On His Desk by Mia Faye

Chapter 9


The ache in my pussy increases with each thrust. Michael’s cock is huge and fills me up in a way no other man ever has and yet I want more and more. I push my ass back and grip the edge of the table tighter.

My rational mind tries to butt in, but I push it away. Just this once, I tell myself. Fucking my boss once doesn’t constitute an affair. Just once to take the edge off, I tell myself. After that, my conscience eases, and a scream escapes my lips as Michael fucks me.

He withdraws his cock almost completely, lets me sweat a bit, and then plunges it in. Each time he does that, I scream. The pauses grow shorter and shorter. His fingers dig into the skin of my hips but not enough to bruise. I make animal noises from my throat. Noises I’ve never made before but then again, I’ve never had a man take such control of my body. It’s as though it belongs to Michael. At this moment I’d follow any order he gave me as long as he kept pounding that delicious cock into my pussy.

I whimper as the beginnings of an orgasm build in my belly. It’s powerful and it builds up fast. I mumble incomprehensible words. I scream and shout without a care that anyone could come up to the fifth floor. I need relief. When it comes, it shakes and rocks me, and tears of relief flow from my eyes.

“I’m going to come, baby,” Michael growls and pumps into me quick and hard.

As the pleasure ebbs away and I slowly return back to earth, regret grows in my mind. What have I gotten myself into? I’ve made a mistake. A huge mistake. I grab my clothes and dress without meeting Michael’s gaze.

“That was beautiful,” Michael says.

Tears prickle my eyes. We’ve just moved from boss and employee to lovers. We don’t have to be though, I tell myself. It can be a one-time thing. My hands tremble as I put on my clothes.

“Ava, are you okay?” Michael says.

I can’t look at him. “I’m fine.”

“You’re not,” he says. He waits until I finish dressing and then comes to me and forces me to look at him. “Tell me.”

“This was a mistake. We shouldn’t have,” I tell him. My eyes burn with unshed tears. How is it that my life gets fucked up so easily? Just when I’d started to feel in control of everything, I go and have sex with my boss.

“Why is it a mistake?” Michael is calm. But then he doesn’t have anything to lose. He’s not the one who’ll be out of a job in a strange city.

“We’re boss and employee. We shouldn’t be having sex,” I tell him.

“Why are the two mutually exclusive?” he says, his brow creased. “We can be boss and employee and lovers.”

How do I explain to him how it works when the boss is fucking his employee? That I’ll be the loser. “Look, I need this job and I don’t want to jeopardize it by sleeping with my boss.”

He goes still. “Do you think so little of me that you think I’d fire you because we’re fucking or because one of us is tired of the other?”

Yes, I want to shout but I don’t.

“We’re adults, Ava and when it does come to an end, we’ll part as friends. I wouldn’t fire you for that. Your work is awesome. I would not lose a great PA simply because we’ve moved on.”

It’s something that Michael has already thought about. He knows its inevitable that he’ll get tired and move on. Well, he might have done that with another girl, but this one won’t wait for him to get tired. “Thank you for saying that, but I’d rather not continue with this. Let’s put it behind us and go back to a professional relationship.”

He stares at me a beat longer than necessary. “If that’s what you want. How about a drink on Friday evening?”

I want to say no but that might be going too far. What’s one drink anyway? “Fine.”

I feel proud of myself when I leave Michael’s office. I have dealt with the mess I created, and I feel like my slate is wiped clean. I begin as Michael’s PA again.


I’m half excited and half nervous to go out for a drink with Michael. I shouldn’t be. He’s been a complete gentleman all week. If anything, it’s me who can’t forget what transpired between us. I’m obsessed with my boss. I keep remembering how his cock filled me so completely and I want it again. Then I remind myself why we can’t, and I want to groan in frustration. I take comfort in the fact that my lust for him has to end at some point.

Michael was away from the office most of the day. He returned at three and reminded me about our drinks date.

As if I needed reminding. We’ve arranged to leave together after work. I keep glancing at my watch and when the clock strikes five, I turn off my computer. I grab my handbag and head to the washroom to freshen up. I put on a fresh coat of lip gloss and pat my hair into place.

I leave the washroom just as Michael steps out of his office.

He smiles and something flutters in my belly. “Ready?”


I thought he’d take my hand and when he doesn’t, disappointment washes through me. Which is silly. It’s not as if we’re going on a real date. We’re two coworkers going out for a drink. People do that all the time.

