Running From An Alpha by Rachel Starkie


Chapter 11

A growling belly pulled Zoya from the fast shower. Taking only enough time to get the debris off but not truly enjoy it. That would come, but only after a snack and a nap. She slapped together and devoured her sandwich, headed toward the couch. Running while fun was still exercise and thereby exhausting. Between the hard run and the crusty sandwich, it was time for that nap.

The sleep was deep, and for the first time in nearly a year, peaceful. Being here amongst those she knew would protect her eased her worried mind. Rolling to her back, she stretched and felt her belly growl again. Seemed knowing there was plenty of food had her wanting to take full advantage. Typically it was eat to survive, not to enjoy.

She sniffed the air. Something smelled terrific. She tracked the smell to the door leading to the other house. She wanted to knock, but she then saw that she still had mud under her nails. Back to the shower, she would go. Though the garden tub seemed to call her name too.

A second shower, it was not a typical luxury for her. A shower and a tub, now there was living. Finally cleaned, she rifled through her bag and found the last bit of clean clothing. Loose pants and a big old shirt that once belonged to her dad. She only had a few bits of clothing that she kept when she ran. This shirt was one. It always made it into the bugout bag. Sure, she bought good clothes when she settled places, but they were bulky and always left behind.

She had to hand wash these clothes, so they were getting more and more threadbare. She would have to talk to Maisy to see if she could borrow or pay another for replacements.

Zoya spied a bit of bright yellow on the ground by the door that connected the kitchens. Picking it up, she found it to be a note from Dale.


Come over, we have yummy food and good drinks, and stuff and fun and laughs come! Come!

Love Dale

With a little smile and the want for some real company, she lurched open the door excitedly. The smells of the meal making her belly growl and her mouth water. Though sadly, she found the kitchen rather empty of people. With a frown, she looked around, and then she heard the yelling and cursing.

Following the sound, she covered her mouth to stifle a laugh.

“Give it back ya runt,” Sean snarled as Dale tossed the television remote in the air, only to pounce Sean’s head so he could land opposite him to catch it.

“No chance, blockhead,” Dale shot back as Sean dived for him.

Dale just jumped over him, again laughing, but Sean had clearly had enough, caught him, and tossed him to the floor. Dale yelped and whimpered, but before Zoya could move, he was back up and dancing around again.

“Damn it, why did you have to take after mum?” Sean bemoaned yet smiled.

Zoya stopped intervening because she recalled that while the rest of them could heal quickly, Dale seemed to have it in spades. So much so that even a broken limb wouldn’t slow him down for more than an hour or so. Meaning that no matter how rough the play was, he shook it off and kept going.

Zoya smirked and backed up, her eyes sailing toward the kitchen. If they were too busy, she would just help herself. They had invited her after all. She would eat by herself. It wouldn’t be the first time. Licking her lips, she reached for the pot, only to yelp as her hand was smacked.

She jumped back, growling at Dale, who was wiggling a finger at her. “Oh no, you don’t, you have to wait,” he scowled, and she pouted as her tummy growled its own unhappiness.

“How did you even know?” She whined.

Dale winked, “I know you. I knew the moment you came in.” He went about checking the food, and Zoya headed back to the living room, where Sean was glaring at the top of a cupboard.

“What are you doing?” Her head tilted to the side.

Sean growled, “The runt threw the remote up there!” He pointed.

Zoya could see the remote, and with a smirk, walked over.

That was until she saw the tv, “Oh hell no. We are not watching this bullshit,” she snapped and heard Dale curse because, unlike Sean, who would not be able to get the remote without wrecking the cupboard, she could easily climb… Sean.

“Love, I don’t like this,” Sean growled as her bare foot smooshed down his cheek, making him slam his back into the cupboard.

“Do you want to watch this music bull?” She huffed. When he growled, she pressed on his head, slipping slightly, her crotch slapping him in the face, making him growl a bit differently.

She cleared her throat, feeling his heated breath as he muttered.“The things I do for my mate.”

