Cold Hearted Bachelor by Logan Chance



I was invitedto Sunday dinner, and now I’m rethinking the whole operation. How am I supposed to sit across the table from Paisley and not pretend I haven’t seen her naked? Or how I still want to see her naked and lying before me. I don’t know how I’m even going to make it through one evening with everyone there.

And to make matters worse, I haven’t seen Paisley since the other day when I basically told her I wanted to take things slow.

I’m an idiot. That’s all it boils down to. A pure fucking idiot that doesn’t deserve to even breathe the same air as her.

I’m scared.

Plain and simple.

Fear has crept in, casting its ugly claws and hooks inside me. I hate it.

But, I can’t tell her the truth. I can’t even admit the truth to myself.

I can’t tell her that somehow there’s something wrong in my genes that’s going to make me fuck it all up.

Just like my father.

He left.

He left us all.

And why? There’s no good reason as to why he left. My mother said something like he had wanted a new life.

He told her that it was in his bones to want more out of life.

Well, I have the same bones, don’t I? I mean, it’s all DNA. It’s in my blood to take after the man. I mean, what if I get her, marry her, start a family with her, and then one day I get up and walk away.

Just like he did.

I shake my head, staring at the ranch-style home I need to go inside to have a family Sunday dinner. But, I can’t make myself move.

I can’t make myself open this truck door and step inside.

Because I know what’s going to happen. I’m gonna take one look at Paisley and not be able to keep my hands off her.

I’ve missed her since the day I dropped her off at Spencer’s house. I’ve missed her in my bed. I’ve missed kissing her.

I don’t understand how I could ever walk away from the dream I have when I’m with her. The one that promises forever, and family.

I shake my head again, opening my door and sliding out of the truck.

My mother greets me at the door when I step inside. “Hey there, how’s Paisley’s house coming along?”

I smile. “It’s coming along well. Did you see the video?” I haven’t yet.

My mother pulls me aside before we enter the living room. “You like her, don’t you?”

“Huh?” I scratch my head, stalling for time. Because I know exactly who she’s talking about. “Like who?”



She smiles that motherly smile she gives me when she knows better than I do. “Paisley. I just hope Brian can handle it.” She gives a little laugh and walks away.

Mr. Watts would most likely kill me, if Spencer doesn’t first.

I shake my head and decide to face the inevitable. “Ah, smells good,” I say, stepping into the front room where all the parents have gathered.

Just the man I don’t want to see steps forward with his hand outstretched. “Hey, Vaughn, how’s the house?”

“Mr. Watts, it’s coming along. Did you see the video?”

He smiles, the crow’s feet around his eyes deepening. “Nah, I’ll see the finished product when you boys are all done.”

Guilt. It’s guilt I’m feeling right now. I haven’t even seen Paisley yet, and already I have some major fucking guilt going on. My palms are sweaty.

“Vaughn, in here,” Spencer calls from the kitchen.

Everyone moves in one unit to the kitchen, and I’m met by Paisley’s piercing blue eyes first. “What’s up?” I ask.

Mrs. Watts wraps me into a hug first. “I love the countertop and cabinets in the new house.”

I rub at the back of my neck. “Yeah, it’ll look great once we’re done.”

Guilt’s still here.

Mrs. Watts and my own mother give me a smile and hand me some plates. “Help Paisley set the table, will you?” My mother pats my cheek.

“Sure,” I grumble.

“It’s been kind of crazy here today. Everyone can’t wait to see the house, and I feel guilty about not telling my parents,” Paisley says as we move into the dining room.

“I don’t think we should tell anyone,” I rush out. That’s the worst idea ever. And here’s why I believe this. I’m not a man who can’t back up my fears with concrete evidence why I don’t support the idea of telling our parents.


Because I swear I want to give Paisley everything. I really do, but I know I can’t. And having that added pressure of parents being involved in a relationship that isn’t even fully formed yet breeds disaster in my book. Not that I have a book on relationships because what I have with Paisley is the closest thing I’ve ever had to one.

And it’s fragile.

I’d like to figure out what the fuck we’re doing before we add more people into it. I’m about to voice my fears when she stares up at me.

“I’ve just never kept something like this from them before. What if something big happens, and the police come here.”

