On His Desk by Mia Faye

Chapter 13


I stifle a smile when Michael follows me to the kitchenette where I proceed to rinse off our coffee mugs. I’m getting ready to leave for my drinks date with Miley. We’d planned to go to Nace but we changed our minds yesterday and we’ve opted to go to a nice bar club that Miley knows for a bit of dancing.

Michael and I have been inseparable, spending all day together at the office and having a drink in the evenings at his house. As much as I enjoy his company and of course the sex is out of this world, I’m looking forward to a girly chat with Miley.

“So, this place that you’re going to,” Michael says. “What’s the name again?”

“Miley said it’s called Hawks.” I’m touched and amused by his concern.

“Okay,” he says but doesn’t sound very excited.

I kiss him on the mouth and his arms go around my waist and he pulls me close. He kisses me deeply and passionately, his hands raising my skirt to caress my bare thighs. He handles me with a touch of ownership. It doesn’t upset me, but I remind myself that it means nothing.

It’s a thing that comes naturally to men. The only feeling that Michael has for me is lust. We have the added bonus of actually enjoying each other’s company. Michael breaks the kiss with a groan.

“You better go or I’ll have you naked and all fours on the floor.”

I laugh. “You have a way with words, Michael.” I kiss him lightly on the mouth and I leave with a wave.

I request an Uber in the elevator and by the time I reach outside the Uber is waiting for me. I slide in and give the driver the name of the club.

The last few days have been intense, and they remind me of the first couple of weeks when Barry and I started dating. I haven’t thought of him in a while. The memories don’t make my chest squeeze with pain anymore. Miley was right. All I needed was a sexy man to heal my broken heart.

I laugh softly and sense the Uber driver’s gaze on me. He probably thinks I’ve lost my marbles, but if that’s the case, I’m sure that he’s used to it.

Hawks is perched atop the Amarind hotel and when the elevator opens its doors, I’m met by pounding pop music. I grin as I walk in, completely taken in by the loud pink décor and servers in cute outfits.

It’s just turned six and already the club is half full. I spy Miley perched on a bar stool, talking animatedly with the bartender.

“Here you are,” she says when I sidle up to her. She introduces me to the bartender, a cute youngish guy. I raise an eyebrow at Miley when he turns away to pour me a wine.

“Isn’t he a little too young for you?” I whisper to Miley.

“He is. Shame,” Miley says and makes a face.

As always, she asks me about Michael, and I tell her some of it but gloss over the details. I feel myself relaxing as we sit, drink, and talk. Every so often, thoughts of Michael sneak into my mind, but I tell myself that it’s natural considering how much time we spend together.

We order a variety of appetizers for dinner and more drinks. It’s getting more crowded in the club and the volume of the music has gone up a notch. Miley excuses herself to go to the bathroom and while she’s gone, I notice a loud group standing around a round table.

I spot Miley walking unsteadily back and when she’s about to pass the group, a sandy-haired dignified looking man steps in front of her. Miley’s body language changes after a few seconds and I can tell without hearing that she’s flirting with the man.

He takes her arm and guides her to one side, away from his group. They talk animatedly, their heads close together. I take the moment to check my cell phone. I smile when I find a message from Michael.

Just checking if all is well with you. Not being weird, I promise.

I smile and text him back.

Thanks for caring. I’m fine.

My phone flashes when another message comes through.

Having fun?

I opt for the truth.

I was. Not too much now. Miley has hooked up with someone and they look like they’re having fun.

He texts me a second later.

“Do you want me to come?”

I glance at Miley just as she and the gentleman are headed my way. She’s holding on to his arm as if they have known each other forever.

“Alec, this is my best friend Ava,” she says and introduces me to the gentleman.

He has a handsome kind face and he and Miley seem to hit it off. He sits on the other side of her and though they try to include me in the conversation, it doesn’t quite work with the noise of the club.

I go back to my phone and text Michael in the affirmative.

It can’t be more than five minutes later when I see him striding toward us. He cuts through the crowd and leaves people staring at him. There’s something about Michael that reeks of power and wealth. Something that makes people pay attention to him.

I notice that the women give him a long lingering stare. If they knew his bedroom skills, they would not be following him with their eyes only.

“How did you get here so fast?” I ask him when he leans down to kiss my mouth.

“You took too long to reply, and I started on my way,” he explains.

I feel super proud when I introduce him to Miley and Alec. Miley is clearly impressed. I am not sure what by, his charm, or his good looks. She and Alec stand up.