She straightened, grabbed the remote, then hopped down, then looked at it, then him. They both knew he was not about to get the remote. Her eyes went wide when Sean dived for her. With a playful squeal, she raced away and turned the channel to some stand-up comedy. Sean stared at the tv, clearly trying to work out if chasing her now was worth it. Finally, he sighed and gave in, collapsing on the couch.

“At least this is mildly entertaining.,” he muttered.

Zoya smiled and, rather than run off, plopped down into an armchair hugging her legs to her chest.

Sean's phone went off, and she held her breath as he put a finger to his lips.

She tuned into the conversation as he answered the phone. “Hello?”

“Now, now, Sean, you have been a naughty, naughty boy.” Zoya felt herself shaking when she heard Morgan’s insipid voice. She didn’t know if the intense feelings were fear or rage but settled on a heavy mix. “You will be punished. I know you have my woman, and you will bring her home Now!”

Zoya sighed. This was it. It was all over now. Sean would never, could never refuse a direct order. She could feel the tears of rage welling up, but Sean appeared to be smirking.

Sean clicked his tongue and sighed down the line. “Well, I’d like to say I’d love to, but that would be a downright lie. Besides, Morgan, I don’t have your woman. I have my mate, and I do not plan on giving her up. I also will not come anywhere near you at risk of you putting me back under your control. Oh, I also sent texts to all my more loyal Gamma packmates. You will find a lot of wolves leaving soon. Maybe they will stage a coupe, and you may need to pack a bag.” Sean and even Zoya could hear the muttered rage growing on Morgan's line.

“It’s amazing what the word of an Alpha will do when telling people about a deranged leader and drugged tea. Bye-bye, now.”


Morgan roared as he jumped up, throwing yet another phone. “How dare he!” The growl was murderous. “Who does he think he is?” Morgan began to mutter, snarl and pace. “I am King Alpha. I am the one that says what to do. He’s got to go. That is all there is to it.” His mind churned. “They are at that bloody dragon-nest-thing.” His second watched as he seemed to be unraveling.

Morgan smirked, then licked his lips. Looking out the window over the pack, he could see the dwindling numbers. That fuck Sean had done as promised, and they were depleted. Morgan would have to pull some strings, but he would get to them. It was time he showed that Omega bitch and her shitbrick, just who they were dealing with.

While most inconvenient, he would have to leave. The remainder of the pack would stay loyal to him, of that he was sure. Those that took off didn’t matter. To Morgan, they were all weak and held him back. Those rest would do as they were told.

Morgan turned to his second, who would not have been able to deny that Morgan was indeed batshit crazy if he were not so heavily dosed.

“Number two, get me a new phone. I need to call the council,” he roared, and his second was up and raced away to do just that. Morgan looked out the window. He would have to call those he had on retainer from the council. Jeff, who represented the Tiger’s voice, he would get it in motion. Calling Becky, who spoke for the Witches and their ilk, then Scott was the mouthpiece of the hares and rabbits.

Morgan had been slowly getting meetings and serving his tea. So far, only these three had gone for it. While three was not the majority, hell, it was not even half. It was a start.

“Alpha?” The dull, dead voice of his second made him turn from his thoughts. Snatching the phone, he made his call.

“Jeff, I need you and the others here. Bring any council members you think will follow me. When you get here, I need to go after my wayward bitch, but she is hiding in a dragon den,” Morgan gruffed.

Jeff stuttered through that he knew a guy or two then hung up. Morgan knew this would take a bit of planning, but he was up for the challenge.

The dragons were just overgrown lizards. Their time was over. What could they do to one as great as he? He would make them bow before him and punish all those who stood in his way.

Smirking, he headed toward his private rooms. Shutting the door, he glared at the female he had left naked and bloody in the corner. She was an Omega. He had spent considerable time finding the ones that looked like Zoya. They were not perfect, but when he had his fun, the rivers ran just the same.

“Leave. I am done with you.” He waved a hand. Her fear kept her in the room, but she did not hesitate to run now that she had been released. Morgan shook his head, they all broke far too easily, but he was sure Zora- or the real Zoya, would give him a good fight before she fell in line. He would use her until he was done, then put her to work for the pack.