On His Desk by Mia Faye

Chapter 11


I’ve switched off all my worries and cares for the weekend. They’ll be there waiting for me on Monday but for the next two days, I’ll live as if I’ve no care in the world. That includes enjoying Michael’s company, his luxurious apartment, and his hot body.

Michael tickles my feet with his under the water and I giggle and try to get away. We’re seated on opposite ends of the hot tub. Our roof is the blue sky. Whoever designed these apartments and thought of putting the hot tub on the master bedroom balcony is a genius.

“Did I tell you that if I lived here, I’d never leave?”

“If you lived here with me, I’d never want you to leave,” Michael says.

My heart flutters. I shouldn’t let Michael excite me. He says such things off-handedly and doesn’t mean them. He’s probably used to flattery getting him what he wants.

Jets of water rush at my body from all directions. I feel like a kid who has discovered a new toy. Michael softly massages my legs under the water. He looks as relaxed as I feel. I cock my head as curiosity about him grows.

“That feels good, thank you,” I tell him.

He grins. He really is sexy. “You’re welcome. I plan on making this your best weekend. That way I can tempt you to come back often.”

I don’t want to think about Monday or the future. Why does he have to bring it up? I contemplate his words about wanting to tempt me to return to his apartment. Danger signals go off in my mind. Michael is suggesting what sounds like a relationship.

Too much intimacy.

“Can I ask you a personal question.”

“Sure,” Michael says.

“You’re charming and handsome, how come you’re not married or in a serious relationship?” I ask him.

A painful expression comes over his face and then it disappears. It makes me think that I might have imagined it.

“Been there, done that. Not marriage but I was in a serious relationship,” Michael says.

I want to know more but I don’t dare ask. Besides, it’s none of my business. Plus, he might not want me prying too much, just as I wouldn’t want him asking questions about Barry.

“Right now, I want to concentrate on growing the company even more and just having fun. Like what we are doing now,” he says and smiles.

My heart begins to pound. He doesn’t want a real relationship and neither do I. In that case, what would stop us from carrying on with a physical relationship, seeing as we are hot together in bed?

“Sounds good,” I tell him. “I’m not ready for a relationship either, and I don’t think I will be any time soon. I’m enjoying this too.”

“Good,” Michael says. “You’re too far away. Come and sit between my legs.”

I do as he says and arrange myself between his legs. I giggle when his rock-hard cock presses against my back. Michael’s hand gets between us and he arranges his cock so that it stands against my back as opposed to digging into my back like a sword.

He pulls me back and I lean against his wide chest. I lay my hands on his muscular thighs and massage them softly. His hands caress my shoulders, arms, and then come around to my breasts.

He rubs my nipples in circular unhurried motions and pauses after a few seconds to pinch them. I stifle a cry of pleasure each time. His right hand leaves my breasts and dips down under the water to my pussy. I feel utterly spoiled as I lie there, doing nothing, just receiving pleasure.

I part my thighs and his hand nudges my folds apart to find my clit. He rubs it softly, and I let off little gasps of pleasure. Soon I have trouble breathing or concentrating on anything except the movement of his hands. I raise my hips to his fingers, and he continues flicking and teasing my clit.

“I need more,” I moan and turn my head around.

His hand slides to my neck and he holds my head firmly and captures my mouth into a kiss. I moan into his mouth and fork my hands through his hair.

Michael breaks the kiss. “Let’s go in. The next part is private.”

I grin. “And here I was thinking that you were an exhibitionist.”

He holds my gaze. “I’m not sharing you with anyone.”

I shudder at the intensity of the moment.

Michael gets out of the tub and reaches for the towels flung on the chair. He holds one out for me and I hurry into it, afraid that someone can see us. In reality, no one can as Michael’s apartment building is the tallest this side of the city. He wraps the towel gently around my shoulders, grabs the other one, and wraps it around his waist.

Hand in hand, we walk back into the master bedroom and he pulls the French doors shut. Michael tugs at my towel and it drops to the floor leaving me completely naked. He drops to his knees and places his hands on my inner thighs.

“I’m hungry, baby and only one thing can satisfy me. Your pussy,” he says before his face disappears between my legs.


His tongue is magical. I feel as if my body will burst from pleasure as he alternates between sucking on my clit and fucking me with his tongue. My hands move up to my tits and I play with my nipples and I imagine that it’s Michael’s hands on them.