“Wait, what?” I kind of laugh at myself, thinking Paisley meant telling her parents about us and not the stalker. Of course, she’d have guilt over that. “I support you with whichever decision you make.”

She smiles, and I swear it’s a smile meant only for me. “Thank you. That makes me feel better. We’ll see how I feel during dinner.”

“You’re not guilty about not telling your family about…us,” I draw out the word.

She shrugs. “Why would I be? We’re taking things slow. They don’t need to know.” She laughs and then moves around me to get silverware from the china cabinet.


“Yeah.” I place the plates down, wondering where she’s going to sit. “You’re right.”

She heads off back into the kitchen, and more than anything I want to hug her, hold her close to me. I’d love to give her a little kiss, and tell everyone we’re together.

I know.

I know.

I’m the one who wanted to take things slow. I remember.

“Vaughn, there you are,” her father says to me, walking into the dining room. “I figured after dinner we could discuss the business. Spencer’s told me about what’s been happening.”

I scrub a hand through my hair. “Yeah, we need a game plan.” I make the decision right here, right now not to let my thoughts be consumed by Paisley today. No, I need to think about our company. Our bread and butter. The main reason I’m able to pay my way through life is because of the company Spencer and I poured our blood, sweat, and tears into.

And someone is trying to fuck it all up.

We need answers, and better yet, we need a plan of attack. We can’t lose any more projects.

We just can’t.

A few minutes later the dining room is filled with people, and everyone takes a seat. Paisley plops down into the only available seat, right next to me. I’m stoked she’s by me, but at the same time nervous everyone can read what’s written so clearly all over my face.

That I’m crazy about this girl.

“Mom, Dad, everyone,” Paisley pipes up after everyone has started eating. “I have something to say. I don’t want anyone to freak out.”

I squeeze her knee under the table, letting her know I support her decision to tell everyone.

“Over the past weeks, someone has been, I guess you can say, stalking me.”

Her father is first to react, and the look he is giving her looks like he wants to kill someone. I picture that being the same look he’d give me if he ever found out what’s happening between Paisley and I.

“Dad, it’s ok. Vaughn and Spencer have been keeping an eye on me.”

Her dad’s eyes soften just a bit as he stares at me, and then Spencer. “I appreciate you boys doing that, but Paisley we need to go to the police.”

“I did,” she says. “Vaughn and I called the cops after the house was vandalized.”

Both my mother and her mother gasp, and her mother has tears in her eyes. “I can’t believe this.” Her mother starts mumbling about how buying that house was a bad idea, and how she wants Paisley to move back home permanently, but my mother quiets her down.

“Mom, we’re making sure everything is taken care of,” Spencer says, squeezing his mother’s hand on the table.

“Who do you think it is?” my mother asks.

“I don’t know.” There’s a sadness behind Paisley’s eyes that I wish I could erase for her. She may be putting on a brave front, but I can see all of this is wearing on her.

“I never liked you buying that house so far away from us.” Her dad points his finger at Paisley.

“Dad, it’s not that. I can take care of myself.”

“Paisley, we didn’t say you couldn’t. But we’d feel better if you got a roommate.”

“I don’t need a roommate, Dad.”

“You could move in with her, right Vaughn?”

I straighten in my chair, fidgeting with the fork in my hand that has grown slippery at the idea of me moving in with Paisley. “I, uhh, well.”

Paisley puts a hand over mine. “I don’t need anyone moving in.”

“Well, she’s been staying with me. I’d never let anyone hurt her.” Already, that one line, I feel like I’ve said too much. I feel like I should take it back, so I add, “Nothing’s happened between us.” Now I feel even worse.

Everyone stops and stares at me.

The awful part is, Paisley’s hand is still on mine. I quickly remove my hand, and I fear everyone noticed that reaction even more.

Paisley coughs. “Everything is fine. See, I’m still here without so much as a hair out of place. I’ll be ok. It’s just someone trying to scare me.”

Her dad stares at me, and I swear the man knows what’s going on. I swear this man can see every filthy thing I’ve ever thought about doing with his little girl. The nerves are back. My gut twists and I push my food away.

“You’ve been staying with Vaughn? Why not stay here where I can protect you?”

“Dad, we felt the stalker would be expecting that. I can’t handle it if something happened to you guys because of me. It’s bad enough Spencer and Vaughn’s business is suffering because of me.”

