On His Desk by Mia Faye

Chapter 39


As is my custom on Saturdays, I leave work at lunchtime but instead of going home, I find myself driving toward Paige and Elly's home. I want to see for myself how much work has been done on the roof and how much is remaining. Paige is cagey whenever I ask her and to be honest, I'm fed up with her attempts at seducing me.

She’s come to my bed a few more times and the last time was close. I didn’t hear her slip into my bed and when she held my cock, I’d been dreaming of Ava. I’d moaned and my cock had hardened. I had pulled her to me, but the size of the body felt wrong.

When I opened my eyes and saw Paige, my cock immediately deflated. We can’t keep playing those games. I don’t want her, but she doesn’t seem to understand what the word no means.

I'm conflicted. I love living with Elly and seeing her sweet face when I wake up. But I hate living with Paige. It doesn’t help that she's getting more and more comfortable, behaving like the woman of the house.

My thoughts meander to Ava as they do when I'm not occupied by work. I'd called her at about ten and she'd sounded as though she had a massive hangover. They must have had a wonderful evening. I clench my teeth so tight my jaw hurts. I push away thoughts of another man hitting on my Ava. I trust her. I'd trust her with my life.

I slow down the car as I come up to the house. Even from a distance, I can see that the roof has not been touched. Maybe the repairs have been down on the south side, away from my view. I know Paige still has staff at the house and I decide to go in.

I park the car at the front of the house and sprint up the steps. It takes almost two minutes before someone answers the door. A uniformed maid stands at the door, smiling.

"Mr. Fowler," she says, and I'm surprised she recognizes me. I don't remember seeing her the few times I've been here.

"Hi," I say. "I just came to check how the roof repairs are going."

Her smile turns into a frown. "Roof repairs? I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about sir. There have been no repairs on the roof, and I haven’t seen a problem with it."

Red hot anger sears through me. I didn't think Paige was capable of stooping so low. Grim-faced, I murmur my thanks and leave. She must think that I’m a fool. Twice.

I stew on the way back. Why would she lie about something like that?

I reach home in record time and when I burst through the elevator, Paige looks up from a magazine that she's reading.

I don't waste any time. I sit down on the chair opposite hers. "Why did you lie to me about the roof, Paige?"

She slowly drops the magazine on her lap and holds my gaze. "Sort of like the way you lied to me by not telling me that you planned on taking Charles’ company away from him?"

She throws me off and it takes a few seconds to recover.

"I'm not proud of myself for holding a grudge for all those years," I tell her. "If I could go back to the past and do things differently I would."

I'm surprised by the words tumbling out of my mouth, but it's true. If I knew what I know now, I would not have spent so much time and energy plotting Charles’ downfall. He and Paige deserved each other. If two people you trust can connive behind your back and hurt you so badly, they do not deserve any of your time.

My relationship with Ava has opened my eyes. I have a different outlook on a lot of stuff and from now forward I want to live my life differently. I want to pursue things that actually matter and more importantly, I'm done with grudges.

"Look," Paige says. "We've all done things we're not proud of. I shouldn't have lied to you, but I wanted to give you a chance to get to know Elly and you could only know her if you were living in the same house."

It sounds reasonable when she puts it like that but in truth, this is Paige. She's conniving and she'll never change.

"Where does that leave us?" I ask her determined to bring an end to this.

She takes a deep breath. "I’ve been thinking about us a lot. This is what I propose. That we stay as a family for the sake of Elly. Wait, before you say anything, I know you and Ava have something going on and that's fine with me. I'm not looking for a romantic relationship."

I stare at her dumbfounded. "I don't understand."

"We continue as we are. You live your own life and I do the same. The only thing is that we'll live in the same house and Elly gets to have both her parents with her. She won't miss out on anything," Paige says.

Before I can process her proposal, Elly comes into the living room rubbing her eyes. She comes straight to me and climbs on my lap. I hold her close to me and kiss her head. "How was your nap, sweetheart?"

"It was good. I dreamed lots," Elly says.

"Like what?" I ask her and she tells me about her dreams of princesses and princes. I envy Elly her simple happy life and I'm determined to protect it.

When I think of Elly, Paige’s proposal doesn’t seem so farfetched. It could work. I'd do anything for my daughter, including living in the same house as Paige as long as there are clear boundaries. But what about Ava? Would she understand if it was for a specified period? I mull over the idea in my head to find something acceptable for us all, including Ava.

I know she would understand my need to be near Elly. To bond with her and to be there for her to make up for those years when I wasn't. Of course, it's not an arrangement that will last forever. Maybe year or two. By that time, Elly and I would have an unshakeable bond. And if Paige is living her own life, I don’t see a problem.

Elly looks up at me. "I asked Mom if I can call you Dad and she said that I should ask you."

All air leaves my lungs. I look at Paige. She refuses to meet my gaze and keeps her gaze on her magazine.

"Why do you want to call me Dad, sweetheart?"

One thing I've learned about kids is that they are brutally honest. I expect that Elly wants to call me Dad because the Dad she knew is gone and I'm a man.

"You’re like my dad, you do stuff with me and hug me. Just like a dad," she says nonchalantly.

I can't remember the last time I teared up for any other reason other than the death of someone I love. I tear up now and for a few seconds, I cannot speak. When I get myself under control, I hug her tightly, but not too tightly. I don’t want to scare her with the intensity of my emotions. "I'd like that very much."

"I'm going to play," Elly says and hops out of my lap and pads away.

My emotions are raw. Love for my girl comes over me and I feel as though I'm drowning in it. How can I say no to spending more time with her? To saying goodnight to her every night and kissing her good morning every day?

Paige may not know this, but she has me by the balls. Elly is the fastest and surest way of getting me to say yes to anything.

I turn to Paige. "Let's give it a try."

Her face lights up.

"Don't get excited. This is just on a trial basis," I tell her.

"I understand. I really do," Paige says. “I’m just happy that you’re giving it a shot.”

"Please don't tell Elly. Let's just continue as we are. I don't want to build up her expectations."