Cruel Enforcer by Maggie Cole



All weekend,my brain is a video on repeat. I replay everything about Sergey. He owned every part of me. No man had ever taken control of me the way he did. I was putty against his body, and he knew exactly how to touch me.

I got off from his thigh.

My face heats thinking about it. His kiss was enough to make my knees turn to jelly, but no man had ever made me orgasm through clothes or during a first kiss.

I need to get my mind off him. He's everything my mother warned me to stay away from, including the ease with which he carried a gun.

It was hot.

He's trouble.

I go back and forth about whether I should ask Aspen where he'll be next so I can "run into him."

Get a grip. It was a night of fun. Move on.

He's so alpha, he won't like me once he sees my true personality.

"You need a man who is opposite you, Kora. Someone strong but who can be more of a pleaser. Someone who is okay letting you lead. You can't have two alphas in the same house,"my mother's voice rings loud and clear in my head. Whenever I broke up with anyone who didn't fit this mold, she would remind me I'm outspoken, and yang needs the yin, not more yang. It's part of her speech about how I'm a male personality wrapped in a woman's body. The girls told me she was cruel to say such a thing, and just because I'm a go-getter with an opinion doesn't mean I'm masculine.

I've tried dating guys who are more passive. It drives me up the wall. I make decisions all day long. I fight for clients and take bullet after bullet from other attorneys. Sometimes it gets personal. I've learned to have a thick skin. However, it would be nice to have someone take care of me for once. No matter what my mother believes, I don't need to make all the decisions outside of work. It would be a relief not to have to and give the reins to someone else.

I'd have to find a man not intimidated by me, who doesn't think I'm a bitch.

I've been wrong about men like him before. They can be the biggest alpha in the world but can't handle a woman who shows any sign of strength.

Something about Sergey strikes me as different. I can't put my finger on it, but he seemed to be into my outgoing onslaught of forward comments.

I was drunk. Do I even know what I said? I probably read everything wrong.

I'm still struggling with whether to ask Aspen about Sergey and secretly pursue him to see if anything else would happen between us when she calls. I'm at work, knee-deep in an asset discovery for one of my new clients.

I answer, "You can't just have your badass boyfriend, his stud brother cub—who kisses like a porn star...or what I think one would kiss like—and their muscle men bodyguards wave their guns and knives around in a club, then not talk to us all weekend."

Her voice sounds nervous. "Kora, I can't talk about this right now. There's another reason I'm calling."

Worry fills me. "Are you okay?"

"Ummm...yes. I need something from you ASAP."

"Sure. What is it?"

She hesitates then asks, "Can you write up papers for Peter to sign off on alimony?"

What is she talking about? I just finalized their divorce. Her piece of shit ex will never agree to sign off.

"Hello?" she asks.

My gut flips. I clear my throat. "What's going on, Aspen?"

"I can't get into it right now. But how quickly could I get a document for him to sign?"

"I can create it in fifteen minutes. But you'll need two witnesses and a notary. When are you meeting him?"

"Today at some point. I need it as soon as possible."

The hairs on my neck rise. "Aspen, where are you?"

She lowers her voice. "I'm at Maksim's."

"Send me his address. I'll bring the forms."

"It's okay. Just email it."



"I'm your attorney. I'm not sure what's going on, but text me the address, or I'm not writing up the document."

She takes a deep breath. "Can you just do it?"

"Send me the address," I repeat. I don't know what is happening, but I'm not going to let her do something that could come back and haunt her. I don't know anything about Maksim Ivanov, her boyfriend, other than Skylar and I negotiated with him in Vegas so he could sleep with Aspen. It was a crazy night. After witnessing the Ivanovs storm into the VIP room, threaten the Petrovs, a prominent Russian crime family, and all of us walked out of the room unscarred, I'm smart enough to know he's into things that can't be good. I wonder if Skylar and I got Aspen into something terrible.

Maksim's dangerous, just like his brother, Sergey.

I can't believe we were sitting on Petrov laps.I shudder about what could have happened.


"Aspen, let me talk to Kora," Maksim's muffled voice comes through the phone.

I stand straighter and stare out at the crashing waves on Lake Michigan.

Yeah, put him on. I'll make it clear whose rules we're following.No matter what, I'm not letting Aspen do anything with Peter unless I'm there to represent her.

She sighs and puts it on speaker.

"Kora, it's Maksim."

"What's going on, Maksim? Why the secrecy?"

His voice stays deadpan. I can tell he's used to negotiating, too. "Peter has agreed not to take another penny from Aspen. Are you able to quickly draw up the paperwork?"

He's not going to get one past me."I can. But as Aspen's attorney, I won't give her the form unless I witness him signing."

"Why? Is there a legal reason you need to be there?"

"It's not required, but I don't put anything past the weasel. I prefer to witness it all," I state.

"He won't be giving Aspen any trouble again. We'll be fine with the paperwork on our own," Maksim insists.

"Sorry, no can do."

"Kora, just send it," Aspen says.

At least they are on speakerphone.

