Cold Hearted Bachelor by Logan Chance



The door shutsas Spencer and Vaughn leave the condo. I make my way back into the kitchen. I’d never be able to forgive myself if I’m the reason Spencer and Vaughn are losing accounts. And as silly as they may think it is, I seriously believe whoever this asshole is messing with me is the same person shit talking them.

I just need to figure it all out.

Maybe it’s not even someone after me. Maybe the person is someone from Vaughn's past and they don’t like that I’ve been spending time with him? Crazy, I know. But then again, this whole mess is crazy.

I shoot off a text to Vaughn, asking him.

He sends a reply back instantly, “No way. No crazy girlfriends in my past.”

“How do you know for certain?” I reply back.

“No relationships at all.” His text comes back rather quickly, and I smile at my phone.

“Maybe someone who wants you?”

“I haven’t been with anyone in a long, long time,” his text reads.

I’m shocked by his answer.

I thought he was the serial dater. The man with all the women. Here he is with double ‘longs’ and maybe I’ve pegged him all wrong.

My heart beats a little harder.

It’s crazy, right? To already be having real feelings for him?

I think of it like this. The feelings I had for Vaughn growing up were almost like make-believe. Like something out of a fairytale. Because I never really believed anything would ever happen between us.

Yet, here we are. And the way he touched me last night was not make-believe. It was real. He was real.

God, the things he said to me. My body shivers just thinking about it.

There’s a knock at the door and I stir in my seat a bit. Should I answer it? This isn’t technically my place.

I stare through the peephole, trying to make out what I’m seeing. Hmm, it’s just the elevator. The hall is empty.

I peek my head out, and there’s no one there.

Am I going crazy? I know I heard a knock. I step out of the door. “Hello,” I call out.

I turn around to go back into the condo and notice a note on the door.

In scribbled handwriting are the words, ‘Bitch.’

I’m shook.

I rush back inside, slamming the door. I stare through the peephole once more, checking for any signs someone’s out there.

There’s nothing.

I sit in silence for a minute before my phone rings, and I let out a loud scream. The screen lights up with Jackie’s number. I swipe to accept. “Hey. Jackie.”

“Paisley, what’s wrong? You sound all shaken up.”

“I’m fine.” I know I sound like I’m scared, and maybe a part of me is. Ok, a big part of me is.

“Why don’t you come meet me in the city? Are you sure you’re ok? I wanted to put in an offer on one of the houses on the list you gave me.”

I glance at my watch. “Umm, ok, where?”

“Starbucks on Seventh?”

That’s right around the corner.

I can dip out, meet Jackie and be back here before Vaughn is back to pick me up to meet Colby.

“Sure, I’ll be right there.”

I don’t haveto wait at the back table long for Jackie. She’s all smiles and her red hair is striking against the sun pouring in through the shop's windows.

“Darling, there you are.” She kisses my cheek and then rushes to the counter to order.

I can’t stop staring at my phone, waiting for the mystery caller to call me again. I know it’s silly, but I can’t help it.

I also feel like I should let Vaughn know I’m out. I shoot off a text to him, letting him know where I am, and then slip my phone into my purse.

Jackie returns with two coffees and she sits down in a hurry. “So, tell me everything. You poor thing, you sounded so frightened when we chatted earlier.”

I decide to get her advice. “Can I ask you something?”

Her face grows serious, like I even need to ask a stupid question like that. She blinks. “You can ask me anything.”

“Things have been happening.” I explain the calls and break in at my new house to her.

“Oh my god, that’s horrible. You should be taking extra precautions.” She glances around the coffee shop, like my stalker could be lurking in the corners.

“I’ve been staying with a friend. So, everything will be ok.”

She places a hand over mine. “I’m confident it will be. But if anything major happens you should call the police.”

I take what she says into account, wondering if things will get worse. What if things escalate? Now the thought of being here makes me nervous.

We spend the next half hour going over the details of the new property she’s looking to flip. She’s excited about the remodel, and I end up giving her a few ideas to spruce up the place.

After I leave the shop, I head back to Vaughn’s place, using the key he gave me to let myself back inside.

“How was coffee?” Vaughn asks, arms crossed over his big chest, startling me like no other.

I set my bag down, debating if I should tell him about the note on his door I found. “You scared me.” I move into the kitchen where he stands. “It was great. Jackie got a new property she’s looking to flip.” Before I can even turn around, Vaughn’s arms are around me, lifting me and bringing me back to his bedroom.

Nope not telling him.

“You don’t have anywhere you need to be right now, do you?”

I smile, as he tosses me onto the bed and then climbs over top of me. “Only here.”

He gazes down on me. “Right answer, Pea.” He kisses me with a smile, and I laugh.

I wrap my legs around him as he presses his already hard length against me. “We have too many clothes on.”

He stares between us. “You’re right.” And then he whips off his shirt, awarding me with his six-pack abs.

I lick my lips. Which is an involuntary reaction I appear to always have when I see him with no shirt on. And in the next thirty seconds Vaughn is able to undress us both. “I’ve never seen anyone move so fast,” I say with a laugh.

“Determination.” He settles back over me, kissing my neck, roaming his hands up my legs.

He spreads them apart and then he’s cloaking his dick with a condom.

I can’t believe this is my life. That this panty-melting man is all mine right now. That I am the lucky one who gets to touch him and kiss him. I mean, pinch me, is this real life?

As if Vaughn can hear my thoughts he pinches my nipple with his teeth. Yes, it’s real life. And then he’s pushing deep inside me, and I moan. This man has the key to turning me on, and it’s insane how well he uses it.

He runs his hands between my thigh, touching me in all the places I want him to touch me in. God, this man.

I’ll never tire of him touching me like this. I hope I never have to.

He pushes further inside me. “You feel so damn good, Paisley.”

“You feel good too.” I kiss him, holding him close. Not wanting this moment to end.

It doesn’t end, Vaughn keeps pushing inside me. In and out. I move along with him, my heartbeat racing to keep up.

Passion burns through my veins as my body builds and builds. I’m so close, yet at the same time, I don’t want this to end.

“Just let go, Pea. I’ve got you.”

I squeeze my eyes shut, letting my body go along with my heart, knowing full well I won’t ever be able to recover from this.

I won’t ever be able to kiss another man for as long as I live. Heck, I’ll never want to.

Vaughn chases right behind, his orgasm overwhelming him all at once and he curses under his breath.

We both lie breathing heavily, our bodies trying to relax.

“You have no idea what you’re doing to me,” Vaughn says.

I smile. “Same.”