On His Desk by Mia Faye

Chapter 40


It's difficult to believe that we're still in New York, I think as I stare at the passing mountainous landscape. Miley, Alec, and I are on the way to Crystal Lodge for their weekend wedding. I'm proud of us for the good job we've done organizing everything.

The three of us are going a day earlier and the rest of the guests will come tomorrow morning, sleep on Saturday, and go back home on Sunday. It's so romantic to have a weekend wedding, though it wouldn’t work for Michael and me. We'd spend the whole weekend locked up in our room indulging in our favorite activity. Giggles escape my mouth. I can't wait until tomorrow to see him.

"What's funny, Ava?" Miley says from the front.

"Nothing," I say.

The radio is set to soft romantic music and I sing along to the love sing currently playing.

"I don't know how we'll ever repay you or all the work you've done, Ava," Alec says.

"You're welcome," I say.

I found the lodge for them and during the week, Miley and I had taken a quick visit up there and then she and Alec had done one final check before booking it for the weekend. It's a good thing that they are not too busy at this time of year and they were able to fit us in with short notice.

Alec and Miley have managed to keep the guest list to under fifty.

"By the way, Ava, I booked you and Michael into two separate rooms," Miley says.

I lean forward, hoping that I've heard her wrong. "Why would you do that?"

"You'll thank me tomorrow, believe me," Miley says, a tone of mystery in her voice.

I can't think of any single reason that would justify booking Michael and me in two different rooms. I'd so looked forward to spending a night with him in one of those king-sized beds in the double rooms. Now, we'll have to squeeze ourselves into a smaller bed.

Rather than argue with her, I fall back on my seat. I’ll find a way around it and speak to the reservations people at the lodge. The staff is friendly and the girl at reservations, Carol, and I became quite friendly over the phone. I'm sure she'll sort me out.

We follow a winding road up the mountain and half an hour later, we're driving through the gates. The architecture of the lodge is log and it gives you a feeling of stepping into the wilderness.

The lodge manager, a friendly red-haired woman named Vanessa emerges from the entrance just as Alec stops the car in the parking area.

She sees us and walks toward us. "Welcome, she says with a big smile. "You two must be over the moon. The weather is perfect for a wedding. Hi, Ava," she says to me and smiles.

“We are so excited,” Miley says. “And thanks to Ava for finding this gem.”

“In that case, we’ll give you a voucher for a free weekend,” Vanessa says.

“Thank you.” I’ll definitely come back to the lodge with Michael. It’s perfect as it's only a couple of hour's drive away from the city. We could easily drive up on a Friday and stay until Sunday.

It feels nice to make plans as a couple. I missed that when Barry and I broke up. I liked being part of a couple and having someone to plan things with even if, at the end of our relationship, he excused himself from a lot of dates. I came to know why of course. He was seeing two women and he’d already decided which one of them he would marry.

“Michael will love it,” Miley says.

We chat a little longer. She brings us up to date on all the preparations that they've made. The reception will be in the ballroom and the official ceremony will be in the small chapel at the back garden. That's the advantage of a small wedding. The chapel can easily fit fifty guests.

Vanessa organizes for someone to carry our luggage to our rooms and invites us to have a look at the ballroom.

It's a hive of activity with the theme colors Miley chose used to decorate the flower vases and the centerpieces of the tables. The table cloths are also trimmed in gold and emerald green as are the ribbons hanging from the dance floor.

"It's beautiful," Miley exclaims.

Alec pulls her into a hug. "I can’t wait for tomorrow," he says to her. "I can’t wait to make you my wife. I never thought I'd find the love of my life so soon."

Miley tips her head to him and I swear they forget that Vanessa and I are in the same room. Their kiss deepens until I'm forced to cough. They break apart and Miley looks at us and blushes. “I’m sorry, I forgot where we were."

"That's how it should be on the eve of your wedding day," Vanessa gushes. "This is the part of my job that I love the most. Seeing couples who are in love with each other saying their vows."

Afterward, we are shown to our rooms. Miley and Alec are sharing a room of course, and I get to have a nice double room with a view of the mountains. Despite my earlier irritation at not sharing a room with Michael, my room is really cozy, and the bed can fit both us very well.

My luggage is already there and for the next couple of minutes, I unpack, making sure to hang my maid of honor dress in a way that it will not get creased. Afterward, I fish my handbag for my phone. There are no messages whatsoever, which is surprising for my phone until I realize that there’s no network. Irritated, I flop head down on the comfy bed and allow my thoughts to drift.


