Cold Hearted Bachelor by Logan Chance



I’m not lyingwhen I say I like doing that with Paisley. It’s better than I could have ever imagined, and now that we’ve crossed this line, I don’t ever want to go back.

As soon as we’re dressed and ready, I drive Paisley to a property her friend Colby is working on before taking her to the office. I already don’t like this prick, but I’m on my best behavior.

Even though I still want to burn his eyes out of his head when his eyes roam over Paisley in her tight jeans and silk blouse, I keep myself in check.

I told Paisley I wouldn’t interfere with the meeting and I would stay in the truck.

She insisted I come take a look at the property with her.

So, here we are. All three of us, walking around a house with more problems than the house is probably worth.

But, I keep my knowledgeable mind out of it. I’m in construction. If Colby wants someone’s advice it should be mine.

There’s no way they can knock a wall down and think this house will hold steady. But, again this is something I will tell Paisley in private, not when she’s standing with Boxy-Mcboxerson, otherwise known as Colby.

Sorry, the guy has the appearance of a cardboard box. His hair’s even a light brown. And he kind of has the personality of a box too.

I lean against a wooden beam, watching Colby stare at my girl. I cross my arms when I realize what I just fucking thought.

My girl.

Paisley is anything but my girl. And the worst part is she can never be my girl. It’s impossible for me to have a relationship. I know, you’re probably thinking it’s easy. Just be in a relationship. But it’s not that easy for a guy like me. It’s not that easy for me to do this.

I sweat, rubbing the back of my neck. “Paisley, I’ll be in the truck.”

Paisley and Colby both look at me like I’ve just sprouted a second head. They nod and I rush toward the front door.

I can’t breathe, and the dust in this old wooden home is getting to me.

I leave the house in my wake, trekking through the yard at a supersonic pace. I open my truck, start it and blast the AC right on my face.

I can’t be in a relationship. I just can’t.

I grab my phone from my pocket. “Hey, Spencer,” I say when he answers on the second ring.

“What’s up?”

“Was wondering if Paisley can stay at your place tonight?”

“Yeah.” He laughs. “I’m sure it’s weird to have her staying with you.”

“Thanks, I have a date I forgot about.” All lies. There is no date, but I just can’t be around her right now. I’ll make up some lie. I’ll tell her my mother needs me.

I don’t know what I’ll say, but I can’t do this.

She hops in the passenger seat after another fifteen minutes. “You ok? What happened?”

“I had to make a phone call.”

“Ah, ok. Well, you ready to get to work at my place? I’m thinking about documenting the reno on video. So I can put it up on my website.”

I scrub a hand down my jaw. “Yeah, ok.”

What I’m most positive of is the fact I’m probably in no condition to be filmed this afternoon.

She places her hand on mine. “You feeling ok?”

“I said I’m fine.”

“I have to tell you something, but I don’t want you to freak out.”

I hold my breath and nod.

“I got this note at your place.” She holds up a piece of paper. I’m driving, so I just do a quick glance at it, but can see it’s most likely from her stalker. “How did he find you at my place?”

“I’m getting so sick of all this.” She stuffs the note back into her purse.

“I called Spencer, and I think you should stay there for a while.”

She stares straight ahead. “Ok.”

“It’s probably for the best, ya know?”

“Yep.” She doesn’t glance in my direction. “I think so too.”

“Pea, I want you to stay with me, I really do. But it isn’t safe.”

She grabs my hand, turning in her seat to face me. “No, I know. I get it. I just want to make certain we’re ok.”

I suck in a deep breath. “I’ve never done the relationship thing before. So, can we just take things slow?”

“I can do slow. It’s probably for the best anyway, until this stalker is caught.”

I bring her hand up to my lips. “Yeah, we definitely need to catch this guy.”

“Any ideas on how?”

I shake my head. “It has to be someone you know. Try thinking about everyone you work with, or have helped buy a house.”

“I tried making a list and no one comes to mind. I can’t think of anyone.”

She sounds worried, and I fear I’ve only just worked her up. “It’s ok, we’ll find this son-of-a-bitch.”

She stares out the window. “I hope so. I hate living like this.”

“Like what?”

“In fear. I’m afraid all the time. Well, not really afraid, more pissed off. Like I’m upset at this person and what they’re doing to us.”

I sigh. “Yeah.”

“It hurts me that they’re taking this out on your business.”

“Well, we don’t know if it’s all related.”

“Come on, Vaughn. It has to be related. You guys just can’t be losing accounts all of a sudden for nothing.”

I squeeze her hand. “Either way, it’s nothing for you to worry about. Let’s just take today and not worry about anything.”

“What do you mean?”

“Let’s just focus on your house, and the video you want to make. I think it’ll be great. We can leave this whole stalker mess behind us and not think about any of it.”

She beams beside me. “I like that idea.”

“And Pea, I want you to know you don’t ever have to worry about anything when you’re with me. I’ll keep you safe.”

“I know you will.”