“We’re going to dance,” she says.

“So, this is where you ladies like to come,” Michael says as he sits next to me and places his hands on my thighs.

After Barry, am loving this overt display of ownership or affection or whatever. Barry was the opposite. He treated our relationship like one big secret which in retrospect, it was.

“It’s my first time here,” I tell Michael, “but I like it.”

The bartender comes and Michael asks for a beer. He sips his drink and stares at me. “I know so little of you outside the bedroom.”

I laugh at that. “What do you want to know?”

“Do you like dancing?” he says.

I stare at the people on the dance floor gyrating and twisting their bodies to the music. “Not to that kind of music.”

“A girl after my own heart then,” Michael says.

This really does feel like a date. Only, we’ve done things the other way round. We’ve done the sex part and now we’re getting to know each other. A warning goes off my head. I shouldn’t let myself get carried away by this. Michael and I already agreed on what we want and what we don’t want. I have to keep reminding myself of this. Michael is all things that a girl would want rolled into one, but my experience has taught me better. All men appear like that at first. Honest and caring until a better girl comes along and then it's one lie after another.

I’m determined not to subject myself to that again. I’ll keep what I have with Michael light. But that doesn’t mean that I cannot enjoy his company.

A slow song comes on and Michael invites me for a dance which I quickly accept. He takes my hand and pulls me to my feet just as Miley and Alec come back. Michael leads me to the middle of the dance floor, away from prying eyes and encloses me in his arms.

I let out a sigh of satisfaction as I wrap my hands around his neck. I feel as if I’ve come home. If I close my eyes, I can even forget that we are surrounded by people and imagine that we’re alone. Michael’s hands rest on my hips and he draws slow circles on them.

My whole body responds to his touch and I raise my head to kiss him. We maul each other with our mouths and press our bodies against each other. His hard cock presses against my belly and I snake a hand between us to stroke it through his pants.

Michael growls into my mouth as my hand presses on his hard-on. His hands grip my ass cheeks firmly squeezing and caressing. Lost in our own world we only realize that the song has come to an end by the energetic movements of the people around us.

Michael takes my hand and we return to the counter.

“We were waiting for you guys to come back,” Miley whispers to me. “Alec and I are leaving.”

“Okay,” I tell her.

“I’ll text you his address, you know, just to be safe,” Miley says. Her eyes carry the look of a woman determined to get fucked in the next couple of hours.

“Have fun,” I tell her.

“Oh, I will,” Miley says and turns to Michael. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Michael.”

Alec says goodbye to us and they leave.

“Your friend’s about to get lucky,” Michael says.

“So am I, if I play my cards right,” I tell him and flutter my eyelashes.

He laughs. “I’m the lucky one. Shall we finish these and leave as well? I want to do more than grope you on the dance floor.”

Having decided to leave, we drain our drinks in record time.

“Your place or mine?” Michael says.

I’m about to say his place when I hesitate. He must wonder what am hiding from him as I’ve never invited him home. I make a snap decision and fish out my phone to request an Uber. “My place.”

“You resemble the male version of Alice in Wonderland,” I laughingly tell Michael when we enter my apartment.

He makes it look like it has shrunk in the last couple of hours. He laughs along and follows me to the kitchen where I proceed to set up the coffee. Suddenly I become self-conscious. This is all such basic living for Michael. He probably can’t remember what it felt like to run a coffee maker.

“Do you want to go to your place?” I ask him.

He looks at me with a puzzled look. “Why?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. Maybe you’ll be more comfortable there.”

He gestures around us. “You live here, don’t you?”

“Yes of course.”

“Then why would I be uncomfortable?”

And to think that I had once thought of Michael as arrogant. All right, he can be a bit of an arrogant ass but the majority of the time, he’s sweet and thoughtful. After I make our coffees, we drink them in the kitchen and then head for bed.

Michael has to lower his head to walk through the bedroom door. He makes a grab for me as soon as we are in my bedroom.

“I’ve been wanting to get you alone since I saw you at the club,” he growls into my ear and then nibbles on it.

His hands are everywhere, and I question just how many limbs he has. He plays with my breasts through my blouse, slips a hand between my legs, and teases my pussy until am a blubbering mess. Piece by piece my clothes are off and I stand naked and watch him as he quickly sheds his own clothes.

Naked, we come together again and hungrily cling to each other.