Cold Hearted Bachelor by Logan Chance



“Isit weird that every time you pull down my road I hold my breath, waiting to see if the house is vandalized?” I say as Vaughn pulls up to my house.

“I hate that you have to think about that. We need to get a fence and gate on your property soon.”

“I agree.” I hop out of the truck when he pulls to a stop, and I try not to think about the note, the vandalism, or the stalker as I walk up to the house. It’s mentally exhausting.

“Let’s get to work, Pea.”

I know Vaughn is trying his best to keep my mind off of everything going on, and I appreciate him for all he’s doing. I hate that the stalker found me at his place. I hate that I can’t stay with him tonight, but I try to push all these negative thoughts away and focus on the task at hand.

“Yes, let’s get busy.” I pull out my phone, ready to document all of our hard work on camera.

We spend the remainder of the day working on the house, and not letting the thoughts of the stalker damper on our mood. Everything is great until we pack it up and he tells me he has to take me to Spencer’s.

We hop in the truck and it’s silent as he drives us back into Denver, and I try not to get too upset at the change of plans.

Do I want Vaughn’s hands all over me tonight? Sure, absolutely. Should we slow things down? Hmm, I guess? I don’t even know anymore, all I know is I do want him touching me with his tongue.

But, if I want something to work out between us, I have to give him time to settle into the idea of me.

He pulls into Spencer’s townhome driveway and lets the engine idle. “I hate that I have to drop you off here.”

I turn to face him. “I hate it too.”

He pulls me in to kiss me on the lips, and I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls me closer, and I revel in his touch. He pulls back slightly, breaking the kiss. “Maybe we shouldn’t be making out in front of your brother’s house.”

I giggle a little. “Maybe you’re right.” I give him a quick peck on the cheek and then exit his truck. I wave once I’m on the front porch step.

I’m falling for Vaughn James, hard.

The next day,I head to my mother’s house, after catching an Uber to get my car. Even with the threat of someone after me, I need laundry and things. I forgot my laptop charger, and I have work to do today.

Contracts and editing the video are my big plans. Maybe even a little side venture to visit Chuck at the office to drop off a few of these contracts.

“How’s the house coming along?” my mother asks me, stepping into the dining area where I have a little office set up.

“Want to see the video of Vaughn in the kitchen?”

She takes a seat next to me. “Of course.”

I press play and there he is, filling up my computer screen with his infectious smile. He lights up the whole house with his charisma. Someone should bottle it up and sell it. They’d make millions.

My mother laughs. “Look at the way he looks at you, dear.”

I glance closer. “He’s not looking at me in any special way.” I nudge my mother’s elbow like she’s obviously crazy and seeing things.

“You know, I always thought you two would end up together.”

I shut off the video. “What?”

She waves a hand. “It’s silly, but you used to follow that boy around all the time. And there’s just something with the way he looks at you. Like he’d slay dragons just to keep you safe. Just even last week, Irene noticed.”

“There’s nothing that’s ever gonna happen between us, Mom.” I feel bad kind of lying to my mother, but at the same time everything is so fresh and new. I’m not even positive what’s really happening between us.

“I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“It’s fine. I’m not upset.” I plaster a fake smile, and my mother laughs and gets up. “Maybe tomorrow for Sunday dinner we can invite him over.”

I nod. “Umm, I kind of already did.”

My mother smiles wide. “Ok.” She walks out of the room, and I decide to leave the house and the stifling pressure to have something I can’t.

I head into the office, knowing I have a few things to pick up. Chuck greets me as soon as I walk through the door.

“There she is,” he says with a smile.

I laugh. “I know, busy busy.”

“Did you see that mess Colby is trying to sell over on Third Street?”

“I did.” I don’t add my thoughts on the place but roll my eyes to agree I think it’s a mess like he says.

I walk past the ‘Home Is Where You Hang Your Heart’ sign hanging on the wall, and enter my little cubicle. I fire up my computer when I hear a commotion down the hall.

“Why don’t you tell me how it is, Chuck?” a woman says, who I’m guessing must be his wife. I want to peek in, but she’s making a spectacle of herself by continuing to yell at him.

I busy myself with my work while trying my best not to eavesdrop. But it’s so hard. She’s yelling at poor Chuck for not calling to tell her a meeting ran later than usual. She’s highly upset with him.

“Is that his wife?” I ask Michael, another sales agent.

He nods. “They fight all the time.”

I don’t know Chuck that well, but what I do know is he is always here. He’s a workhorse and loves his job. I’m certain that can take a toll on a marriage. And now I’m seeing it first hand.

“I’m sure the woman you’re cheating on me with doesn’t mind,” she hollers.

Chuck slams his office door shut, which does nothing to stifle the sound. “Goddammit, Rhonda. I’m not sleeping with anyone.”

“Yeah, right. What was her name? Jocelyn? Jackie?”

My ears perk, trying to listen better. Jackie?

“Rhonda, this is not the place,” Chuck says.

“Our marriage isn’t important enough for you to talk about?”

“Of course, it is.” He blows out an exasperated breath. “Can we do this at home, later?”

Chuck sounds frustrated, and I don’t blame him. Everyone in the office can hear them fighting.

“Fine.” Rhonda leaves Chuck’s office and her heels clack against the tile flooring. She stops by my cubicle. “Paisley, right?”

Her presence is intimidating. Tall with expensive clothes and a big designer bag that hangs off her arm. Her makeup is on point, and her brown hair is twisted high on top of her head. It looks like she had a whole team of people help her get ready today, which she probably did.

I nod with a skeptical smile. “Yes.”

“I’ve never met you before.”

“I don’t come in that often.” I shrug a little. “The office is just a space where I can hang my license. I’ve been busy working, and with this renovation job, I haven’t had time to breathe.” I hate that I sound so snotty, but I don’t like the way she’s looking at me down her nose, casting judgement.

“Ah,” she folds her arms, “Chuck is here a lot?”

“All the time. From what I gather from everyone who works here, he loves his job.”

“I’ll say,” she scoffs, and I’m not really sure how to take her words.

It’s obvious she’s upset with her husband, but he’s still her husband. At least he committed. More than I can say for Vaughn.

Even though we’re taking things slow, I just feel like sometimes I’m on a collision course with love. I can’t stop the hurtling and tumbling. My heart is racing toward love at supersonic speeds. I’m trying to go slow, but I don’t know if I can.

“Have a great day, Paisley. Hopefully, your work week will look up soon.”

I smile and wave as she leaves. I could never be married to someone like that. Her eyes alone shot daggers at me, piercing my defenses and making me tongue tied. Even though she asked normal questions.

I finish up my contracts and head to the back of the office to check on Chuck before I leave. “Hey, boss, I’m heading out.”

“Paisley, I’m sorry you had to see my wife like that.” He scrubs a hand through his hair. “She’s just going through a lot of stuff.”

I hold up my hands. “Hey, it’s none of my business.” And then I stop, before walking out the door. “But, are you ok, Mr. Thompson?”

He smiles at me, but it appears forced. Like it’s taking every muscle in his body to produce such an action. “I’ll be fine.” His eyes look like he hasn’t slept in ages. I hope he means it when he says he’ll be fine.

It’s crazy how much love can destroy us or revive us.