"Aspen, I'm your attorney and friend. I'm not budging on this."

Maksim quietly laughs. "I can see we're going to waste a lot of time fighting, which I prefer to avoid. Draw the papers up. Are we able to meet at your office in an hour?"

I'm surprised he caved so quickly. I smile, happy to not have to continue arguing. It's part of my job, but I prefer not to have to fight all the time. "And Peter will be able to make it, too?"


"Great. An hour works. I'll see you then." I hang up and intercom my para-legal. I tell her what I need and sit at my desk.

Why would Peter ever agree to sign off on something like this?

I don't have a good feeling about this. Peter is a mooching waste of space. I negotiated his alimony to ten percent of what he could have gotten. It pains me Aspen has to pay anything, but I couldn't get it eliminated.

Whatever is going on, I need to make sure Aspen crosses her t's and dots her i's. The last thing I want is for her to get hurt. I want to believe Maksim has her best interest at heart, but I can't fully trust him yet.

The documents are drawn up, and my assistant brings them into my office. I double-check they are correct then stroll into the conference room. The uneasiness I have around this doesn't go away. Aspen is one of my closest friends. I would do this for any client, but this has a personal element to it. Plus, I hate Peter and everything he's done to Aspen.

I'm lost in thought when my assistant announces, "Kora, Mr. Ivanov and Ms. Albright are here."

They step into the conference room. I spin, walk over to Aspen, and hug her. Maksim leans down and kisses my cheek. I smile, try to be friendly, and remind myself he doesn't have any reason to hurt Aspen. I motion for them to sit. "Where is Peter?"

Maksim smiles. "Sergey will be here with him soon."

"Sergey?" My face heats, and my stomach quivers.


I sit straighter. "Why is he with Peter?" I'm sure he's not friends with him nor has he met him before Aspen.

Maksim puts his arm around Aspen's shoulder and smiles. In a friendly but no-nonsense tone, he replies, "Kora, we won't be discussing any of the details. He will come in, sign, then he will leave with Sergey. You are a smart woman and saw what I am capable of in the club. There are things you should not ask and questions I will never answer. This is one of them."

Oh no you don't. I will ask any question I want when it comes to Aspen and her divorce.I sit back, cross my legs, and pin my gaze on Maksim. "Aspen is not only my friend but my client. If you are having Peter sign something and he is coerced, it could come back and hurt Aspen."

Maksim nods. "Yes. I'm sure you understand I will go to extreme lengths to protect my krasotka. She will not be in any danger now or in the future due to that man. If she ever is, I will take care of it."

I doubt he's talking about legal methods.

For several minutes, I stare at Maksim, giving him the expression I've mastered over the years. It says I won't be intimidated, and I'm also not dumb.

Aspen clears her throat then waves between us. "I'm here. In the room."

I glance at her. "I think we should talk alone."

"No. Whatever you want to discuss, you can say it in front of Maksim. I will not hide information from him."

"I'm your attorney. This—"

"Mr. Albright and Mr. Ivanov are here," my assistant interrupts. I look up. Peter steps into the room. He looks like he hasn't slept in days. His blue eyes are bloodshot. His hair is wet and there is a dried spot of blood on his cheek. It could be from shaving, but given the fact Sergey is standing behind him, nudging him to move forward, I highly doubt it.

"Kora. Good to see you again." Sergey towers over Peter. He cockily licks his lips while checking me out. His black T-shirt and jeans fit just right, hugging his muscles.

I pull my eyes away from his thigh, reprimanding myself for the memories of how it got me off during our kiss. I try to control my racing heartbeat and the heat rising through my body and up my cheeks.

"Sergey. Peter," I coolly reply. "Have a seat."

Great. Now Sergey gets to see me at my most masculine.

There goes any possibility of him wanting anything else to do with me.

Time to get over it. Aspen needs me.

Tone it down.

Peter sits between Sergey and me, focused on the table.

A few moments pass, and Aspen slams her hand on the table. She seethes, "Look at me."

That's my girl. About time you got pissed.Throughout her divorce, she kept calm and civil with Peter. I'm glad to see her finally showing some hostility toward him.

He's such a weasel.

Peter takes a nervous breath and slowly meets her eyes.

"How could you steal from me? And you took the only thing I have left of my mother's."

My gut drops.

He says nothing. His lips quiver.

"Answer me," Aspen demands.

"He took your mom's rings?" I ask in disgust.

Aspen glances at me and nods. "And my laptop and a box of new checks. The ones with only my name on them."

Oh, now you're going to pay, Peter.I rip up the agreement I planned on having Aspen sign.

"What are you doing?" Aspen asks.

"I'll be back in a moment." I rise.


"I will be right back." I leave the room. My pulse is beating in my neck like a jackhammer. All Peter has ever done is take from Aspen. She's supported him since she was eighteen, and now he stole the only material possession she cares about.

I bet it's not even worth more than a few hundred dollars.

My paralegal types all my documents. I don't even talk to her about this one. I storm into my office, rage consuming me, and type quickly. I instruct three of my staff members, "Follow me. I need witnesses."