He pushes a finger inside me and then another.

“Fuck,” I hiss as sensation after sensation come over me. I think of nothing except the sweetness of my body coming to life.

He withdraws his fingers and looks up at me. When our gazes lock, he raises his fingers to his mouth and sucks them. “Your pussy tastes like honey.”

“Fuck!” A gush of wetness drips from my pussy down my thighs. Michael has a way with words. “I want your cock, Michael.”

“How badly?” he teases.


He stands up, takes my hand, and leads me to the bed. I climb up on the impossibly huge bed and lie on my back. Michael joins me and raises my legs to his shoulders.

A sense of unease comes over me. With both my legs on his shoulders, will I be able to take all of him?

Michael sees the change in my expression. “I’ll go very slowly,” he says.

He pushes his cock in slowly and my pussy walls part to give way. Michael’s movements are controlled as he buries his cock deep into my pussy. I begin panting as he moves faster and faster. I shout his name. His moans intersperse with my cries and we make sweet music together.

Michael grinds his pelvis against me sending waves of pleasure through my body. With my clit being stimulated like that, it doesn’t take me more than thirty seconds to come.

I have a dirty mouth, but Michael makes it worse. I find myself muttering words that I’d never said to a lover before. Coils of delicious tension unravel from pussy, spreading to every part of my body. I feel my body grow limp and my pussy tighten against Michael’s cock.

“My turn,” Michael growls, and shoots hot come into my pussy.

He collapses beside me and pulls me on top of him. I rest my head on his chest and he smooths my hair back with one hand. The other gently circles my back and then rests on my ass. I could fall asleep, is my last thought before I feel myself drifting away.


“I’m home!” I say into the phone as I unlock my door.

“I’m coming down,” Miley says and disconnects the phone.

It’s Sunday and I haven’t been home since Friday. Madness. Complete insanity. Michael had wanted to drive me home, but I refused and insisted on an Uber. I need some alone time and it would have been too tempting to invite him home.

I barely put my bag down when a knock comes on the door. I pull it open and grin at Miley.

“I don’t have to ask how you spent your weekend,” Miley says. “I’m envious. You have a just-fucked look.”

I laugh and plop down on the couch. “I’m tired.”

“Should I make us some tea?” Miley says and I smile at her gratefully.

“Yes, please.”

I lie down on the couch with a stupid smile on my face. I can’t remember spending a more enjoyable weekend. Michael is easy. He’s not demanding, and neither is he boring. I can’t help but compare him to Barry. Somehow Barry made the times we spent together about him, rather than us. He liked to complain about everything. At the time, I liked to excuse it away and say it was because he was a perfectionist. Looking back, it was selfish behavior on his part. It didn’t help that he was selfish between the sheets too. If I were a childish and vengeful person, I’d let him know what a poor lover he was.

For the first time in months, I feel as if I escaped a bullet.

“What are you smiling about? Was it that good?” Miley says, returning from the kitchen carrying two mugs of tea.

“That’s precisely why I’m smiling,” I tell her and sit up. “It was that good.”

“You owe me,” she says.

“I do. Thank you.”

She sips her tea and observes me over the rim of her cup. “So, a whole weekend? Aren’t you two going a little too fast?”

“Normally I would say yes but it's different for us. We’re into this for a good time. No ties, no relationship. He wants the same things as I do.”

Miley gives me a skeptical look. “That’s really what you want? What about falling in love?”

I shudder at the very idea. “Not for me. I’m done with that. I just want to have a good time. And speaking of good times, we should go out on Wednesday after work. I know this really cool cocktail bar. You’d like it.”

Miley grins. “Now you’re talking.”

We talk about New York nightlife. A year or two earlier, I’d have been excited to sample all of it. As it is, I’m okay with going out every other week or so. What matters to me now is the company and I definitely enjoy Miley’s company.

“I bet Michael doesn’t live in one these tiny box apartments,” Miley says.

I whistle. “You should see his place,” I tell her and launch into a description of his apartment.

Miley lets out a scream when I tell her about the hot tub on the private balcony.

“I knew you’d like that,” I tell her with a grin. “I loved it.”

I’ve missed this. Trusting someone enough to tell them your outrageous stories. Miley in turn tells me about her clients, most of whom definitely have loose screws in their heads.