden, Kaiden, and Elliott lifted their hands, giving a nod.

They were in as well.

There was only one person left.

Everyone turned their attention to Isaac. He'd had a shitty year. The female he'd been casual with had gotten the mating call. Isaac hadn't anticipated how it would make him feel. He missed the companionship she provided, finding himself bothered to be back to the same old shit. He'd been a cranky bastard ever since. That was the reason he'd asked to step down. When Gunner joined the pack, Isaac had readily handed his position as Beta over to him.

Maybe a change of scenery would bring him back to normal.

Eventually, he shook his blond head and growled. "You're right. I am shopping for a fight. If they want one, they'll get one." He peered over at Merrick and said, "Fuck it. I'm in."

"I told Jackson I'd accompany Shane when he goes to face the Alpha. Jackson wanted to have his back, but if they're becoming my wolves, it's important I establish my place immediately." His eyes flickered to Gunner, and their gazes met. "I want you there too. If anyone starts trouble when Shane issues challenge, they can leave the area peacefully or take the mandatory dirt nap option. The decent people who've been fucked with need to know they can trust us to take care of them. Pick three others to bring with you. Those left behind can pack up our shit and meet us there."

"You said a day or two?" Gunner asked.

Merrick nodded. "I know it's not ideal, but we only have to worry about bringing personal items. We can lock up and come back for essentials after things settle down."

"If it's all right with you, I'll take Lucas, Asher, and Brayden in the morning. We can arrive before you and get a feel of the place. It can't hurt to take a look and figure out what we'll be dealing with."

There was no need for him to stay or wait around. "Since we're all in agreement, we can pack what we need and drive over in the morning. Unless anyone has anything else to add."

He glanced around the room, making sure no one had questions or concerns, opening the floor in the event they did. When no one spoke, Gunner retrieved his stick and went back to his game. The others resumed what they'd been doing, either watching the match or studying the television, except for Isaac.

Merrick scented the air, making sure the male had a handle on himself. As Isaac walked to the backdoor to go outside, the only fragrance coming from him was frustration. When he was stuck in a mood like that, he usually shifted and blew off some steam.

With that out of the way, Merrick spun on his heel and walked toward his bedroom. He shot a text to Jackson, letting him know his pack was on board, and he'd take the position, and went through his contacts. Shane had taken over for Declan for a brief period, so his information had been shared with Alphas that needed to get in touch with Jackson.

What happened next was entirely up to Shane.

He had every right to take down the asshole that'd come at his female. Even unmated males would understand his reasoning for doing so. Merrick placed the call, resting the phone against his ear, hoping he wasn't interrupting anything as he entered his room and closed the door.

The line clicked after the third ring, and Shane's deep voice came through the line. "This is Heyward."

"It's Merrick." He slid into the chair at his desk and said, "I sent Jackson a message, but I'll call him as soon as we end this call. He indicated he was going to cover your back when you take care of your mongrel problem, but since I'll be taking over it should be me."

Shane exhaled roughly. "Thank fucking hell."

"You've got to be on edge after everything you've dealt with the last few days." Jackson provided a bit of information about Shane's mate and how things had transpired, revealing the male had been through hell. A lesser werewolf wouldn't have transitioned so smoothly. "If you're okay with it, I'll be driving out with some of mine in the morning. We want to take a look at the area and observe the people. It's best to be aware of other problems at the start."

"That's not a bad idea. I don't know what we're walking into."

Merrick wanted to ask if Shane had gotten information from his mate but decided against it. Not only was the female blind, she'd been through an unforgiveable trauma. Since she'd recently accepted a union as well, she probably had enough to deal with.

"When can I expect you to be in Rhodes?"

"If you're able to leave that early, I'll be right behind you. What happened to Luna took place months ago, and I'm not willing to let it sit any longer. By now, the fucker probably thinks he got away with it."

"I understand." An insult like that had to be addressed. "How is she?"

"Adjusting. Once this shit is taken care of, she'll settle down. She just needs a bit of time to get used to her surroundings. I'm hoping to make that happen straight away."

"If you want to stick around Rhodes after the job is done, I won't complain."

"Maybe another time. Jackson needs me back as soon as possible."

He frowned at the response. "What does Jackson need you for?"

Shane's hesitation revealed he was carefully choosing his words. "Shit with Wade."

There had been numerous issues between the packs in the area the last few months. Wade had been in the center of most of the problems, but some of Jackson's new pack members were making things worse.

"I'd offer to help, but I'm going to have my hands full."

"Trust me, you're right where you need to be. Luna's parents and sister are part of the pack you're taking on. She'll sleep better knowing they're in capable hands. I can handle things when I get back."

Merrick didn't like gossip or spreading information if he didn't have to, but he'd heard rumblings here and there. Shane was newly mated. If anyone deserved a heads up about the fuckery that was taking place behind his back, he did. "Whatever it is you're dealing with, make sure you keep an eye out."

"Should I be watching someone specific?"

Shit.He wanted names. He considered things before he spoke. What he knew wasn't a big secret. Everyone was aware of the growing tension since Jackson took over for Gavin. Still, what he said might get someone killed. He only put wolves down if he had to. That was another reason he was ready to leave the area.

He'd had enough of the constant bullshit.

"Well?" Shane prodded. "If you have something to tell me, do it."

"Bryant approached Isaac a few weeks ago. He asked if I'd be interested in changing things up. If there are bad apples you need to toss, I'd start there."

"That's in Jackson's pack. What do you know about Wade's?"

Another odd response."Only what everyone else does."

"Hmm." Shane clucked his tongue like he was contemplating something. "Before I leave you with your shiny new pack, the two of us should probably have a talk. Things are about to change around here. Since my mate will want to visit her family in the future, I'll want to know how things are going with you."


His gut instincts were right.

Whatever business Jackson and Shane had to take care of was serious.

"If we don't have any dead and bleeding to take care of before you go," Merrick offered cautiously, paying close attention to the other end of the line, "that shouldn't be a problem."

"Plan on meeting me tomorrow afternoon. I'll call and let you know when I get there. I have to meet Luna's parents, so I'll see if I can get numbers for contacts you'll need. I'm not sure where things will go down, but we can take care of everything that happens together. I'd appreciate it if you'd have your pack around my female when I face the Alpha. I don't want to be distracted."

"You're bringing your mate with you?"

"She has to be," Shane stated matter-of-factly.

After what she'd been through, Merrick thought Shane would tuck her away and keep her from violence of any kind. If the roles were reversed, Merrick certainly would have. "Why?"

Shane's growl was a fierce thing, vibrating and gaining life through the line, warning Merrick shit was about to get real. "I'm placing his head at her feet when I'm done with him."