There is no sense of urgency when Miley's wedding day rolls along. We have a leisurely breakfast in the garden at nine in the morning. I can't keep my eyes from Miley. She has that bride's glow and every couple of minutes she sneaks a look at Alec as though she can’t believe that he’s going to be her husband

"I have no idea who is on the way and who is not with the network so bad," Miley says with a laugh. "But it’s a good thing that I don't need to stress about that."

"The only people who really need to be here are already here," Alec says.

I'll do Miley's makeup and hair. Back home before I went to college, I worked part-time in a beauty salon, and I picked up quite a few skills in applying makeup and doing hair.

We hang around the garden for a couple of hours and as we go back to rooms, we spot a group of people at the check-in desk.

Miley gives a yelp and runs to the group. "Mom, Dad, Christie!" she yells.

Warmth spreads over my chest as I spot the group from home. I move toward them and stop short when I see my parents leaving the group and coming toward me. My hand flies to my mouth.

"Oh, my goodness, Mom, Dad! Is that you?"

Since Miley is surrounded by people, I turn to Alec questioningly and he grins and shrugs.

Tears blind me as I run to hug my mom first and then pull my dad into a group hug. I hadn't realized how much I’d missed them.

I love Miley so much for doing this. Though our parents know each other, they are not close, and I definitely did not expect to see mine here. Not when Miley and Alec had a maximum of fifty people they could invite to the wedding.

I loop hands with them and take them to Alec who is looking a little lost.

"Mom, Dad, meet the groom, Dr. Alec Lewis," I say with a flourish.

My dad is a doctor and he and Alec are soon chatting away after finding common ground. My mom pulls me to the side. "You look beautiful and happy, darling."

I smile. I had been a different person when I left home. Stick thin, with big sad eyes. I imagine how hard it must have been for my parents to see me like that.

"I really am, Mom. I've met a very nice man in New York." I've always had a big mouth when it comes to my mom. I stop short of telling her that Michael is my boss. That part is a little shameful. I'm afraid I'll look like a serial boss dater.

"That's wonderful, sweetheart. I knew you wouldn’t stay single for long. You're beautiful and good and all the things that men look for in women. Will he be coming to the wedding? Your father and I would love to meet him."

I stifle a giggle when I remember Miley's words in the car on the way here. She'd said that I'd thank her for the separate rooms, and I do. "Yes, he should be here in the next hour or two."


"Tell me, how’s everyone at home?" To my surprise, I have no interest at all in knowing how Barry is. A few months ago, that would have been the first question out of my mouth.

Mom and I catch up about people back home. As we're talking, I hear footsteps behind me, and then a strong hand covers my eyes. The masculine sexy scent is the first clue. The voice is next. I let out a squeal.


I whirl around and jump on him in an unladylike fashion but I'm so excited. I can’t believe that he's here. His hands slip around my waist and we hug each other tightly.

He kisses my cheek and then steps back.

"Mom, this is Michael Fowler, my boyfriend," I tell my mom.

Michael steps to her and shakes her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Bradley," he says and flashes her one of his smiles. The ones that make you want to pull him into a hug.

“It's nice to meet you too, Michael," my mom says, and I can tell that she's charmed by his good looks already. Michael goes to shake Alec's hand who introduces him to my dad.

"He's very handsome," Mom whispers to me and we giggle like two school girls.

People mill around talking half an hour before everyone is shown to their rooms. I'm excited as Miley and I go to her room to get ready for the ceremony. I have to keep pinching myself. Michael is here. My parents are here.

I grab Miley and give her a giant tight squeeze. "I love you so much. Thank you. Having my parents and Michael here means everything. My happiness is complete."

“I know that," Miley says and wipes off a tear from the corner of my eye with her finger. "I want it to be a special day for you too. "

“Thank you."

After that, we get to work, and fortunately only the other two bridesmaids know Miley’s room number so there are no interruptions. Her sister Christie, and Beth, one of our friends from back home, join us an hour later and by then, Miley is ready.

“You’d better go and get ready,” Miley says and glances at the time. “you have forty-five minutes before the ceremony.”

“That’s a lot of time,” I tell her and dash out. I don’t confide in her that I intend to make a stop in Michael’s room.

I glance up and down the corridor, expecting my parents to pop out from anywhere and demand to know what I’m doing entering a man’s room. Michael opens the door and smiles when he sees me.

“I was hoping you’d steal a moment and come,” he says. He takes my hand and pulls me in. “I need one of your kisses for fuel during the day.”

I grind against him. “I was thinking of something a little more than that.”