“Because of you?” her dad asks, his eyebrows shooting up into his forehead.

“Yes, it has to be because of me.” She has fresh tears in her eyes, and instinctively I wrap an arm around her shoulder.

“It’s not your fault,” I say mainly to her, but I feel everyone’s eyes on me.

And it isn’t her fault.

“I thought you said nothing is happening between you two,” Spencer says.

I remove my arm. “Umm, nothing is happening.”

“I’m an adult and I can make my own choices,” Paisley is saying, and my eyes widen. “Vaughn and I, yes, have something going on.”

Oh, no.

Her dad, he’s giving me that look. Like the one he had earlier. No, not the one where he can read my mind, but the other one where he wants to kill me.

“You’ve been taking advantage of her while she’s being stalked?” Spencer says, and when I glance at him he has that same look.

“No, it’s not what it seems like.”

“Yeah, what is it then? She’s vulnerable and you couldn’t help yourself. For once I wish you’d think with your head and not your dick,” Spencer yells, pushing back his chair into the wainscotting.

I stand too. “That’s not what’s happening at all.”

No one says anything, and then it all happens so quickly. Spencer lunges toward me, knocking the table, and a few glasses crash to the floor. Everyone stands and shouts at us.

“I care about her,” I hear myself say as Spencer’s right hook connects with my jaw.

I won’t hit back.

But, I won’t let him keep punching me either, so I grab his arms, and Mr. Watts is already pushing us both through the back door.

“Stop it, stop,” he says over and over. He settles Spencer and me onto the back patio table, sitting on either side. “Now, we have a ton of shit to figure out.” It’s one of the first times I’ve heard the man use a curse word.

“No, it’s pretty simple, Dad. Vaughn here is taking advantage of Paisley.”

I stretch my jaw, running my fingers over it to figure out how tender it is. “It’s not like that, man.”


And it’s right here and right now I realize no matter what I say, they won’t believe me. Why should they? I have the world’s worst track record with women.

“I’m sorry,” I end up saying. “I never meant to hurt anyone.” I sit still as Mr. Watts stares at me.

“I know you never meant to hurt anyone, Vaughn. You’re a good man. Tell me, how bad was the house?” Mr. Watts asks.

I recount everything that’s happened since I first saw Paisley’s house, minus the sex, obviously, and tell him about the phone calls, and the police.

I tell him about our own issues with the company as well.

Spencer fills in a few holes, and once Mr. Watts is up to speed, we head back inside.

I end up taking Spencer’s seat, not really knowing if I should take the seat next to Paisley.

My eyes meet hers, and I don’t want to turn away, but I do. I shouldn’t be thinking about kissing her. The important thing is protection.

“I just want to say one thing,” I meet Mr. Watts’ eyes. “I care about Paisley. A lot. I would never let anyone hurt her.”

“So,who am I staying with tonight?” Paisley asks after the dinner is over and we’ve moved into the living room. With me, I wish I could say. But, I don’t because I’m still unsure if her family is ok with it all.

Her father wraps an arm around Paisley and tells her she’ll be staying with Spencer.

Spencer hasn’t even looked in my direction since the moment he learned something was going on with Paisley and me.

I pull him aside. “Hey, man, we cool?”

His blue eyes, a shade darker than Paisley’s stare back. “I never thought you’d touch her. I always thought you knew better.”

I rub a hand on the back of my neck and we move to the rear of the house so we can be alone. “I’ve never thought of Paisley as a little sister. Even when we were younger. Spencer, I didn’t do this to hurt you, or your dad. I didn’t do it to hurt her either.”

“Then why did you?”

I glance at the floor, hoping another answer is written along the worn-hardwood. Because I can’t admit the truth to him right now. But then, I spot a picture of Paisley at her high school graduation hanging on the wall, and it takes me back to another time. “Because I’ve always had a thing for Paisley.”

“Are you joking?” He scratches his head.

I shake my head, my eyes never straying from his. “No. I’ve always been drawn to her. Even when we were younger.”

“No shit.”

“But, I promise you, I won’t touch her. I value her, and your family. I want to prove to all of you how much I care for her.” I go to step away, but Spencer holds a hand to my chest to stop me.

“Hold on. You really care about her, don’t you?”

