Running From An Alpha by Rachel Starkie


Chapter 12

Sean let the phone drop as he sighed. That had been a lot harder than he let it appear, but it also felt right. His wolf was proud, and he could hold his head high. He found Zoya in front of him as he looked up, and her kiss on his head left him groaning.

“Lower…Lower,” he chanted softly.

With a quiet laugh, she dismissed him, tapping his nose. “We’re not there yet, but at least now I trust you a touch.”

Even as she pulled away, the idea that she was starting to trust him made his heart hurt less.

Dale popped in his head, “Food?” he called, then quickly disappeared. A smirk crossed Zoya’s face as she darted from the room with Sean fast behind her.

The pair raced toward the dining area, and Zoya, in her innate need to win, slammed into her chair so fast and so hard it nearly toppled over, but Dale caught the chair.

“Really, Zoya?” Dale chuckled as she shrugged innocently.

“Your food is just that good,” she smirked, and Sean nodded. She was right.

Dale set the food out as Sean started the conversation. “I have been thinking,” all eyes landed on him. “What if we formed a new pack—just us—I don’t want to lead a big pack.”

Zoya hummed softly, “I don’t know. That seems to leave us open to attack. Hell being a lone wolf was hard, but a pack of three would not work. There are just too many angles that would need to be handled.” She quirks her brow.

Sean sighed heavily.

“What if we open it to all paranormals?” Dale asked, and they blinked at him, “What I mean is what if we make like a safe place for people who are being abused, used, or just are unhappy with their own?”

Zoya grinned at them.

“That is actually a great idea. It can be like a sanctuary. The council might even fund or give us resources to keep us safe.” She bounced in her seat.

Dale smiled with triumph.

Sean puzzled over it. “When you say all paranormals?”

Dale nodded, “Yes, there have to be others who have been left behind or are in unsafe areas. Let us make a home for those that need one. Except with like background checks and shit to make sure we don’t have criminals and maniacal nutters.”

“That can be your job,” Zoya chuckled, biting her lip. “Sean can lead and train any who wish for it. I—“ She stopped. What the hell can I do? I’m a fighter. I would rather punch than give a hug. I’m not a motherly type. Could I really take care of others?

“You would be the Alphina,” Sean broke her internal rant and, seeing the stress on her brow, continued. “You are the mate of the Alpha, which no matter your rank of birth, will make you the Alphina. You will work with me to keep everything running, keep people in line.”

“You can help the women and children. They will more likely talk to a female with your Omega aura. You will be able to keep them calm. With your healing magic, you will make others feel safer. Protected from harm. You are strong, powerful, and smart.” He trailed off, seeing her blush.

Bang! Bang, bang!

The sound filtered through Zoya’s place to theirs. Sean and Dale watched as she got up headed for their front door.

“Hey! Over here!” She called, opening the door to see Stefan glaring at her own.

Stefan shook his head, walking toward her. “So this is why you are not answering. I was worried…what is that smell?” He hawked, looking inside the house, the aroma of their meal reaching him.

Zoya’s lip twisted as she opened the door further. “Want to come in?”

“Oh, I couldn’t.” He mumbled, sliding past her, then followed her to the other two. Finding that Dale had already prepared him a plate.

“Hmm, why are you not my mate, Dale? You would be perfect,” Stefan teased

Dale rolled his eyes. “That's what everyone says. You will have to fuck me to find out.” He winked as Stefan laughed, taking the first bite.

Zoya shook her head as he moaned around the fork in his mouth. “That’s just us, Dale.”

Dale’s face twisted into a pout.

“Yeah, you Omegas really do get the short end of it, don’t you?” Stefan said off-handed as he wiped his mouth. “Anyway, I needed to speak with you, Zoya.”

She looked at him over her forkful, paused, then, taking her bite, waved her hand for him to go on.

“Mother called me. She wants to know what you plan to do. Do you wish to join a pack? Stay with the dragons or be a lone wolf?” He watched as she seemed to ignore the questions for the meal. With a bemused sigh, he tried to clarify. “Mother and Maisy, just wish to know. If you want a new pack, they can make sure to find a safe one, as they deal with the council to sort your old pack.”

“We have another idea,” Sean smiled, prompting Stefan to acknowledge him.

Sean rubbed his head nervously. He was never the one that had to put forth ideas. He may have been an Alpha but had never had to actually do more than follow orders. “We are thinking of opening a sanctuary of sorts—for all paranormals.” Stefan quirked a brow, making Sean feel even more out of sorts. “A-A place where we can be safe and free, but with like Dale said—protocols put in place to weed out trouble makers and criminals looking to do more harm.”

Stefan looked to Dale, “It would work well. Especially if we can get the council on board. Get them to help keep it a safe haven.” Dale's excitement showed in his bouncy behavior. “Do you think the dragons could help? It would give us a better foot, show that we are supported by a greater cause, so no one would dare cross us or hurt us anymore.”

The brothers continued to banter with ideas, talking about different habitats, buildings, and dwellings. Stefan observed that Zoya stayed silent, with the food on her plate dwindling.

“That is an amazing idea. I am sure mother would be happy to donate land to help your cause. As would Maisy. There is a considerable bit that sits between our borders that could be offered. Perhaps even Niall could be persuaded.”

Zoya and the brothers looked at him in question. “Right, not dragons….” Stefan reminded himself. “Niall is the new leader of the Waterlight Den. Their land though mostly underwater, does touch ours. If he agrees, that would mean you can have some space for water beings. Bogs, marshes, and rivers all going out to sea.”

Dale’s face lit up as he nodded. “Yes—yes! Exactly.” He stood pacing, the ideas pouring out of him.

Zoya chuckled at his excitement. It was as if his dreams were manifesting. With her plate now cleaned and the conversation containing new subjects, Zoya added her thoughts. “Dale, easy. That would be a big help. Still, we need the council to agree first and need enforcers to ensure peace and safety.”

“Enforcers?” Stefan shook his head.

“Absolutely, we are talking about taking in the abused, mistreated, or otherwise running. Who knows who may be coming up behind. We need to make sure we can protect people. That’s the point of a sanctuary. To help and improve lives, not make them harder. If I hadn’t come up the mountain, I would have been totally screwed. But first—” She swiped a bit of bread from Dale, “we need to get Morgan off our backs.” They looked at her in shock as she shoved the bun in her mouth.