Trained By Daddy by Ava Sinclair

Chapter Ten


“Hey,I need you to move Lila Corbett’s session to the end of the day.”

“Is she even on the schedule?” Melanie peers at the screen.

“No. I usually put her on, but she canceled yesterday at the last minute and I forgot to add her for today.”

Melanie sighs as she enters Lila’s name. “I’m really kind of surprised that she stuck with it at all. She didn’t seem the type who would.”

“Well, she is the type,” I say. “In fact, the reason I want her on the schedule last today is because we have a date tonight.”

Melanie looks up at me and giggles. “Yeah, right.” She rolls her eyes shakes her head. “You’re such a cut-up.”

“Melanie, I’m not a cut-up. And I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t insult a client, especially who’s become personally special to me.”

She looks up at me, the shock apparent. “Hey, look Gabe. I’m sorry. I mean, she’s pretty. She’s just…well, with all the girls here drooling over you I never thought you’d pick someone who wasn’t…perfect.”

“Maybe we have different ideas of perfection.” I open a box of pamphlets sitting on the counter and begin putting them in the holders. “The only reason I’m telling you is because I’m sure word will get out sooner than later. You know how I feel about speculation and gossip. So, if anyone says anything, you can just tell them that yes, Lila and I are a couple now.”

“Yeah, okay.”

“Thanks.” I give her a nod and head back to the office to start my day.

I’m not naïve. I fully expect there will be gossip regardless but I want my employees to be aware that I won’t tolerate the kind of mean-spirited assumptions Melanie apparently harbors. There’s room in the gym for all body types. There’s room in my bed for only one, and I can’t wait until she walks through the door.

Fortunately, most of my day is consumed with paperwork, so if the gossip mill is already starting, then at least I won’t have to listen to it. The same publicity drive that brought Lila to the gym has resulted in a flood of new memberships, enough that I’m having to purchase additional equipment. I spend part of my morning comparing prices on bikes and rowing machines and haggling with a fitness company to get a better deal on two squat racks for the weight room.

After lunch I check on a delivery of supplements and remind Melanie and Cal, another trainer, to push the special discount we’re offering on our most popular brand.

I have two private training clients in the afternoon, a young man preparing for an Ironman triathlon and a 71-year-old retired female lawyer who comes in three times a week just to keep in shape. Ida is one of my favorites. Occasionally she asks me if I have a girlfriend yet. Today when she asks, I tell her I do.

“You’ve gone and broken my heart,” she says with a wink.

“I couldn’t have kept up with you anyway, Ida,” I reply.

She turns serious. “I’m happy for you. I thought for the longest time you might be gay. I came really close to asking if you’d like to meet my godson.”

I chuckle. “No. Just picky. I sowed enough wild oats and decided to hold out for someone just right.”

“Well, I’m glad you found her. You tell her to treat you good or I’ll give her what for.”

I promise Ida that she’ll be the first to know if there’s trouble in paradise, but I can’t see beyond the paradise I’m already imagining with Lila. Pretty, soft Lila with her big innocent eyes and sweet vulnerability that makes me want to protect her. She’s just what I’m looking for, and when the time comes for her to arrive, I head to the workout room, eager to continue her physical training. She’s getting stronger, and strength is a bit confidence builder.

I have so much planned for her, starting with tonight.