On His Desk by Mia Faye

Chapter 38


"Tell me again why we can’t go further than this?" Michael says, his head still buried in my chest.

He's been playing with my boobs for the last fifteen minutes. It's as far as I'll let him go. "Because I'm going for a family dinner and I don’t want to smell of sex."

"Why not? They'll know your taken," Michael counters.

I giggle. "We're not living in the dark ages. I don’t need to smell of sex for them to know I'm taken."

I let out a long, satisfied groan. I like what Michael is doing with his mouth. Because of being teased for so long, my nipples are obscenely hard and pointed.

I'd say the same for Michaels cock which is out of his pants and jerking involuntarily. I'd been stroking it until Michael said to give him a little break because he was near breaking point.

Michael latches on to one of my nipples again and sucks. I'm not far from breaking point. Pleasure from my nipples shoot straight to my pussy and I bounce on Michael’s thigh in an effort to relieve the ache in my pussy.

I glance at his cock, ready for me to slide my pussy down the length of it and I know I cannot resist it for much longer.

I mentally rearrange my timetable. The plan had been for Miley to pick me up at work at six and then we'd drive to the Lewis home. My boss is easy and I'll leave early and ask Miley to meet me at home.

That way I'll have time for a quick shower.

That decided, I gently pull Michael away from my boobs, push my lace panties to one side, and angle myself above his cock.

"Fuck, sweetheart! Have you changed your mind?" Michael asks, his gaze glued to my pussy. He reaches out and touches my swollen clit and a gasp escapes my mouth. His left hand grips my hip and he wraps the other around the base of his cock.

"I need you," I tell him.

"I'm yours, baby," Michael says.

I lower myself to his cock and close my eyes as it fills me. "Yes," I say over and over again. I sink into him until my pussy takes the whole length of his cock and I'm seated on his thighs.

Nothing exists in the next minutes as I glide up and down his cock. Our moans of pleasure fill Michael's office. I arch my back and Michael pops a nipple into his mouth, tipping me over the edge.

An orgasm shoots through my body and I let out a series of whimpers. Michael grips my ass cheeks and bounces me harder on his cock.

"I'm coming, baby," he growls and his cock shoots hot cum into my pussy.

He cups my cheeks and kisses me deeply. "You're so fucking special to me. "

I giggle. "Now, that is a romantic sentiment."

"I'll drive you home," Michael says when I tell him my change of plans.

I giggle. "You just want another session at home, right?"

"I want to clean you up," Michael says with my tongue. "We have a lot to make up for."

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"For that past week," he says and then looks at me solemnly. "I don’t ever want us to go through a period like that again. Life is short and you should enjoy every moment with the person you love."

My breath hitches. There’s that word again. "We won’t," I tell him.

William drives us home and Michael instructs him to wait for him. I'm sure I'm blushing as I get out of the car.

"He knows what we're going to do," I tell Michael as I open my apartment door.

He shrugs. "Doesn’t matter. Besides, every man would want to be in my position. I get to make love to a beautiful woman whenever I feel like it."

I love how Michael is unapologetic about what he does or what he wants. I idly wonder whether its something that comes with wealth. I glance at the clock in my living room wall.

"I have half an hour before Miley comes for me."

"That's more than enough time," Michael says, already making his way to the bedroom.

We strip and head into the shower. Michael is as good as his word and he proceeds to wash me gently from head to toes.

"Rinse off while I clean myself," he tells me.

I step under the shower and close my eyes. Hot water cascades down my body. When I open my eyes, Michael's eyes are shut but it’s the movement of his hand that grabs my attention.

His hand is on his cock, stroking it and rocking softly. His cock has huge dark veins and is already wet with precum.

I step from under the water and go on my knees. I remove his hand and take his cock into my mouth in one movement.

"Fuck yeah!" Michael says without breaking the movement of his hips.

I swirl my tongue around the sensitive head of his cock, and he lets out a deep noise from his throat.

"Suck my cock, Ava," Michael says.

I don’t need to be asked twice.


"How's it going?" I ask Miley later as she drives us to Michael's parents’ home.

"Some days are good and some, I can hardly get out of bed," Miley says. “I hate morning sickness but I’m not the first nor the last to get it.”

