On His Desk by Mia Faye

Chapter 7


My body is coiled tight with tension from being in a heightened state of arousal all day and no relief whatsoever. I don’t know how long I can do this. This game of cat and mouse that Michael and I are playing is dangerous. I’m determined not to give in.

There’s no doubt he’s hot. He’s easily the sexiest man I have ever seen. I want his hands on me. The memory of his fingers in my pussy gets me hot all over again. I had come so close to coming. I’m sure now that the withdrawal of his fingers had been deliberate.

Wetness gushes from my pussy. I shift my weight and hope that I don’t leave a patch on the seat of the Uber.

The Uber comes to a stop in front of Miley’s apartment block behind a delivery van. The door is wide open, and a man is heaving a huge box. I stand to the side and wait for him to wiggle his way out. He smiles. He’s sandy-haired and handsome.

I would have been interested before I met Michael. He makes every man look like a boy and even though I don’t want him for myself, he’s definitely raised my standards. Another uniformed man comes out of one of the ground floor apartments.

An idea comes to me then and I give him a friendly smile. “Is the owner moving out?”

He nods but doesn’t say any more. That’s all I need to know. Heart pounding with excitement, I get into the elevator to Miley’s third-floor apartment. Miley looks up from her camera as I burst through the door.

“Hey, you. Welcome home,” she says with a smile.

“Thanks,” I tell her. “I need a shower but first, did you know the people from the ground floor apartment are moving out?”

“No, I didn’t and it’s person, not people. The ground floor apartments are one-bedroom each.”

Even better, I think. “I was thinking how awesome it would be if I could get it. I mean, think about it. We’d be neighbors and we’d still have our independence.”

Miley narrows her eyes. “Are you trying to run away from me? Am I that terrible to live with?”

“You know that’s not true. You’re the best friend a girl could ask for and I love you.”

Her eyes widen. “It’s Mr. Sexy, isn’t it? You want to bring him home and you need some privacy.”

“No,” I reply weakly. She’s probably right. Maybe subconsciously I am hoping to bring Michael home. Well then, I tell my subconscious mind, that is so not going to happen. Michael is my boss and he’s paying me good money. I don’t want to jeopardize my new job because my boss makes me wet with a mere look.

Miley grins. “I think I am right and if that’s the only reason, I’m all for it. Just promise that you won’t forget me when you’re knee-deep in a wild, passionate affair.

I open my mouth to protest then think better of it. It’s better that she thinks that I’m doing it for Michael. As much as I love Miley, we’re both grown women and though she would never admit it, each of us needs space. I need to sleep in if I want to without worrying that she may want some company.

I know that I’ve also cramped her style. If she meets a man she likes, she can’t bring him home out of consideration for me. If I move downstairs, we’ll have our cake and eat it too. Privacy and company whenever we feel like it.

“I’ll call the real estate agents for you. I know one of the guys,” Miley said and averts her gaze.

I giggle. I know that look. “Don’t tell me you slept with him.”

She grins. “Only for one month. We parted as friends.”

I stare at her in admiration. I can’t imagine parting with a lover as friends. But then again, it was more than that with Barry. We’d talked of marriage and building a life together. We couldn’t part as friends when he’d been seeing another woman behind my back and then left me for her.

Michael jumps into my mind. How would it be to have an affair with him? I bet he’s not the kind of man who juggles two women. From the attention he gives me, I imagine that as his lover, he would shower me, and only me, with attention.

I shake my head, disgusted with myself. Now I’m romanticizing Michael. What do I know about him apart from the fact that he’s hot and his kisses are like heaven? My thighs tremble.

“I’m going to shower,” I say.

“Do you feel like some wine before dinner?” Miley asks.

“Yes, please.”


“Jake says you can see the apartment tomorrow morning,” Miley says as I return to the living room from my shower.

She’s already poured the wine into glasses. I take one and plop down on the couch. I take a sip of the chilly white wine and make appreciated noises. “It tastes like heaven, thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” she says.