I return to the conference room with them, sit, and spin in my chair toward Peter. I try to ignore Sergey's eyes and twitching lips when I cross my legs.

I put a piece of paper and a pen in front of Peter, set my phone on the table so it faces him, and hit the button. "You are being recorded. Please state you agree to be on video."

Peter furrows his eyebrows.

Sergey gets another cocky expression on his face and states, "I agree. Don't you, Peter?"

I'm sure the Ivanov brothers are coercing Peter. I'm not stupid. However, my only concern is I cover Aspen's ass. Peter deserves whatever the Ivanovs want to dish out, plus some.

Peter reluctantly states, "Yes."

"Please state your name," I instruct.

Sergey's jaw twitches.

Great. I've gone all alpha, and he's front and center to see it.

"Peter Albright."

"And do you admit you broke into your ex-wife's home on..." I look to Aspen for the date.

She replies, "Saturday."

"This past Saturday and stole Aspen Albright's property? The contents were her deceased mother's wedding rings, laptop, and a box of checks for her personal bank account. An account you are not on? Is this correct?"

Peter's face reddens, and his jaw clenches.

I sternly demand, "Please answer the question, Peter."

"Yes," he admits.

I nod. "And you agree to sign this form, giving up all rights to any alimony payments from your ex-wife in exchange for Aspen not pressing charges?"

His hand trembles. He stares at the form and clenches his fist.

Yep, you're not here on your own accord.

Serves you right.

I may be an attorney and took an oath to uphold the law, but I still grew up on the south side of Chicago. As my sister says, "You can take the girl out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the girl." There are times I find it appropriate to claim ignorance or look the other way. Anytime you try to hurt one of my friends is one of them.

"Answer the question. Yes, you agree? Or no, you do not agree?" I bark.

He clears his throat. "I agree."

"Please sign the form."

He closes his eyes, squeezing them, but then picks up the pen and quickly signs.

I point. "Please date it as well."

He obeys and puts the pen down.

I slide the paper to Aspen. "Please sign you agree to these conditions."

She doesn't read it, signs, dates, and shoves it back to me while glaring at Peter.

I rise and take it to my coworkers. "Please sign as witnesses." I address my assistant, "Please notarize."

They sign and notarize, and I motion for them to leave the room. Once they are gone, and the door is shut, I turn off the video and glare at Peter. "You've always been a mooching piece of shit. I never thought you'd do something so hurtful to the only woman who's ever supported you no matter how awful you treated her. I hope you rot in hell."

Peter scowls at me, his eyes in flames. "Shut the f—"

Sergey's hand flies to his throat. He squeezes it until Peter is red and choking. Sergey leans into Peter's ear. In a low, controlled voice, he says, "You need to learn your manners in front of ladies. When I remove my hand, you're going to apologize. And if it isn't sincere, my hand isn't going to be any nicer the second time around." He releases him.

Holy hotness.

I think I need a new pair of panties.

Peter holds his throat. His eyes are wet.

"Now," Maksim growls.

Peter looks at me. "I'm sorry."

I shake my head. What a pathetic loser.

"Are we done here?" Aspen asks.

I smile at her. "Yes."

She returns the gesture. "Thank you."

I wink.

She rises and puts her hands on the table. "You were only shown mercy today because of me. I will never require it again. If you attempt to contact me, or steal from me, or break the terms you agreed to with the Ivanovs, I will lift any protection I have given you. Don't forget it."


"No. Don't you speak to me. We're done." She hugs me. "Thank you." She spins to Maksim. "Ready?"

His lips twitch. He dips down and kisses her. I'm happy for my friend, but I get uncomfortable. Maksim holds her possessively, as if she's his everything, and all I can think about is how Sergey took control of my body during our kiss. I avoid looking at him but then get sucked back into Maksim and Aspen's hot mouths all over each other.

What is with these Ivanovs? Are they all alpha, possessive studs?

Maksim keeps his lips near her but says loud enough for us to hear, "You sure you don't want my brother to give him what he deserves? Hmmm?"

Against my will, I lock eyes with Sergey. They are cold and hopeful. I realize he wants Aspen to permit him to hurt Peter. He also doesn't seem to care about hiding from me what he's capable of.

Because he isn't interested. He just saw me be my most aggressive. The part of me that isn't attractive to men.

Aspen glances at Peter then back at Maksim. "No. Your brother has better things to do with his time today than stew with trash. Let's go."

Maksim grunts, puts his hand on her ass, and leads her out the door.

Sergey rises and yanks Peter out of his chair. He scowls. "Let's go."

I rise, dying for Sergey to give me any indication he may still be interested in me.

His arrogant expression fills his face. He nods at me. "Good to see you again, Kora. Have a nice day."

"You, too." If I didn't put the nail in the coffin, what I can't stop from coming out of my mouth next, surely does. "Peter, I hope you burn in hell and burn some more."

Peter scowls. Sergey raises his eyebrows then says nothing and leaves.

I sit back down and put my hands over my face. Out of all the meetings I could have had, why did Sergey have to come to this one?