I glance at her face. She's smiling as she says so. That’s basically Miley’s attitude to everything in life and it’s a surprise that some man hasn’t snagged her before now. She’s one of the few people I know who are genuinely always happy. And she’s too reasonable for her own good. She makes me feel like a moody teenager with her common sense.

"I'm sorry, I wish I could carry the tough days for you."

She laughs at that. "You're a true friend. It's not too bad. Plus, it makes Alec spoil me rotten. I think he's permanently in my apartment now. I can't wait for the wedding ceremony to be over and done with and then we can start living together."

"Have you decided on where you'll live?"

"I think I'll move into his house," Miley says. "I don’t think I have the energy to look for a house. I like his house. It's big and it has a great back yard."

"You can always change your mind later and look for a house," I tell her.

"True," She says. "How are things going with you and Michael?”

A big smile comes over my face. "Very well actually. We decided to switch gears." I fumble around for the right words. Is there a word for shifting from a physical relationship to a romantic one?

"What do you mean?" Miley says.

"We're in a committed relationship now," I tell her, my chest nearly bursting with happiness.

"You're shitting me!" she says and turns to stare at me.

"Hey, watch the road!" I tell her. "I have a lot to live for and so do you."

She's quiet for a moment. "I'm so happy for you, Ava. I know you and Michael will be very happy together."

I wish I had the confidence that she does. We have feelings, but it takes a lot more than feelings to make a relationship successful. For us, it might be even harder because we did things the other way round. We're not used to discussing deep stuff.

"Has his ex-moved out of his house?" Miley asks.

I let out a sigh. "No. I have a feeling that if the roof had a problem, it’s got to have been fixed by now."

"You should ask Michael about it," Miley says.

"I would if it was just about his ex but there's Elly. She's a sweet kid and she deserves to have this time with her dad. It's nice for Michael too."

"You're a good person, Ava. I don't know how I would handle a situation like that. All I know is that it would drive me crazy."

It drives me crazy too. Especially when I consider how sexy Paige is. Which man wouldn’t want her in his bed?

We're driving into a suburb now with older houses. Miley slows down the car and stops at one of the larger ones. As soon as she kills the engine, the door flies open and Alec and Phillip step out.

"What are you going to do about him?" Miley says.

I stare at Phillip's form coming to us with a wide smile and I hate myself because I gave him hope when I shouldn’t have. "I'll let him know that I'm seeing someone."

"Please do. The sooner he knows the better. He's a great guy."

"That he is," I say just as they descend on us.

Alec goes to the driver’s side and opens the door for Miley while Philip does the same for me. He takes my hand and helps me out of the car and then kisses my cheek.

"I've been looking forward to this," he says and leads the way to the house.

He keeps my hand in his and I feel crazy guilty. I hope he hasn’t told anyone in his family about me. But what's there to tell? That he's met a girl whom he's interested in? Men meet girls they are interested in every day. It doesn’t mean anything.

Miley and Alec catch up to us and we exchange greetings as do Miley and Philip. She looks pointedly at our held hands and I manage to pull my hand away. The front door flies open and a middle-aged woman with a smiling face and bright blue eyes emerges.

She and Miley move to each other and hug warmly.

"It's good to see you," she says and smiles at Miley warmly.

"It's nice to see you too, Susan," Miley says. She takes a step back and pulls my hand. "This is my best friend, Ava Bradley. Ava, this is Mrs. Lewis, Phillip, and Alec’s mom."

She surprises me by hugging me too and then propels us into the house. The front door opens up into a huge living room and I feel as if I've walked into a party. There's a lot of testosterone in the room with the five brothers and their dad.

Introductions are made all around. I'm happy for Miley. They all treat her like a favorite little sister, draping their arms around her and teasing her. She's going to be happy in this family.

After dinner, Susan confides in me how happy she is that she'll be getting a daughter, and then she winks and adds. "And who knows, another might be on the way."

I let out a nervous laugh and search for Philip. I really need to come clean with him. As if sensing my discomfort, Susan pats my hand. "I'm just kidding, my dear. No pressure."

Telling Philip that I’m seeing someone is the hardest thing but to my relief, he doesn’t take it badly.

“If you ever decide you don’t want him, I’ll be waiting,” he says and hugs me. The guilt I feel doubles.