I crack a smile. “More than anyone, brother.”

“We need to find this fucker hurting her.”

“I agree.” I glance at Paisley from across the room. “What did you have in mind?”

“Well, I don’t know if I’ll ever get on board with the idea of you and my sister, but I promise I’ll be better.” He stares across the room at her. “We should have eyes on her at all times. If not me, then you. If not us, then my dad.”

“Ok.” I nod, crossing my arms, liking the terms to his plan. “She can stay with you each night, and you can watch her in the morning. I’ll pick her up to work on her house.”

Spencer’s eyes soften. “Listen, if she wants to stay at your house, it’s all good. I trust you, man.”

My chest swells with appreciation for my best friend. Spencer is so much more than that, though. He’s my brother. I would never do anything to betray his trust. So, I should feel weary about having Paisley stay with me. But, for some reason, I don’t. In fact, I want her to. I want to protect her.

I’ve been a nervous wreck knowing some asshole is out there stalking her and I’m defenseless in helping her while she’s not with me. “I promise I’ll keep her safe.” I try to hide my smile, but it’s fucking useless.

Spencer ends up making up some early meeting he has to get to, leaving Paisley to stay the night with me. Of course, Spencer didn’t tell anyone until he drove her to my condo himself.

“Want a drink?” I ask her, moving into the living room where she’s standing at the floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking the city.


I pour her a glass of red wine and bring it over to her. “I know we said we’d take things slow, but I don’t know about that anymore.”

She faces me, taking the glass of wine from my hands. “What do you mean?”

“What if I don’t want slow? What if I want fast? What if I want rough and hard?”

She sets her wine glass down on the table after taking a sip. She sits on the couch and I sit down next to her. “Vaughn, I’m scared.”

“I’ll keep you safe.” I know she’s not telling me she’s scared of the stalker, but she’s scared of me. I have to admit I’m a little afraid as well, but I know I want this with her.

“I know you will.” She straddles my lap and I kiss her hard, delirious with passion, hungry for her taste. I stand with her, and carry her off to my bedroom.

“I need you, Pea,” I tell her, removing my clothing in record time.

She bites her lower lip, her eyes never leaving my cock. I fist it in my hands, wondering where I want to start first with her.

I want her.

I’m done playing around.

I’m new to the relationship thing, but I’m willing to give it my all, for her.

“Pea, I want this with you,” I tell her as I remove her shirt.

She undoes her pants and slides them off. “I want this too.”

I kiss her, moving over her body, wanting to touch every part of her. I kiss up her neck, to that spot right behind her ear that makes her moan so loudly, and back down the column of her throat.

She wraps her legs around me, and I drop my hand to the inside of her thighs. I remove her panties, pulling them down the long length of her silky legs. I take off her bra next, making sure to spend ample time with both of her tits. I love hers. She’s got great ones, and I let her know by sucking a nipple into my mouth and palming the other. I tease her a little, toying with each of her breasts before rolling on a condom.

My body’s on fire with passion, desire coursing into every cell. I’ve never been more turned on. I’m hard, very fucking hard, and I fist my cock in my hand and guide it to her entrance. I slide in, slowly at first, but then taking what I need from her. Moving in and out of her, over and over, I push a little deeper.


Her cries of pleasure egg me on to keep going, to keep thrusting inside her, letting her know just how I feel about her.

I run my fingers through her hair, wanting to tell her about all the feelings pouring into my heart right now.

Maybe I’ve never done this before, but I’m no longer afraid of the way I feel about Paisley anymore. I know I care about her. I always have.

If her family doesn’t approve, well that’s something we’ll figure out at the time. But for now, I won’t ever give up on her.

I keep moving inside her, pushing deeper and deeper, forging the connection between us. I stare deep into her crystal blue eyes, my heart nearly exploding.

“Paisley, I’m falling for you.”

A tear escapes her eye, running down her cheek. “I’ve already fallen for you, Vaughn.”

My chest swells at her words, and it brings me one step closer to my release.

Her body comes alive beneath me, bucking as she moves against me, shouting out she’s coming. It turns me on even more knowing I’m the one bringing her such pleasure.

“That’s right, Paisley, come for me.”

I follow quickly behind her, unable to hold back a second longer. I groan out her name, kissing her in between breaths.

I’ll never tire of this woman.