“It’s nice to have friends in high places,” I tell her and sip the wine again. “What does Jake think? Do I have a chance?”

“The apartment is yours if you want it,” Miley says like its no big deal.

I grin like a fool. It’ll be nice to have a place to call my own. “Thanks, Miley.”

“Don’t mention it,” she says.

“And also, for giving me a place to run away to,” I continue and become a little teary.

I realize that without Miley, it would have been impossible to run away from home. She had not hesitated when I asked and had even gone ahead to search for job opportunities for me. She’s the kind of friend that is so hard to find. A sister.

“Hey, don’t. Tonight, we’re celebrating, not looking back at the past,” Miley says in a gentle tone. “Besides, I think I’m the lucky one. I don't have any close friends in New York. Everyone is busy doing their thing. It’s nice to have my best friend here with me."

We exchange a warm look. No other words are needed.

Miley tucks her legs under her lower body. “Tell me everything. Don’t think I’ve missed how excited you are in the mornings when you’re going to work.”

Is my attraction for Michael that obvious? “It’s fun to work for him. The work is interesting.”

Barry was an Architect and the meetings could get a little boring. Working for a venture capitalist is definitely more interesting. It’s fun reading Michael’s thoughts on the different startups, they are considering investing in.

“I’m sure it is, but the boss more so, right?” Miley says.

“No doubt,” I tell her, and she grins triumphantly.

I tell her almost everything but leave out the email where he asked me to go to work panty-less the next day. Each time I think about it, my thighs tremble and heat pools in my pussy. It’s too hot to even contemplate. I haven’t decided what to do.

We giggle and talk about Michael. She tells me about a guy she has an eye on and I’m glad I made the decision to move.

We have an awesome girl’s evening and finally go to bed at midnight. I’m slightly tipsy and horny. I fall asleep fantasizing about Michael.

The following morning, I wake up with a slight headache. Two glasses of water and the headache starts to recede. I feel a lightness as I go about my morning routine. As if I’m on the edge of a skyscraper and about to fly off.

It’s because of the apartment, I tell myself. But the apartment would not make me wet, I think as I shower. I pour a dollop of shower gel into my washcloth and proceed to scrub myself. I groan as I run the cloth over my sensitive nipples.

I drop the cloth and thumb my nipples. I close my eyes and imagine Michael’s hands on my nipples. A warm, liquid ache rises from the depths of my body. I drop my hand to my pussy, part my wet folds, and imagine Michael dragging his finger over my slit.

Spread your legs, Ava, he tells me in his smoky baritone that sends my senses reeling.

Yes, Michael.

A moan escapes from my lips. I insert a finger into my pussy and pump in and out while rubbing my clit with my thumb. I bring myself to a quick, intense orgasm and when I come it’s with Michael’s gorgeous face burning my mind.

Ten minutes later, I’m ready for my day and whistling softly as I slip on my heels.

“Hey, I want to see the apartment too,” Miley says, ruing her half-closed eyes as she pads into the living room.

“You’ll need to open your eyes to see it,” I tell her with a laugh.

She drops her hand from her face and scowls at me. “Why do you look so fresh? We polished off those bottles of wine together.”

I laugh mysteriously. I’m not going to tell Miley that I had the most amazing orgasm in the shower. A session inspired by Michael Fowler.

Miley tightens the straps of her bathrobe and follows me down to the apartment. It is compact and just perfect for me. The seating area flows into a small but functional kitchen. The bedroom is a nice size and even Miley grudgingly admits that it’s wonderful for a single person.

I’m glad that it comes fully furnished. I’m not crazy about the furnishings but they are decent. I just need a place to call my own while I’m in New York, but I don’t want to have anything of sentimental value.

It had been terrible moving out of my apartment in Washington. Everything had reminded me of Barry. The walls were full of framed pictures of us, laughing together. The bed had its own stories to tell, of nights spent pleasuring each other and hilarious moments of oversleeping and getting dressed in a rush.

This apartment will remain bare of personal items. A strange walking in will not be able to tell the type of person I am by looking at my space.