I swallow my disappointment and followed Michael into the elevator.

“Every time I get into an elevator with you, I want to kiss you,” Michael says and chuckles.

I don’t admit to him that it’s the same for me. I wish he’d take me into his arms and crush his mouth to mine.

Outside, Michael’s driver opens the car door for us, and we enter. The interior is cool and smells of leather and wealth.

“I thought we’d go to Nace,” Michael says. I give him a blank look and he explains. “It’s a new cocktail bar. I think you’ll like it.”

Twenty minutes later, the driver drops us at the entrance of the bar. Michael rests his hand lightly on my elbow as we enter the bar. Inside it’s bright and cheerful and already half full. Michael leads us to a quiet spot and slides into a chair across the table.

The server, a blond-haired woman, comes to get our drink orders. I opt for white wine and Michael orders a beer.

I like the crowd in the bar. Mature, professional people. “It’s a nice bar.”

“I like it too. This is my second time. Oliver is the one who brought me here the first time. He keeps up with New York’s scene more than I do.”

I’m surprised to hear that he’s not a person who likes to party. My impression of Michael is a man who enjoys the nightlife and is rarely home. He notices my surprise.

“I bet you think I’m out every night,” he says, an amused look on his face.

“Actually yes, that was my impression of you,” I admit.

“Couldn’t be further from the truth. My idea of fun is having a drink at home and a good conversation with a beautiful woman.”

I’d love to see his home. Take a peek at the type of person he is at home. The server brings our drinks and we drink and make light conversation.

“Do you miss home?” Michael asks when we’re on our second drinks.

I give it some thought. “No, not really. Of course, I miss my folks but that’s about it. New York is absorbing.”

“The city has found its next victim,” Michael says and grins, the corners of his baby blue eyes crinkle.

“It definitely has.”

“Do you have siblings?” he asks me.

I smile. “Nope, only child. My dad is a doctor and mom is a retired teacher.” My life sounds so normal and boring. I wish I had something exciting to tell him, something that will elevate me from ordinary to extraordinary.

“I grew up in a small town in Georgia,” Michael says. “A farming town where everyone knew everyone.”


“Yes. My dream was to leave home and make something of myself,” he says. “I got a college scholarship and that was how I was able to leave.”

Looks are very deceiving. It’s impossible to tell that Michael knows what struggle is. He looks like he grew up in a wealthy family where everything was handed to him on a silver platter. Looking at him in his sharp designer shirt, one would be hard-pressed to believe that he knows any other life apart from one of luxury.

We talk about the places that we’ve been to. In my previous job, Barry and I traveled extensively but my travels have been regional while Michael’s have been international. It’s fun talking about places we’ve been. He’s good company and time flies as we drink and talk.

“Want something to eat?” Michael says and when I nod, he beckons the server over.

The server leaves the menu with us and we discuss the various options. It could be the alcohol, but it feels like I’ve known Michael for years. We settle on a meat platter and when the server leaves, we fall right back into conversation.

My phone ringing tone rises above the buzz of the bar noise and I reach into my bag for it. I swipe to answer.

It’s Miley. “You’re not home!”

“No, I’m not. I’m having a drink at Nace.”

“I know you’re with Michael,” she says. “Nice. Enjoy yourself and I want all the details in the morning.”

“That’s fine, you can leave it under the door,” I say as I stifle a giggle. I disconnect the call and turn to Michael. “That’s my best friend, Miley. I’ve been staying at her place.”

I don’t know why I don’t explain that I have my own place now.

The food comes and we eat unhurriedly. It feels nice to be out with a man. The last few months before we broke up, Barry and I rarely went out. He always pleaded exhaustion and then I’d see pictures of him with Wendy at some society wedding in the papers.

I was a fool.

“What are you thinking about?” Michael says and he looks really interested so I tell him.

“I was thinking about my ex. He was seeing another woman behind my back.”

“He was a fool,” Michael says.

A smile splits my face. That’s exactly the right thing to say. Later when he asks me if I’d like to have a drink at his house, I say yes. It’s Friday and we don’t work weekends.

Outside, Michael hails an Uber and opens the door for me. It’s an Uber black. I’ve booked enough of them for Barry to know how upscale they are. Michael holds my hand in the Uber and though I know I should remove my hand, I don’t. it’s nice to feel desired and wanted.